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Daily Richmond examiner. [Vol. 14, no. 178 (September 24, 1861)]
24 September 1861
William Lloyd and Co. (Richmond, Va.), fl. 1861-1865
Shooting of 400 mutineers in Washington, Arrest of Maryland senators.
Daily Richmond examiner. [Vol. 17, no. 275 (February 3, 1864)]
February 3, 1864
Dispatch from Colonel Gordon, Yankee prisoners, gunboat "Smith Briggs" captured, telegraph from General Beauregard - enemy re-shelling Fort Sumter, Report Ex-Senator Robert Toombs of Georgia arrested, Yankees evacuate Corinth, Army corps of the...
Daily Richmond examiner. [Vol. 18, no. 55 (May 3, 1864)]
3 May 1864
Evacuation of Washington, North Carolina by Yankees, The victory of Plymouth.
Daily express. [Vol. 11, no. 189, whole no. 3730 (August 9, 1861)]
9 August 1861
A.F. Crutchfield & Co., fl. 1861
Accounts of the Yankee Army in Washington - Their Outrages - The Manassas Panic, Unprecedented Barbarism - Burning of Hampton by the Vandals, The Battle of Manassas Plains - General Scott Insane on Flank Movements.
New Orleans daily crescent. [Vol. 13, no. 260 (January 3, 1861)]
3 January 1861
Nixon, J.O., fl. 1861
Published at 70 Camp Street. In response to an article in the "Chicago Tribune," front page has an article mockingly titled "New Orleans Ruined!-Cotton Doomed!" that says the city's markets will survive if New Yorkers eliminate tolls on Erie Canal...
New Orleans daily crescent. [Vol. 13, no. 261 (January 4, 1861)]
4 January 1861
Published at 70 Camp Street. Only has first 2 pages of a usual full 8 page issue. Front page article titled "No Compromise," rejects the compromise efforts of Henry Winter Davis in Washington. Article titled "The State Conventions," gives updates on...
New Orleans daily crescent. [Vol. 13, no. 305 (February 25, 1861)]
February 25, 1861
Published at 70 Camp Street. Article on University of Louisiana. Description of the New Orleans celebration of George Washington's birthday takes up three quarters of the front page. Describes an "Imposing Military Display." Short item on arrival...
New Orleans daily crescent. [Vol. 14, no. 45 (April 25, 1861)]
25 April 1861
Published at 70 Camp Street. Front page is filled with military notices and advertisements for men to volunteer for various units. Copy of Robert Anderson's dispatch to Secretary of War Simon Cameron after the fall of Fort Sumter. Telegraphed updates...
to L. S. Prescott
28 May 1865
Boyd, H., fl. 1865
States that in accordance with the surrender terms entered into between Confederate General E. K. Smith and Union General Edward R. S. Canby at New Orleans on 26 May 1865, the Confederate front line troops will not enter into any hostilities against...
Williamsburgh Daily Gazette [Vol. 18, no. 291, whole no. 1676 (April 27, 1853)]
27 April 1853
Darbee, L. & Son, fl. 1853
Includes the conclusion of a preview of a work soon to be published called "The Narrative of Solomon Northrop, a Citizen of New York, Kidnapped and Sold into Slavery in Washington City, in 1844, and Rescued in 1853 from a cotton plantation, near the...
Progress of a race or the remarkable advancement of the Afro-American...
Kletzing, Henry F., 1850-?
Full title is: "Progress of a race or the remarkable advancement of the Afro-American from the bondage of slavery, ignorance and poverty to the freedom of citizenship, intelligence, affluence, honor and trust." Published by J. L. Nichols & Co. Co...
[Notice of transportation furnished for Private Aaron Scott, Company F, 19th Regiment, United States Colored Troops]
6 January 1865
Renton, Benjamin, fl. 1865
Renton, Assistant Quartermaster, informs the United States Army Paymaster General that he has provided transportation to Baltimore, Maryland for Private Scott. States that Scott is on a leave of absence granted by General Benjamin Franklin Butler....
[Notice of transportation furnished for Private Frank Lloyd, Company K, 19th Regiment, United States Colored Troops]
7 January 1865
Renton, Assistant Quartermaster, informs the United States Army Paymaster General that he has provided transportation to Harpers Ferry, Virginia, for Private Frank Lloyd. States that Lloyd is on a leave of absence granted by General Benjamin...
[Notice of transportation furnished for Private Stephen Bailey, Company C, 19th Regiment, United States Colored Troops]
January 25, 1865
Renton, Assistant Quartermaster, informs the United States Army Paymaster General that he has provided transportation to Baltimore, Maryland, for Private Bailey. States that Bailey is on a leave of absence granted by General Charles Adam Heckman....
[Notice of transportation furnished for Sergeant Peter Knock, Company A, 19th Regiment, United States Colored Troops]
January 31, 1865
Renton, Assistant Quartermaster, informs the United States Army Paymaster General that he has provided transportation to Annapolis, Maryland, for Sergeant Knock. States that Knock is on a leave of absence granted by General Charles Adam Heckman....
[Notice of transportation furnished for Sergeant Judson Matthews, Company G, 19th Regiment, United States Colored Troops]
February 14, 1865
Renton, Assistant Quartermaster, informs the United States Army Paymaster General that he has provided transportation to Annapolis, Maryland, for Sergeant Mathews. States that Mathews is on a leave of absence granted by General Charles Adam Heckman...
[Notice of transportation furnished for Corporal Frank Sewell, Company K, 19th Regiment, United States Colored Troops]
Renton, Assistant Quartermaster, informs the United States Army Paymaster General that he has provided transportation to Annapolis, Maryland, for Corporal Sewell. States that Sewell is on a leave of absence granted by General Charles Adam Heckman....
[Journal with plans for Bombproof Structures]
Seuss, John L., fl. 1863
p. 1-2 blank p. 3 has two graphite technical drawings: top seems to be gun turret from top view; bottom seems to be above view of internal defenses of a fort. p. 4-5 "Breach & Contra-Batteries" with color technical drawing of fascine. Re: building of...
Three copies of the same pamphlet: Speech of Hon. Abraham Lincoln, delivered in Springfield, Saturday evening, July 17, 1858 [Decimalized .01-.03]
17 July 1858
Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865
to Jacob C. and Mrs. Bogert
16 April 1863
Bogert, John A., fl. 1863-1865
Bogert writes to his parents while on board the United States Steamer Utica on the Potomac River. States that he and his shipmates expect to reach Fort Monroe, Virginia, the following day. Reports that he sent a letter to his parents the previous...
to Aaron Hobart
January 22, 1822
Hagner, Peter, 1772-1850
Indicates that a letter with enclosures Representative Hobart sent to the Secretary of War has been forwarded to the Auditor's Office. The letter regarded the payments sue to Edward Morton for boats and arms supplied. Explains pertinent regulations...
February 2, 1822
Holmes, Charles J., 1790-1859
Letter of introduction for the son of Elisha Ruggles of Rochester, Massachusetts, who was relocating to Washington, D.C. as "an officer in the newly established College at Washington."
February 21, 1822
Written from the Treasury Department & Auditor's Office. Asks for the papers in the case of Edward Morton to be returned. Hobart was helping Morton recover money owed to him for boats and arms he supplied (see GLC06313.143).
February 14, 1822
Cutting, Nathaniel, 1774-?
Discusses a memorial petition requesting a military land bounty for Stephen Raymond, the heir to Revolutionary War veteran Solomon Raymond, which had again come to his office. Indicates that his feelings about its merits have not changed and that he...
February 18, 1822
Dey, Anthony, 1777-1859
Circular letter from Anthony Dey sending a flax sample (not included) processed by "his new Machine," which would be on exhibit in Washington, D.C.
February 22, 1822
Meigs, Return J., 1782-1851
Informs Hobart that he will "make the Communication attended to on Monday next," which has been delayed by several committees calling on him. Written from the General Post Office.
February 25, 1822
In accordance with a resolution Hobart introduced and which had passed through Congress, Meigs, as Postmaster General, sent statements to the Speaker of the House and the Chairman on Post Offices & Post Roads. Sends Hobart a copy (not included)....
12 March 1822
Brown, Bartholomew, 1772-1854
Sends Hobart a friend's land warrant in hopes that Hobart can sell it in Washington, D.C., where Brown comments that it might fetch a higher price. The land was in South Bridgewater.
1 April 1822
Pleasonton, Stephen, ?-1855
Forwards a letter (not included) he wrote "to Mr. Peirce in answer to the enquiry contained in his letter referred to me by you." Asks Hobart to send it to Peirce after he has read it. Written from the Treasury Department in Pleasonton's capacity...
February 26, 1822
Written from the Treasury Department & Auditor's Office. Indicates that Edward Morton's claim for monies owed for a barge supplied during the War of 1812 (see GLC06313.143) was approved and he will be paid $289.
3 August 1822
Indicates that pension monies ($240) owed to Nabby Gardner, the widow of Zachary Gardner, will be paid. Written from the Third Auditor's office of the Treasury Department.
to Nabby Gardner
5 August 1822
Tucker, Thomas Tudor, 1745-1828
Paritally printed letter signed by Thomas T. Tucker, enclosing a draft for two hundred and forty dollars. The letter was sent "Care of Aaron Hobart." Signed as Treasurer of the United States. The letter and address are on separate pages, which...
18 September 1822
Burch, Samuel, fl. 1805-1823
Desires to be appointed to the now vacant position of Clerk of the House of Representatives. The office of the Clerk is filled by a vote among the Representatives, and Burch was requesting Hobart's vote. Details his credentials, stating he has...
3 November 1822
Watkins, Tobias, 1780-1855
Desires to be appointed to the now vacant position of Clerk of the House of Representatives. The office of the Clerk is filled by a vote among the Representatives, and Watkins was requesting Hobart's vote. Details his credentials, having been a...
29 November 1822
Du Vall, E.W., fl. 1822
Desires to be appointed to the now vacant position of Clerk of the House of Representatives. The office of the Clerk is filled by a vote among the Representatives, and Du Val was requesting Hobart's vote. Does not know Hobart personally, but refers...
15 December 1822
Beal, Thomas P., 1786-1852
Hopes that Hobart can supply him with "The N. Intelligence" that he used to recieve from another Congressman, and discussed political races.
February 8, 1824
Otis, William, fl. 1824
February 9, 1824
Brown, O.B., fl. 1824
Written in the College Hill, neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
February 26, 1824
Noted as written from the Engineer's department in Washington. Signed by [A. Thaimb?]
2 April 1824
Gordon, Charles, fl. 1824
3 May 1824
Sullivan, George, fl. 1824
25 October 1824
Signed by [Pelham Car].
27 October 1824
Lindsey, Abraham B., fl. 1824
Partially printed document.
29 November 1824
Bulfinch, Charles, 1763-1844
Printed document with the name "Aaron Hobart, Esq" handwritten in.
10 December 1824
Ruggles, W. H., fl. 1824
"Honorable Aaron Hobart" written in by hand. Written in the College Hill, neighborhood of Washington, D.C.
1 January 1825
Freeman, Russel, fl. 1824-1825
2 January 1825
Curhine, H., fl. 1825
January 18, 1825
Noted as written from the Department of War, and possibly signed by [John C. Calhoun].
[Sculpture designs: 4 standing figures, 1 female and 3 male]
circa 1830-1910
Ward, John Quincy Adams, 1830-1910
Two of the sketches are probably of George Washington. Black ink, tracing paper.
[Standing man in profile with out-stretched arm]
Probably George Washington. Graphite; wove paper.
[Standing man facing front with out-stretched arm]
Probably George Washington. Pale graphite.
[Standing man with crossed arms]
Probably Washington. Graphite; wove paper.
J. Q. A Ward, the Eminent American Sculptor
circa 1900
Wells, Cora E., fl. 1900
Features an article on Ward and his works and, photos of Ward, the New York Stock Exchange pediment, and a George Washington sculpture at Wall St. Printed ink; coated wove paper.
[Fountain design mounted with crouching Native American with canoe below]
Small figure with sword [Washington?]. Graphite, black ink; tan tracing paper.
Work contract for the "pedestal for the Garfield monument at Washington, D.C."
circa December 1884
Specified in the contract are the categories: "General [work mission]"; "Excavations"; "Foundations"; "Cut Granite Work"; "Inscription"; and "Bronze Stationary". The work was to be completed by 1885/09/15.
"JOINT RESOLUTION Setting apart public reservations for statues to Columbus, La Fayette, and James A. Garfield."
June 22, 1886
United States. Congress. House
The House's Joint Resolution, "setting aside public reservations for statues to Columbus, La Fayette, and James A. Garfield." At the end of the document, Ward has written in pencil: "Note - This Bill was left on the House Calendar when Congress was...
To: Olive Warner. Re: receipt for Ward's expenses and travel, written on a US War Department reimbursement form.
Ward, J.Q.A., fl. 1860-1906
A receipt for Ward's expenses and travel, written on a U.S. War Department reimbursement form.
to Peter
07 June 1927
Hoar, John, fl. 1826-1900
A letter written by John Hoar to Peter expressing his appreciation for a gift that Peter gave Hoar eleven years ago and Hoar's subsequent feeling that Peter should recieve the framed letter signed by George Washington. This letter makes mention of an...
to George Weedon
25 July 1780
Walker, John, 1744-1809
George Washington is to be obeyed by the French troops as "Marshall of France," and American troops are to have command over French troops of equal rank. Discusses the size and movements of the French and British fleets. Also mentions General...
to his friends
26 August 1862
Day, Mark, fl. 1862-1863
Writes from camp near Warrenton Junction, Virginia. Describes his long journey by ship to Alexandria. Says he still feels incapacitated by his wound, but has rejoined his regiment despite this. States his concern about not receiving any word from...
to Sarah Ogden
29 November 1862
Reports on his health and on his mother's death. His regiment is attempting to obtain his discharge, but he does not want to go home yet. Tells Ogden that he would like to visit her if he lives. Also comments unfavorably on the care he received in...
9 January 1863
Writes from Camp Pitcher that he has been in the hospital since he last wrote to Ogden. He hopes to go home soon, and promises to visit her at the Broad and Cherry on the way. Says he will also have a photograph taken for her. Informs her that seven...
6 June 1864
Ekings, John, fl. 1864
Writes from Mt. Holly, a present day township in Burlington County, New Jersey. Inquires about the condition of his son, Thomas, about whom he has received contradictory reports. Says he traveled to Washington, D. C. to obtain information and spoke...
to his friend
January 14, 1863
Ekings, Thomas, fl. 1862-1864
Writes from camp near "White Oak Chapel." Says he is still in his old camp, where the men occupy their time doing drills. States despite Ogden's advice, he cannot help feeling disheartened by the defeat at Fredericksburg, Virginia, for he believes...
February 28, 1864
Writes from camp near Perrine. Says upon arriving at Trenton, he received orders to proceed to Washington, D.C. with a detachment of deserters and "stragglers." Describes his activities at camp and the various people he met during the course of his...
11 May 1864
Ford, Charles, fl. 1863-1865
Writes that his company was sent to Washington with prisoners, while he and three other men were sent to New York with more prisoners. While in New York, he was able to go home for two days, where he found his family in good health. Describes his...
15 August 1864
Writes from Camp Chemung known as Elmira. He is glad that both Ogden and her family are healthy after the "rebel raid in Pa." His regiment has been stationed in Vermont, guarding Rebel prisoners, for the last few months. Says plans to send the...
9 March 1864
Gray, W.H., fl. 1864
Describes a difficult march and his new position as Provost Guard. Writes he fears that he will never see his family again, and states that he considers the hospital at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania his second home. Apologizes for his sloppy...
22 July 1863
Hastings, R.D., fl. 1863
Writes from Camp Convalescent near Alexandria. Reports that he saw the Medical Director in Washington, D. C. and will probably obtain his discharge. Says he received his pay from Turners Lane and went to Ogden's home to visit, but she was out of...
4 June 1864
Hatim, William, fl. 1864
Writes from Martinsdale Barracks. Informs Ogden that he would have come down to visit her before he left, but lacked the time. Says he is stationed in barracks opposite the City Circle. Believes that he has "a splendid Col." Recounts meetings with...
18 November 1862
Hesner, D.S., 1862
Writes from Camp Convalescent. Describes his journey from the hospital to the camp, mentioning his stop in Washington and his boat trip to Alexandria. Notes he had some difficulty locating the camp. Describes his living situation in the camp, which...
February 22, 1865
Keyes, John H., fl. 1863-1865
Writes that the soldiers are celebrating Washington's Birthday with continual cannon fire. Says he just received news that Charleston, South Carolina is "in the possession of our [Union] forces." Sherman is marching for North Carolina and several of...
18 April 1865
Richards, Allen J., fl. 1864-1865
Writes from Camp Stoneman. Thanks Ogden for agreeing to hold his money for him while he completes his military service. Says he mentions that Ogden suggested putting the money into Government Bonds, and instructs her to do whatever she sees fit....
5 May 1864
Thayer, Howard A., fl. 1864
Thayer arrived in Washington and was transferred to the first battalion of the " 'Veteran Reserve Corps.'" He guards army supply trains traveling to Alexandria, Virginia. Says he is presently stationed at a camp on the Potomac, and sees troops...
8 January 1863
Sulkin, Hermengilde, fl. 1863
Says she is saddened to hear that her son, Alphonse, has become very ill with typhoid fever, and she dreads the thought of his death. Begs Ogden to do as much as possible to restore her son to health because she has already felt the pain of losing...
[Blank stationary]
The stationary depicts two houses set on a wooded hill with "TIPTOP & SUMMIT HOUSES MT. WASHINGTON 6285 FEET HIGH" printed underneath the drawing.
to Mrs. Edward H. Odgen
15 June 1864
to Mrs. Edward Odgen
December 31, 1864
Year not visible.
3 September 1815
7 April 1815
[Civil War diary of Calvin S. Mixter]
Mixter, Calvin Symmes, 1832-?
Signed diary including printed almanac and eclipse calendar in the opening pages. Mixter writes from various locations. Relates the events of 1861, spending most of his time divided between his home in Hanson, Massachusetts, and his workplace in...
Signed diary including printed almanac and eclipse calendar in the opening pages. Mixter, a member of the 22nd Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, begins his 1863 diary as his corps returns to Stafford County, Virginia, from a reconnaissance to Ellis...
[Civil War diary of Calvin Symmes Mixter]
Signed diary including a printed image, an eclipse calendar, a mileage chart, and postage rates in the opening pages. Mixter writes from various locations, including Washington, D.C., during 1864. On 12 January, accepts appointment as 1st...
[Civil War era newspaper clippings]
circa 1863
Four newspaper clippings possibly contained within the 1863 diary of Calvin Symmes Mixter (refer to GLC06583.02), a Civil War soldier. No publication information is included. The first clipping contains Gavriil Romanovich Derzhavin's poem "Ode to...
to Bruce Elmore
2 August 1863
Elmore, Libbie, fl. 1861-1865
They have heard that Willard is quite sick, so Bruce's father is going to Washington to see him. Tom will be seeing Bruce soon.
to Libbie Elmore
6 August 1863
Elmore, Bruce, fl. 1862-1865
He says Willard is gaining strength and he is helping him to walk. He describes the hospital ward.
26 April 1865
The terms Sherman and Johnston agreed upon have not been ratified by the authorities at Washington. He hopes there will be no more fighting but he doesn't have the faith in the new president that he did in Lincoln.
29 April 1865
General Sherman has ordered the army to march to Richmond and to continue toward Washington they think by the middle of May. He lists some promotions in the regiment. Written near Raleigh, North Carolina
8 May 1865
Libbie has heard they are coming to Washington and read that all or part of Sherman's army had reached their destination. She prays he won't be sent to Texas to fight guerillas. She is busily prearing her garden for corn and potatoes.
23 May 1865
The author has read in the paper that Bruce to have a grand review. He wishes he could have seen Bruce in Washington and hopes he will be mustered out soon.
25 May 1865
They came to Washington where a grand welcome awaited them. Unfortunately only those soldiers whose time is up will be mustered out by October and those that are in the hospital. As for him, no one knows.
Libbie is concerned that he has been on so many long, tedious marches. She wishes the government would consider the fact that he enlisted long before October 1st, but if this is not the case, she encourages him to get a furlough.
31 May 1865
The latest news is that Kirby Smith surrendered the whole force in Texas, which means he could be home in a month or two. Many men are being transferred to their home state or taking furloughs.
3 June 1865
He is still trying to when exactly he'll be mustered out. He lists the promotions in the regiment. With regard to Gen. Sherman, he has nothing but respect and believes his actions were justifiable.
6 June 1865
They have not been paid. He is anxious to get home to do the haying this year but knows it will be impossible. He says she must do the best she can without him.
11 June 1865
Bruce writes that he is a little unwell. He looks forward to seeing his children and talks about when he may get discharged again. He tells her if she can sell the farm for a 1000, to just let it go and not to lose the sale again.
18 June 1865
He advises her on what to plant and asks after her pigs, calves and sheep. They say if you pay 6 dollars you can take your gun home with you. He mentions the copperheads.
21 October 1862
They are currently stationed as a reserve force. There is a rumor they could move closer to Washington. He describes the current area as "desolate." Written at Upton Hill
20 November 1862
Rumor has it they will eeither be going to Fredricksburg or Washington next. Nine of their regiment are currently in the hospital.
[Treasury warrant for $250.34 to Asa Brigham, Treasurer of the Republic of Texas]
11 October 1843
Shaw, James B., 1820-?
Signed by Shaw and comptroller and countersigned by Charles Mason as auditor. Endorsed on the verso by Asa Brigham. Partially printed document appropriating money to cover the expenses of Brigham's office from funds permitted by an act dated 6...
Showing results 6,401 - 6,500