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Act re: election of five commissioners to negotiate Indian treaties
Thomson, Charles, 1729-1824
Elected commissioners are George Rogers Clarke, Oliver Wolcott, Nathaniel [sic] Greene, Richard Butler, and Stephen Higgenson.
William T. Sherman
Sarony, Napoleon, 1821-1896
Half length seated cabinet card portrait, in uniform, with arms crossed. Imprint of Sarony, New York, on recto.
Carte de visite of Ulysses S. Grant
1865 ca.
Barr & Young (photographer)
Signed in ink on recto. Imprint of Barr and Young, Army Photographers, Vicksburg, Miss., on verso.
Carte de visite of Ambrose Everett Burnside
Black, J.W., 1825-1896
Three quarter length standing carte de visite portrait, in uniform. Signed in ink on recto. Imprint of J.W. Black, Boston, on verso.
Irwin McDowell
Brady, Mathew B., 1823-1896
Half length seated carte de visite portrait Irwin McDowell, in uniform. Imprint of E. & H.T. Anthony, New York. Published from a negative in Brady's National Portrait Gallery.
to Jefferson Davis re: payment of interest due to Choctaw tribe by Virginia
Seddon, James A. (James Alexander), 1815-1880
Framed bust portrait, in uniform
Sherman, William T. (William Tecumseh), 1820-1891
to Thomas C. Reynolds re: predicting victory
Smith, Edmund Kirby, 1824-1893
Albumen photograph of Union general Henry Chapman and staff
22 June 1867
With tax stamp. Includes oval bust portrait of George M. Gilchrist.
[Carte de visite of J.A. Pratt]
1864 ca.
Warren, Henry F., fl. 1860-1865
Pratt was a sergeant in the 54th Mass. Black Regiment. Three quarter length seated carte de visite portrait, in uniform. Imprint of H.F. Warren, Waltham, Mass., on verso.
Rep. of Texas passport to the U.S. issued to Robert A. Irion
Houston, Sam, 1793-1863
Page of notes, probably for a speech: "Cast down your bucket where you are..."
1895 ca.
Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915
Authority to affix the seal to treaty with Miami Indians of Indiana
Pierce, Franklin, 1804-1869
Circular letter re: eliminating electioneering by civil servants
Hayes, Rutherford B., 1822-1893
to James Hillhouse re: notifying Senators of special session
Adams, John, 1735-1826
to Representatives re: reply to representatives of Michigan Territory
Madison, James, 1751-1836
The Finding of Moses
Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895
Signed by Frederick Douglass.
to John Q. Adams re: thanks for Fourth of July oration
Collection of 47 images of Grant [decimalized]
Grant, Ulysses S. (Ulysses Simpson), 1822-1885
Collection of World War I correspondence [decimalized .01-.107]
to Robert G. Harper re: court in Charleston
Butler, Pierce, 1744-1822
to Patrick Henry re: envoy to Madrid
Randolph, Edmund, 1753-1813
March 25, 1862
Photograph taken as Major General. Unknown imprint on verso.
to Matilda Mason
Lee, Robert E., 1807-1870
to his mother re: his position in the oil business
Getty, John Paul, 1892-1976
to The State and County Chairmen of the National Progressive Party
July 30, 1912
Roosevelt, Theodore, 1858-1919
One letter from Theodore Roosevelt to The State and County Chairmen of the National Progressive Party date July 30, 1912. The letter is regarding woman's suffrage, with many handwritten corrections and notations.
to M.E. Ingalls re: stock in railroad companies and developing western land
Huntington, Collis P., fl. 1880
to M.E. Ingalls re: reorganizing company, increasing stock value
to Robert P. Kennedy re: possible presidential candidacy
The Tea Tax Tempest... no. 227
Humphreys, W., fl. 1783
An abstract of the evidence delivered before a select committee of the House...
to Gov. [?] re: Alabama's secession
Thom, R.T., fl. 1861
Memoir of John A. Dahlgren
Dahlgren, John Adolphus Bernard, 1809-1870
Lear family archive of 6 items during service as US Consul in Algiers [Decimalized .01- .06]
Lear, Tobias, 1762-1816
A View of Tripoli in Barbary
Krafft, C., fl. 1804
Necessity of an Equal Currency for All America
1766/03/31-04/05 ca.
Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790
An Essay on the Slavery and Commerce of the Human Species.../by Thomas Clarkson
Clarkson, Thomas, 1760-1846
Copy is signed by John Hancock.
to Jeremiah Goodman re: marriage among his slaves
Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826
Written in Monticello
to Henry A.S. Dearborn re: ordering marble capitals for University of Virginia
Return of the whole number of persons... [census report]
to Daniel T. Patterson
Jackson, Andrew, 1767-1845
Written at Fort St. Marks
The Virginia Cession of Territory Northwest of the Ohio
to Ebenezer Hazard re: transmitting Virginia Cession
re: proposal for printing his collection of papers
Subscription solicitation to Jeremiah Wadsworth for "State Papers;" with reply
Hazard, Ebenezer, fl. 1790-1795
to Ebenezer Hazard re: sending list of subscribers to "State Papers"
Gaine, Hugh, fl. 1791
Contract for printing of "State Papers..."
Receipt to Ebenezer Hazard for copy of "State Papers"
Taylor, George, fl. 1756-1792
to Benjamin Rush re: Rush's son, "Philosophy of Jesus"
to Henry Knox
22 October 1781
Teissedre de Fleury, Francois Louis, 1749-?
Has heard Knox has replaced ordnance lost or damaged during the siege of Yorktown by the Regiment of Bourbons and inquires if the same can be done for the Régiment de Saintonge. Also requests flags for marching. A note on the back requests...
24 December 1781
Freeman, James, fl. 1781-1783
Mentions he is aware that Congress has decided to "make good the depreciation of pay, to such officers as have not been under the patronage of any particular State, and have diverted the auditors to Liquidate their accounts, and give them a...
17 November 1782
Eustis, William, 1753-1825
Written from "Hospital Huts." Writes, "I have examined Jedediah Norton a soldier in Colo. [John] Lamb's Regiment and find him ruptured which disqualifies him for field duty; but as the complaint existed previous to his inlistment, there is every...
to George Fleming
March 23, 1783
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Discusses orders for Captain Fleming for posts at Verplanck's Point and Kings Ferry. Wishes Fleming to replace Captain Fenno, take stock of all of the ordnance and stores, and take their posts a half hour before daylight. States that "[a]lthough...
March 29, 1783
Fleming, George, 1748-1822
Informs Knox that he has now taken command of the posts from Captain [Ephraim] Fenno. Describes the condition of the arms, stores, guns and gunpowder in the magazine there. Notes that a number of the paper cartridges have been damaged and the...
March 30, 1783
Replying to an earlier letter from Captain George Fleming (see GLC02437.02040) about the bad condition of Kings Ferry's magazine. Asks Fleming to improve the state of the magazine if possible, and if not, remove the stored gunpowder and stores to...
to Mrs. Flucker
24 November 1783
Writes to a relative of his wife Lucy (possibly Sarah Lyons Flucker Beaumez) and tells her that Lucy and the children are all well. Discusses some of their plans for the coming year and wishes that Mrs. Flucker will write back.
to Sarah Lyons Flucker
February 12, 1784
Informs Flucker, possibly Sarah Lyons Flucker, of the well-being of Lucy and the Knox children (the Fluckers were Loyalists and left America at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War). Expresses his wish for a reunion between Lucy and her family....
to Thomas Flucker
10 April 1784
Responds to a letter from Flucker in which Flucker expressed his desire to settle the terms of his deceased father's estate. Informs Flucker that in 1778 the Commonwealth (of Massachusetts) passed a law seizing properties without a formal trial. The...
17 July 1784
Flucker, Thomas, 1719-1783
Responds to a letter from Knox (GLC02437.02992) discussing the Waldo Estate, Flucker's inheritance. Instructs Knox to sell the portion that was not seized during the war as soon as possible. Notes that his Uncle Waldo recently died, bequeathing his...
[Letters to Captain Thomas and Mrs. Flucker]
3 August 1784
Consists of two letters, both written by Knox at Dorchester, a neighborhood of Boston, 3 August 1784. The first letter is from Knox to Mrs. Flucker and consists of pages one and two. Discusses matters pertaining to the Waldo estate (Waldo was...
19 September 1784
Knox's brother-in-law discusses the details of his inherited lands in America: "Your Ideas respecting what shou'd be done with my mothers property will have the greatest weight..." Sends his love to Lucy, Knox's wife.
25 September 1784
Flucker, Hannah, 1726-1785
Knox's mother-in-law thanks Knox for his efforts to "secure as much as possible of my late Husband's Estate for the benefit of my family." Discusses details of the estate, land situated in the United States. Reports on her own happiness, living...
February 3, 1785
Supports the establishment of an association based on military service, writing "In short there arise so many sources of mutual benefit in an association that I hope for it earnestly." Further details his interest in creating such an association: "...
4 November 1786
Flucker, Presence, fl. 1786
Docket reads, "from [sic, about] a negro woman formerly belonging to Mr Flucker." Writes that she heard from a Miss Cummings that Knox offered to receive her into his home as a cook or some other kind of servant upon the death of the Fluckers "as an...
to William Eustis
13 April 1788
Replies to Eustis, Vice President of the Massachusetts Society of the Cincinnati. Eustis had previously written regarding Knox's appointment by the State Society of Massachusetts to attend the general meeting, scheduled for May in Philadelphia....
20 April 1788
Signed "H.K." Replies to a letter from Eustis pertaining to two sons of the "late amiable and gallant Genl [Joseph] Warren," noting he will attempt to persuade some of the members of Congress to extend the public bounty to Warren's youngest son.
15 May 1788
Wishes he could give her "a precise idea of the estate, of our late mother in this Country [Hannah Waldo Flucker] one half of which belongs to your children." Notes that the land is not yet divided and its boundaries have to be verified by the state...
1 July 1788
Beaumez, Sarah Lyons Flucker, fl. 1784-1801
Thanks Knox for previous correspondence, and for being the caretaker of her children while they are in America. Discusses land in American inherited from her parents, Hannah and Thomas Flucker. Remarks that a great part of money from the...
to Constant Freeman
15 July 1789
Apologizes for not responding sooner to Freeman's most recent letter. Discusses the possibilities of civil employment for Freeman and comments on the amount of time it may take for Congress to make the necessary preparations.
to Thomas FitzSimons
23 July 1789
Writes that he received Mr. FitzSimons's letter regarding employment for Mr. Hall (see GLC02437.04297). Regrets to inform him that there are no vacancies in his office, so he cannot offer Mr. Hall a job, even though he would like to help Mr. Hall...
20 October 1789
Discusses the payment of the pensions to the invalid regiments. Congress considered holding further investigations, but decided against it, as they "were of opinion that it would have a very improper affect to subject the invalids to any further...
13 November 1789
Discusses a gentleman from Boston who is attempting to obtain the position of commissary of pensioners. Asks whether the appointment to that post is granted from the state or the Continent. Relates a request from the Marquis La Gallissonnière...
13 December 1789
Relates that he delayed responding to Eustis's previous correspondence in hopes that Congress would decide upon an arrangement for paying the invalids (refer to GLC02437.04414 and GLC02437.04386). If someone is specially appointed to the post of...
January 23, 1790
Discusses pensioners of the Revolution, especially the fact that he feels that "this State has judged her citizens so grudgingly & so exclusively that she has not her just number & those who are pensioned do not receive enough." Also states that...
6 March 1790
Discusses the pensioners and mentions: " is evident there are about one fifth of the pensioners of this Common Wealth who can receive no benefit from the years pay granted by Congress - their names are by some means not included in the return &...
10 March 1790
Flint, Royal, 1754-1797
Says that [Jeremiah] Wadsworth informed Flint that Knox wished to erase his endorsement from a previous note given by William Duer. Encloses the note so that Knox can erase his name, and asks him to return it when he is finished. Docket states that...
16 May 1790
Freeman, Constant, 1757-1824
Discusses the excess amount of officers in the military, which means that many who hope for jobs with the new government will be disappointed. Remarks that he realizes that many men, especially on the frontiers, will be counting on Knox for...
13 September 1791
Has not been able to come up with a surgeon to recommend for the 2nd regiment, as Knox requested. Relates that he heard that a Dr. Hewins of Stoughton is the only person who expressed interest in the position. Claims "Young gentlemen, just emerged...
March 29, 1792
Has never written to Knox about their land speculation in Maine, as he relied on Mr. [William] Duer to relate his opinions to Knox. Is not sure if Duer and Knox remain close, so he will write to Knox directly. Tells Knox that General [Henry]...
5 April 1792
Writes to acquaint Knox with the measures he is taking respecting the purchase of lands in Maine. Discusses financial arrangements he has made with General [Henry] Jackson to compensate for the insolvency of their business associate Mr. [William]...
11 April 1792
Writes that he cannot answer all the questions Knox has posed to him, but he can assure Knox that he has not taken any measures which are against Knox's interest or wishes. Explains how Mr. [Henry] Jackson told him a purchase fell through right...
7 May 1792
Writes about his concerns over the Eastern Lands in Maine. Writes that he refrained from contacting Knox in the hopes of having more to report regarding the Eastern Lands in Maine, but everything is still unresolved. Has done nothing to interfere...
3 June 1792
Flucker, sister-in-law to Lucy Knox, writes about her children's health and well-being. Discusses the importance of good education and mentions that she plans to take her two sons, along with Mrs. Knox and her son, Henry, to look at a school. Hopes...
10 June 1792
Mentions the surprise of the arrival of her son Francis, and declares that it shocked her nerves and caused her to be unable to write to Knox. Thanks him for his friendship. Explains how Major [Samuel] Shaw helped escort her sons on board a ship...
23 August 1792
Thanks Knox for his friendship and care. States that her finances force her to move to a more inexpensive area, but wishes she could afford to continue living near the Knox family. Discusses her own family finances. Invites Knox and his family to...
to Royal Flint
16 September 1792
Forwards a letter for William Duer, regarding land in Massachusetts. Asks Flint to obtain an answer from Duer and to inform Knox himself of Duer's development. Also mentions the status of Madame de Leval's security and payments.
18 September 1792
Informs Knox that he has another daughter and that his wife Lucy is doing well. Writes that "the little Stranger is truly the largest - and finest Child I ever saw - and is already much endeared to us all and the alarm she occasioned last night -...
26 September 1792
Informs Knox that since Colonel Robert Troup was unable to make the trip to Albany, he made plans to go himself but has been delayed due to Judge [John] Jay's recent illness. Notes Judge Jay was in route to Virginia when he became ill and had to...
4 October 1792
Notes he has received Col. [Robert] Troup's and Mr. Lewis's letters'. Asks that he contacts and obtains an answer from [William] Duer to Knox's letters. Date previously inferred, written in red. State not listed, however, based on another letter...
21 October 1792
Thanks Knox for letting her know that his wife and children arrived in New York safely. Looks forward to hearing "of your arrival at Philadelphia - again in the full enjoyment of Domestick [sic] Bliss." Discusses the weather and her recent travel...
21 November 1792
Mentions the eastern lands and states that he assumes William Duer has written him about the negotiations. Is sorry Knox's agreement with Mr. Green did not go through yet. Believes that Congress should enact a bankruptcy law and attempts to persuade...
March 24, 1793
References receiving three letters from Flint, two since he was confined. Says the promised acres that were Flint's payment for his help in the purchase of the 2 million acres has been secured in the agreements and covenants with William Bingham....
27 April 1793
Has endeavored in vain to get William Bingham to change the bond into a note for Flint. Bingham would have been willing to accede to the request "had it been for your own [Flint's] accommodation but he knows to the contrary." Reports that Bingham...
4 January 1794
Later copy. Encloses estimates of expenses for building and equipping frigates (not included). First estimate was from 1790 and is the most perfect, although the wage rates were too low. The second estimate is accurate, but does not comprehend all...
to Peregrine Fitzhugh
January 25, 1794
References receiving news of his victory in Fitzhugh's lottery for 3,000 acres of land in Kentucky. Asks for a deed and maps. Notices there are two tracts with similar descriptions and asks for clarification. Letterpress copy.
17 June 1794
Discusses a prize of land for three [thousand] acres in Bourbon County, Kentucky. Requests the description and deeds to the land.
20 July 1794
Expresses her pleasure over their upcoming meeting. Mentions Thomas [Flucker?] has been in a great deal of pain from his accident (from falling into boiling water). Comments the wound proved far worst than everyone first thought. Notes he can now...
26 October 1794
Introduces Knox to gentleman from Livonia who is currently visiting the United States. Notes that a friend from England recommended the gentleman and Eustis was introduced to him in Boston, Massachusetts.
4 January 1795
Encloses a letter (not included) regarding the eastern lands. Says he believes the land could be sold to settlers from half a dollar to a dollar an acre. States Mr. Timothy Green can provide further information on the lands when he is in town...
February 12, 1795
Discusses the boundaries of the Waldo Patent. Signature is clipped.
Showing results 80,101 - 80,200