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to Thomas Randall [incomplete]
March 18, 1792
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Declares that Randall's notes will become due on 25 March. Asks about possible arrangements for making a payment on the notes.
to Henry Knox
Randall, Thomas, ?-1811
Received Knox's recent letter and went to visit Colonel [Benjamin] Walker immediately. Walker had also received a letter from Knox, and "concluded to pay his acceptances and draw on you at thirty days." Discusses how Mr. [William] Duer's financial...
Writes that he got Knox's letter, and that his finances are in order, so Knox does not need to worry about him if he does not get the discount. Randall will be able to pay him back either way. Explains briefly what income he will be receiving and...
22 April 1792
Writes to enclose several national bank notes. Lists each of the notes along with their values. Also enumerates the amount of money Knox owes on old accounts. Discusses the monies owed by a Mr. McConnell, and encloses an open letter to him (not...
to Thomas Randall
25 April 1792
Received his last letter, which included several bank notes. Discusses the bank notes as well as his financial plans with Randall. Considers their business arrangements with a Mr. McConnell. See GLC02437.05425 for Randall's letter, to which Knox...
27 April 1792
Provides a list of the bank notes he encloses (not present). Apologizes to him for sending Knox a bill at an inconvenient time. Discusses their business arrangements with Mr. Fullerton, Mr. McConnell, and Mr. Deblois.
30 April 1792
Writes that he received the bank notes that Randall sent, and lists their amounts. Discusses several business transactions.
3 May 1792
Writes to informed Randall that he has accepted his draft for 5000 dollars, and that he hopes Randall receives more money tomorrow.
14 June 1792
Forwards Knox two drafts of money, for $1750 each, and discusses endorsements as well as the transportation of a box for Knox's wife, Lucy. Adds that he expects Samuel Shaw to arrive in the evening. A note at the bottom of the page, written and...
to William Rawle
3 September 1792
Addresses unresolved questions regarding a land claim. Mentions correspondence with Nicholas Eveleigh.
11 October 1792
Notifies Knox he has reserved the best housing he could find for Knox's family during their visit to New York. Says he has sent Mr. Freeman to get money from Knox's account. Mentions that he is expecting Samuel Shaw to arrive later this month....
25 October 1792
Instructs Randall not to execute any of the bonds Knox previously mentioned without further instructions from Knox, and to keep this request secret. Asks Randall to deliver an enclosure (not included) to William Duer with his own hands.
28 October 1792
Received Knox's letter from 25 October (GLC02437.05668), and informs Knox that according to his instructions, he delivered a letter to William Duer. States, "I believe no deed of M Duer's can be valid while in confinement, or while any judgement...
7 January 1794
Makes reference to bonds coming due and expresses his need for the money. Fears his "affairs will prove Bankrupt in the Spring - and the sacrifices I shall be compelled to make in the Spring to answer demands against me, I fear will be attended with...
to Edmund Randolph
4 March 1794
Later copy of GLC02437.06056.
to unknown
25 July 1794
Reichel, Charles G., 1751-1825
Discusses a pupil's (Henry Jackson Knox, Henry Knox's son) academic failings. Writes, "I have great reason to fear, that the expectations, which his family and numerous friends have of him, will not be fulfilled; and that he will not give much...
5 January 1795
Discusses a business transactions involving himself, Knox, William Crammond, Captain Anthony and several others. Requests Knox pays the balance on his bond that totals $12,000. Includes a detailed entry of the debt owing and the interest accrued....
7 January 1795
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Thomas Randall, Mr. [William] Crammond, and Captain [Joseph?] Anthony. Expresses worry about repaying a debt for $12,000.
January 10, 1795
Informs Randall he needs to speak with Mr. [William] Crammond regarding the debt he owes. Discusses possible discounts and terms of payment on the debt.
January 12, 1795
Discusses Knox's debt and the consequences Randall will suffer if the debt is not paid. Expresses his disappointment in Knox for not making the payment to Mr. Crammond. Says he filed bankruptcy and was trying exonerate Knox from his securities...
January 13, 1795
Discusses a debt that involves Randall and Mr. [William] Crammond. Appears to describe the payment arrangement agreed upon by himself and Crammond and asks if is suits Randall.
January 14, 1795
Discusses a business transaction (likely a debt) involving himself, Thomas Randall, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Notes he is in the process of securing the payment on the demand. Appears to discuss possible discounts and notes his house was used as...
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Henry Knox, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Appears to express disappointment in a proposition that Crammond offered regarding Randall selling his tea to pay off creditors. Notes he would be better...
January 17, 1794
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, [Thomas] Randall, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Informs Randall he has made an arrangement satisfactory to [William] Crammond. Goes on to describe the payment arrangement that was agreed upon between...
January 19, 1794
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Henry Knox, [Joseph] Anthony, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Expresses his joy in hearing that Knox has settled his payment of $12,000 with Crammond. Continues to discuss the interest on the debt and...
to Edward Randolph
January 21, 1795
Appears to recommend a gentleman named John Higginson for a position. Discusses Higginson's background and notes Higginson has resided in Paris for the last five years. The addressee name was added later in pen. Date was taken from the docket which...
January 22, 1795
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Thomas Randall, [Joseph] Anthony, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Informs Randall he met with Crammond to arrange payment for $12,000 with the condition of Crammond releasing Knox's and Anthony's names...
January 24, 1795
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Henry Knox, [Joseph] Anthony, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Expresses his relief in Knox paying his bond. Notes he will not be able to sell his teas without putting them up for auction unless an...
January 29, 1795
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Thomas Randall, [Joseph] Anthony, George Bell, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Includes further correspondence concerning the debt owed by Knox to Randall, and Randall's debt to Mr. Crammond and his...
Informs Knox that the event he feared most has happened, he was "obliged to declare myself insolvent." He is now "obliged to keep myself to my room to avoid being arrested - " States he has Knox's bond and will hold it "sacredly in my possession to...
January 31, 1795
Replies to Randall's letter of 29 January 1795 (see GLC02437.06331). Discusses business related to Thomas Randall's debt problems. Letterpress copy. Water damaged.
February 3, 1795
States that Mr. Cramond is anxious to know if Randall gave Cramond's agent the teas he promised as a security. Heavily water stained. Letterpress copy.
February 4, 1795
Discusses the dire state of his finances and debts. Mentions Mr. Crammond, one of his creditors. States "my creditors have not yet met me and my situation is so intangled & complex that I fear it will end in my total ruin."
February 6, 1795
Asks Knox, when he passes through New York, to bring some business papers relating to Randall's deceased business partner. Discusses his dire financial situation.
14 March 1795
Asks Knox for the balance due on a bond and for some satin he sent to Mrs. [Lucy] Knox, as he is need of money at the moment. Notes the total amount due to him is $551. Says he would not be asking for the money if his situation was not so...
March 26, 1795
Discusses financial matters and mentions a bond.
March 31, 1795
Discusses financial matters relating to bank shares and the interest made from them.
18 April 1795
Ricketts, James, fl. 1795-1796
Asks Knox to welcome a young French gentleman, wishing to travel to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Noted as written in Elizabethtown, which is now Elizabeth, New Jersey.
6 May 1795
Expresses disappointment at not being able to see Knox and asks for a visit. Noted as written in Elizabethtown, which is now Elizabeth, New Jersey.
20 August 1798
Rice, N., fl. 1798
Discusses his thoughts on entering public service.
3 May 1799
Reed, Frederick, fl. 1799
Reed, seemingly a squatter on Knox's land, writes to Knox that he is "still alive and still in possession of the land at owls head." Reed is willing to pay Knox $2/acre except for land Reed claims "pedody payed for...years ago." He goes on to...
to Joshua Head
January 12,1800
Knox discusses his business dealings concerning John Amory and what they have agreed to do. Head will have to adjust some business in order to help facilitate this deal.
January 19, 1800
Knox goes over with Head the issue of the notes and mortgage that are in dispute between the two of them. Knox requests a visit from Read the following Wednesday. Mentions that John Amory is Read's counsel and William Sullivan is Knox's on this...
to John Richards
March 22, 1800
Knox congratulates John Richards on his recent marriage.
March 31, 1800
Richards, John, 1753-1822
John Richards thanks Knox for his warm wishes for a happy and long marriage. Richards would like to visit Knox, but comments on the treacherous road conditions that make travel from his home to Knox's very difficult. Mentions David Cobb sends his...
December 31, 1802
Reed, Josiah, fl. 1798-1805
Informs Knox he received his letter, a deed, and the weights and measures Knox sent him. Notes he will immediately inform the "Town."
to Bradshaw Hall
December 27, 1805
Unsigned, but handwriting suggests the author is Henry Knox. No addressee is listed, but likely is Bradshaw Hall, register of deeds for Castine, Maine (see GLC02437.07992 for Hall's response to this letter). Encloses deeds and powers of attorney...
February 8, 1806
Reid, George, fl. 1806
Place name is illegible. Writes apologetically that the people of his region would like Reid to be appointed as a Justice of the Peace. Wonders about the propriety of nominating himself.
to Thomas Rice
27 September 1784-4 October 1784
Contains two letters. In the first, of 27 September, Knox writes that he was unable to call upon Rice when Knox visited the "eastern country" recently. Writes that he is an agent of part of the Waldo patent, as he is executor for the recently...
21 September 1798
Regretfully informs Knox he is unable to accept Knox's invitation due to General [David?] Cobb's upcoming absence. Mentions Knox will likely see Cobb during his journey and can get information from this years proceedings from Cobb. Also updates Knox...
circa 1783-1795
Informs Randall there are no vacancies for a captain's position at the present time in the United States "Naval line" [likely referring to the Navy]. Suggests Randall pursues his commercial interests.
10 April 1784
Putnam, Rufus, 1738-1824
Relates that he will be unable to accompany Knox to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (possibly for the May meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati). Transmits a letter (not included) for Knox to pass on to George Washington, if Washington should attend...
23 December 1790
Procter, Thomas, 1739-1806
Proctor informs Secretary of War Knox that officers of the Philadelphia militia are eager to welcome President George Washington, as well as Knox himself, on New Year's Day.
16 July 1791
Passed along to Knox, some time ago, a letter from "a Gentleman resident on the borders of the Spanish Government." Reports that the man is the principal officer of a new settlement on the Mississippi River. Fears he transgressed "the Limits of...
to Rufus Putnam
5 October 1783
Writes to General Rufus Putnam about how the people feel in regards to the army and compensation. He hopes that it is satisfactory but events show otherwise. Many in Connecticut and the inland counties are unhappy. Feels that Connecticut shows...
January 21, 1783
Pollard, Solomon, fl. 1783
Requests Knox's assistance in obtaining a furlough in order to attend a court session in Concord, Massachusetts, since his reputation is at stake.
February 8, 1783
Prowd, Charles, fl. 1783
Written by Prowd, a former artificer for the Continental Army to Major General Knox. Says that Colonel Frothingham has his pay and would like Knox to help him get it. Says he needs it badly as he is sick. Says his wife is also ill. Reports that "I...
to John Popkin
29 May 1783
Discusses the payment of the noncommissioned officers and the resentment they feel regarding the equality of receiving pay, as well as giving directions on how to handle the disgruntled men. For related documents, see GLC02437.02219, .02220, .02226...
18 June 1783
Discusses the reduction of the army and the issue of opening up the Ohio valley to settlers.
2 July 1783
Written by Major General Knox to Lieutenant Colonel Popkin. References Popkin's letter of 19 June 1783. Says as the army is about to be disbanded the complainants "have been advised to another mode by the Judge advocate, you will consider the...
23 October 1783
Discusses his observations concerning the public view of commutation. States that there is still general prejudice against officers especially by "lower class of people" but that the prejudice is abating. Mentions a "Lake Erie Scheme," the prospect...
to William Price
4 January 1784
Orders Captain Price, commissary of military stores, to deliver supplies such as steel, wine, tin, flannel, leather, and blubber oil to Timothy Pickering, Quartermaster General.
6 January 1784
Knox writes to Price, newly appointed commissary of military stores at West Point. Gives Price instructions regarding his post, including the method by which he must orders stores and keep meticulous records. Price will take orders from Major...
[William Price's oath sworn to the United States]
1 January 1784
Price, William, ?-1790
Also signed by Major General Henry Knox. Price swears to serve the United States in the office of commissary of military stores (for West Point).
February 4, 1784
Captain Randall expresses his gratitude to Knox and his family: "To find an asylum that enabled me to recover my feelings in so distressed a situation, when the calumniating tongue of the world was endeavoring to ruin me forever, was a protection of...
to Mrs. Pynchon
February 21, 1784
Writes he has been informed that Mrs. Pynchon late husband had military stores such as wine, rice, and medicine for use of the Continental troops stationed at Springfield. Asks her to deliver the items to Major [Joseph] Williams, in charge of the...
to [William] Price
11 June 1784
Knox writes to Captain Price, apparently William Price, Deputy Commissary of Ordnance and Military Stores at West Point. Orders Price to make monthly returns and to issue only what the commanding officer, the War Office, or Congress orders.
December 26, 1784
Randall, who accompanied Samuel Shaw to China, thanks Knox for the "many civilities received in your family." Of Knox's family, writes "My heart retains so lively a sense of them, that no distance can ever efface it." Notes that Shaw, Knox's former...
14 March 1805
Porter, Benjamin J., fl. 1805-1821
Informs Knox that Mr. Harry, an attorney from Topsham (present-day Maine), requested a renewal of [Aleijah] Richardson's commission as justice of the peace for Lincoln County.
March 23, 1785
Pollard, Jonathan, fl. 1749-1786
Complains that his broken knee will prevent him from pursuing the trucking business. Requests an appointment to work under Knox, newly appointed Secretary at War.
3 August 1785
Poellnitz, Frederick Carl Hans Bruno, Baron von, 1734-1801
Writes to Knox to discuss a home in New York City, at Bow[er]y Lane, apparently owned by Baron Poellnitz, which Knox is occupying. Baron Poellnitz has received word from Mr. Steven Sayre that Knox is living there, and is pleased to hear that it has...
10 August 1785
Captain Thomas Randall writes to inform Knox that he has arrived in Baltimore after his trip to China with Samuel Shaw. Writes that "we stopped sometime at Batavia the capital of the Dutch settlements in the East Indies where the reception our flag...
to Reverend Doctor Provost
13 August 1785
Writes to ask the Reverend Doctor Provost over for a drink the next afternoon "and to baptise our child."
to Jonathan Pollard
February 12, 1786
Discusses a petition of Pollard's that has been active since 1781, apparently for pay from when Pollard worked for General William Heath. Says it must be renewed, noting that Robert Morris was not yet Superintendent of Finance when it was filed.
to David Ramsay
11 March 1786
Written in the third person and signed in text: "Genl Knox presents his compliments to the honorable Mr Ramsay, and submits to his inspection a plan for the general arrangement of the militia." Asks Mr. Ramsay for any suggestions to the plan to help...
12 March 1786
Ramsay, David, 1749-1815
In response to Knox's plan for the militia (see GLC02437.03246), Ramsay believes "it is excellent in theory," but has two major reservations: first, is unsure whether the government is prepared to devote time and expense to such a plan, and second...
2 December 1786
Writes that he has been informed by Captain [perhaps Samuel] Jefferds that Knox has recommended him to the Massachusetts State Legislature for a lieutenancy in the artillery, for which he is thankful. However, "if my accepting of a Lieutenancy...
18 April 1787
Discusses the Waldo patent land in respect to it interfering "with the lands belonging to the Plymouth Company and requesting to know if the Committe [sic] would make up the defisency [sic] without the proprietors applying to the general Court ... "...
22 July 1787
Discusses surveys of the Muscongus Patent prepared by Mr. [possibly Enoch] Titcomb and Captain Stone. Asks whether the surveys have been submitted yet to the Massachusetts General Court's Committee on Eastern lands. Would like to find out about...
12 November 1787
Pritchard, C., fl. 1787
Apologizes to Knox for not having kept his promise to see him in New York City as the sloop on which he was arriving was delayed. In a postscript, mentions he will be in Boston soon and would be happy to hear from Knox's brother, William.
21 November 1787
Platt, Richard, 1755-1830
Colonel Platt informs Knox that he can take his time to make a payment.
to Jean Baptiste Vigoureuse Du Plessis
12 December 1787
Was sorry to hear about Du Plessis' illness. Worries about the situation in Europe, notes that the "patriotic party appear to be humbled to the dust." Hears about an "impending War between France & England our wishes are decisively in favor of France...
2 May 1788
Knox writes to Price at West Point. States, "Independent of the public objects I shall wish to converse with you on the subject of objects to the Eastward- I should wish to form some system in that quarter what would promote our mutual interests. I...
3 July 1788
Marked as a "copy/private." Appears to be from Knox to Price at West Point, although no creator is cited. Notes he will be leaving for Boston 10 or 12 July. Asks if Price can be in New York by that time so they may travel together. Notes he will...
12 July 1788
Unsigned, and no creator is cited. Appears to be from Knox to Price at West Point, although it is not written in Knox's hand. Knox asks Price to meet him in New York so they can travel to Boston together the following Thursday. Writes " will...
19 July 1788
Discusses financial matters.
to Lieutenant [John] Pratt
19 October 1788
Was informed by his brother, William, that Lieutenant [John] Pratt met the quota of Connecticut troops, and the recruits are at West Point. Instructs Pratt to prepare to march on an expedition.
[Letters to Jeremiah Wadsworth and John Pratt]
21 October 1788
The first letter, to Jeremiah Wadsworth, is contained on pages one and two. Both letters are written from Boston and dated 21 October 1788. In the letter, Knox informs Wadsworth that Mr. [Rufus] King arrived yesterday from New York, relating the...
24 October 1788
Pratt, John, 1753-1824
Lieutenant Pratt discusses making preparations for his men to march to Fort Pitt (see GLC02437.04010). Complains at length that he will receive only one month's pay without subsistence, and that the "Old Soldiers" under his orders were not included...
10 November 1788
Lieutenant Pratt certifies that George Dennison, Commissary at West Point, erroneously delivered a barrel of rye flour to the troops under Pratt's command.
December 17, 1788
Refers to a matter he and Knox discussed "at Club" the previous Saturday evening regarding Knox's St. Lawrence lands. Asks if the matter meets Knox's approbation.
to Richard Platt
Replies to Colonel Platt's letter (GLC02437.04055). Intends to see Platt the following morning, when they will discuss Knox's St. Lawrence lands.
8 April 1789
Asks that if he has any more specie, he should give a check to the bearer and Platt will reimburse him.
7 May 1789-4 June 1789
Document contains three portions. The first, directed to Henry Knox from Richard Platt, asks whether Knox can spare any of the money he keeps in his bank account for the next week. Asks that if he can, he should send it with the bearer of the...
6 August 1789
Declares that he has not written to Knox in a long time. Writes that he served under Knox in the Artillery and believes Knox has a good opinion of him, so he would like to request an appointment under Knox in the Ordnance Department. Believes he...
27 September 1789
Addressed to Doctor Ramsey, likely Dr. David Ramsay. Encloses corrected calculations about pay (not present). Apologizes for not being able to deliver the materials personally.
20 December 1790
Post, Anthony, fl. 1780-1790
Major Post talks about the valuables from Knox's New York City home being transported to Philadelphia. Some things were damaged despite Post's efforts. "Free" stamped on address leaf with no signature.
January 19, 1791
Pritchard, John M., 1759-1844
Thanks Knox for the hospitality shown to him and his wife by Knox and his wife while in New York. Welcomes any friend of Knox's to Madeira should one come. Offers to send more wine at a discounted price and wants Knox to recommend Pintard's "house"...
8 March 1791
Encloses a letter from Captain David Cook (see GLC02437.04873) to Secretary of War Knox explaining Cook's want of money that has forced him to be detained in Philadelphia. Says he would give Cook "forty dollars" if he could, but he is not in a...
7 April 1791
Platt tells Secretary of Knox that he has sent him a box "containing a good large Salmon."
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