Below is a list of all recipients of Gilder Lehrman Fellowships since the program’s founding. The fellow’s name, home institution at the time of the fellowship, and project title are followed by the research archive and year of the award. (COL - Columbia Rare Book and Manuscript Collection; GLC - Gilder Lehrman Collection; NYHS - New-York Historical Society; NYPL - New York Public Library; SCH - Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture)
Acker, Lauren (University of California, Los Angeles)
The Political Culture of Savannah, Georgia, 1885–1910 (SCH, 2009)
Adams, Sean Patrick (University of Florida)
Fires of the Republic: The Technology and Consumption of Heat in Antebellum America (NYHS, 2006)
Adams, William Howard (International Center for Jefferson Studies)
Biography of Gouverneur Morris (COL, 1998)
Adderley, Rosanne Marion (Tulane University)
Rape and the Middle Passage: Uncovering Histories of Sexual Violence in the Transatlantic Slave Trade (SCH, 2005)
Adelman, Joseph M. (Johns Hopkins)
The Business of Politics: Printers and the Emergence of Political Communications Networks, 1765–1776 (NYPL, 2007)
Aebel, Ian J. (University of New Hampshire)
Constructing History, Producing America: Anglo-American Historical Thought, Historiography, and the Birth of American History in the Early Modern English Atlantic World, ca. 1485 to ca. 1714 (NYHS, 2008)
Aggarwala, Rohit T. (Columbia University)
Empire City, Empire State: Metropolis, Hinterland, and the Rise of New York, 1760–1870 (NYHS, 2000)
Aiséirithe, A J (University of Chicago)
The Splintering Wheel: The 1864 US Presidential Election and the Transformation of the Radical Reform, 1856–1876 (NYPL, 2001)
Alcenat, Westenley (Columbia University)
The Elusive Quest: Black Emigration to Haiti and the Struggle for Full Citizenship in a White Republic, 1815–1865 (GLC, 2015)
Alexander, Erik B. (University of Virginia)
A Revival of the Old Organization: Northern Democrats and Reconstruction, 1868–1876 (NYPL, 2005)
Alexander, Shawn Leigh (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
“We Know Our Rights and Have the Courage to Defend Them”: The Spirit of Agitation in the Age of Accommodation (SCH, 2003)
Alexander, Ted (Antietam National Battlefield)
The Maryland Campaign and the Battle of Antietam (GLC, 2001)
Anbinder, Tyler (George Washington University)
From Irish Rags to American Riches? The Surprising Data from New York’s Emigrant Savings Bank (NYHS, 2004)
Anderson, Carol (University of Missouri)
Bourgeois Radicals: The NAACP and the Struggle for Colonial Liberation, 1941–1960 (SCH, 2003)
Anderson, Michael R. (University of Texas at Austin)
Pacific Dreams: The Institute of Pacific Relations, 1925–1955 (COL, 2007)
Andersen, Lisa (University of Chicago)
Politics Distilled: The Prohibition Party in America, 1869–1933 (NYPL, 2003)
Read Lisa Andersen’s essay “Prohibition”
Andrews, Dee E. (California State University, East Bay)
The Boundaries of Freedom: Early American Antislavery, 1760–1830 (NYHS, 2006)
Arlyck, Kevin (New York University)
“The Means of Preventing Disputes with Foreign Nations”: US Federal Courts and the Atlantic World, 1789–1830 (NYPL, NYHS, COL, NARA, Morgan Library, 2011)
Armknecht, Megan B. (Princeton University)
Diplomatic Households and the Foundations of US Diplomacy, 1789–1870 (NYHS, Morgan Library, 2020)
Ashton, Dianne (Rowan University)
Domestic Judaism Goes Public: A Social History of American Hanukkah (NYPL, 2002)
Atkinson, Julie (University of East Anglia, School of American Studies)
A Civic City: A Social History of Politics in New York, 1731–1776 (NYHS, 2006)
Avitable, Joseph R. (University of Rochester)
The Impact of the Atlantic World Economy on Colonial Connecticut (NYPL, 2006)
Azfar, Farid (Brown University)
Scarlet Sugar: Violence, Corruption and Contamination in Atlantic Economic Thought (COL, 2006)
Baics, Gergely (Northwestern University)
Feeding Gotham: A Social History of Urban Provisioning, 1780–1860 (NYPL, 2008)
Bailey, Jeremy (Boston College)
The Republican Executive: Thomas Jefferson and the Development of Presidential Power (GLC, 2001)
Banks, Kenneth (University of North Carolina at Asheville)
Slow Poison: French Contraband in the Early Modern Atlantic Economy, 1660–1800 (GLC, 2004)
Baptist, Edward (Cornell University)
The Half That Has Never Been Told: The Nineteenth-Century Expansion of US Slavery and How It Shaped African America, the United States, and the World (NYHS, 2008)
Battisti, Danielle (University of Buffalo)
Manipulating Immigration Restriction in Postwar America: Italian Americans and Italian Immigration 1945–1965 (COL, 2007)
Bean, Philip A. (Harvard College)
“Sunny Jim” and the Eclipse of the Republican Majority in New York State (NYPL, 2001)
The Limitations of Political Ascendancy: Republican Bosses in the Progressive Era (NYPL, 2009)
Beatty, Joshua F. (College of William and Mary)
Performances of Authority: A Cultural History of the Stamp Act Crisis (NYHS, 2006)
Bell, Richard J. (Harvard University)
The Cultural Significance of Suicide in America, 1760–1830 (NYHS, 2002)
Berkowitz, Christine A. (University of Toronto)
Railroad Crossings: Railway Workers and the Transnational World of North America, 1875–1910 (NYPL, 2005)
Berland, Kevin Joel (Pennsylvania State Shenango)
The Dividing Line Histories of William Byrd II of Westover (NYHS, 2003)
Bernier, Celeste-Marie (University of Nottingham)
Dusky Powder Magazines: Literary Representation and Historical Narrativisation of the Creole Slave Ship Revolt, 1841 (GLC, 2001)
Bernier, Julia (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
A Papered Freedom: Self-Purchase and Compensated Manumission in Nineteenth-Century African American Life (NYPL, SCH, 2013)
Bernier, Julia (Washington & Jefferson College)
All on Board: Slavery and Shipping on the Brig Orleans (NYPL, NYHS, SCH, 2022)
Berry, John Marvin (Winston-Salem State University)
The Philanthropic Relationship Between Presidents of Historically Black Colleges and Universities and the Carnegie Corporation, 1900–1950 (COL, 2002)
Berry, Stephen (University of North Carolina at Pembroke)
The Todds: First Family of the Civil War (GLC, 2005)
Beutler, Keith Tony (Washington University in St. Louis)
The Death of the Parents: Loss of the United States Founding Generation and Historicized Epistemologies of Memory, 1790–1840 (NYHS, 2003)
Bhroiméil, Úna Ní (Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick)
A Broker of Influence: John Quinn and Ireland (NYPL, 2009)
Biggs, Adam (Johns Hopkins School of Medicine)
Strange Cures: Black Doctors, Harlem Hospital, and the New Negro in American Medicine, 1919–1935 (SCH, NYAM, NYCMA, 2021)
Bittel, Carla (Loyola Marymount University)
The Science of Women’s Rights: The Medical and Political Worlds of Mary Putnam Jacobi (COL, 2007)
Blaakman, Michael A. (Yale University)
Speculation Nation: Land Speculators and Land Mania in Post-Revolutionary America (NYPL, GLC, NYHS, 2013)
Black, Brian CA. (Penn State Altoona)
Contesting Gettysburg (GLC, 2003)
Black, David John
A Tour in the United States (1848): Archibald Prentice (NYHS, 2006)
Blackstone, James R. (Clare College, University of Cambridge)
The Influence of the Senate Republican Right upon US Foreign Policy, 1950–54 (COL, 2009)
Blair, Karen J. (Central Washington University)
Voluntary Associations in America, 1850–1990 (NYHS, 2001)
Blight, David W. (Yale University and the Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition)
Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory, 1863–1915 (GLC, 1998)
Listen to David Blight’s lecture on Race and Reunion: The Civil War in American Memory
Bobadilla, Eladio (Duke University)
“One People without Borders”: The Lost Roots of the Immigrants’ Rights Movement, 1954–1994 (NYPL, NYU Tamiment Library, COL Oral History Narrative and Memory Project, 2018)
Bodle, Wayne (Indiana University of Pennsylvania)
The Various Relations of Human Life: The Sibling Cohort on the American Family Frontier, 1740–1835 (NYHS, 1998)
Boles, Richard J. (George Washington University)
Divided Faiths: The Rise of Segregated Northern Churches (NYPL, NYHS, SCH, 2011)
Bollettino, Maria A. (The University of Texas, Austin)
Slavery, War, and Empire: The Meaning of the Seven Years War for the African Atlantic World (NYHS, 2005)
Bond, Richard (Johns Hopkins University)
Ebb and Flow: Free Blacks and Urban Slavery in Eighteenth-Century New York (NYHS, 2003)
Bonner, Robert Edga (Michigan State University)
The Soldier’s Pen: Civil War Impressions from Within the Lines (GLC, 2003)
Boodry, Kathryn (Harvard University)
United in Credit: Atlantic Financial Relationships and the Plantation South from the Louisiana Purchase through Reconstruction (NYHS, 2009)
Boritt, Gabor (Civil War Institute, Gettysburg College)
Storm of Battle, Storm of Heaven: Gettysburg (GLC, 1998)
Borzilleri, Caroline "C.C." (The George Washington University)
The Personal and Professional Lives of Early American Women Printers (NYHS, NYPL, 2023)
Bowman, Matthew (Georgetown University)
Practicing Christianity: Evangelicals in New York City, 1880–1940 (NYHS, 2008)
Bradley, Mark
Bluecoats and Tar Heels: The US Army and the Transition from War to Peace in North Carolina, 1862–1877 (NYPL, 2004)
Brady, Gordon L. (Ottawa University)
Research in the History of Econometrics and Social Choice Theory (COL, 2004)
Breeding, Bruce (University of Georgia)
“Right in the Eyes of God”: Hoxie, Arkansas, and the First Defense of the Brown Decision (COL, 2003)
Breitzer, Susan Roth (University of Iowa)
Class, Ethnicity and Community: The Jewish Working Class of Chicago, 1886–1928 (NYPL, 2001)
Brettle, Adrian (University of Virginia)
Confederate Expansionist Ambitions during the American Civil War, 1861–1865 (GLC, 2012)
Brewer, Herbert (University of Maryland)
Black Christian Republicanism in the Atlantic World, 1800–1848 (SCH, 2005)
Brick, Christopher E. (The George Washington University)
Eleanor Roosevelt, Tammany Hall, and the Politics of Municipal Reform in New York City: 1954–1962 (NYPL, COL, 2013)
Bright, Anders (University of Pennsylvania)
Luck's Republic: Lotteries, Class, and Finance in Early America (NYHS, NYPL, COL, 2022)
Brimmer, Brandi (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
The Other Douglass: Frederick C. Douglass, A Black Freedom Fighter in the Post-Emancipation South (NYPL, SCH, 2021)
Brooks, Corey (University of California at Berkeley)
Political Abolition: Building an Antislavery Majority, 1831–1865 (NYPL)
Brosnan, AnneMarie (Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick)
Freedmen’s Education in North Carolina during the Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1861–1877 (NYPL, 2014)
Brown, David S. (Elizabethtown College)
Richard Hofstadter: An Intellectual Biography (COL, 2000)
Brown, Kate Elizabeth (University of Virginia)
Alexander Hamilton and the Development of American Law (GLC, COL, NYHS, NYPL, 2013)
Brown, Nancy L. (University of Colorado at Boulder)
Conscience, Conflict, and Contradiction: The Social and Cultural Construction of Refugees in the Collective Memory of France and the United States, 1940–1952 (COL, 2001)
Brown, Sarah H. (Florida Atlantic University)
The Death of Southern Resistance: The War of Ideas in Congress and the Nation, 1963–65 (COL, 2006)
Brown, Tammy L. (Princeton University)
Contesting Color-Lines: West Indian Immigrants in New York City and the Grounds for Respect, 1920s–1970s (SCH, 2004)
Brown, Thomas (University of South Carolina)
The Reconstruction of American Memory: Civic Monuments of the Civil War (NYHS)
Brumwell, Stephen (Independent Scholar)
Honor and Treason: Benedict Arnold and the Crisis of American Liberty (GLC, NYHS, NYPL, 2015)
Buchnea, Emily (University of Nottingham)
Bridging the Middle Atlantic: The Liverpool-New York Trading Community, 1763–1833 (GLC, NYHS, COL, 2011)
Budney, Stephen P. (Pikeville College)
William Jay and the Federalist Antislavery Impulse (COL, 2001)
Bulthuis, Kyle T. (University of California, Davis)
Ecumenicism, Poor Relief, and Women’s Leadership at John Street Methodist, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Mother, and Trinity Episcopal Churches in New York City, 1790–1860 (NYPL, 2002)
Burgess, Douglas R., Jr. (Brown University)
Gentleman of Fortune: Pirates Governors and the Crown in the Atlantic Colonies, 1688–1718 (GLC, 2006)
Burton, Brian K. (Western Washington University)
A biography of Fitz John Porter (GLC)
Burton, Emily (Dalhouse University)
The Rise of Rum in Northeastern British America: A Socio-Cultural History, 1710–1830 (GLC, 2008)
Burke, Donald (Wayne State University)
The New Reasoner: James Otis and the Political Culture of Whig Constitutionalism in Provincial Massachusetts, 1760–1770 (COL, 2002)
Burke, Martin J. (City University of New York, Lehman College)
Signs of the Cross: Protestants, Catholics, and the Construction of Religious Identities in America (NYPL, 1998)
Bush, Jonathan Andrew (The New York Public Library)
General Telford Taylor, 1908–98 (COL, 2001)
Butterfield, Kevin (Washington University in St. Louis)
Unbound by Law: Association and Autonomy in the Early American Republic (GLC, 2006)
Cafer du Plessis, Elizabeth (Indiana University)
Meatless Days and Sleepless Nights: Food and Agriculture in the United States during World War I (COL)
Cameron, Christopher (University of North Carolina)
Freeing Themselves: Slavery, Religion, and Black Abolitionists in Massachusetts, 1630–1835 (NYHS, 2009)
Cappiello, Dianne W. (Binghamton University, SUNY)
“With the Declaration of Independence in one hand and the Holy Bible in the other”: Black Abolitionism in the Early Republic, 1776–1840 (NYHS, 2006)
Carlino, Martin C. (University of Oxford)
“The Sternest Necessity”: Lincoln, Stanton, and the Suppression of Civil Liberties (GLC, NYHS, COL, 2018)
Carlson, David (Emory University)
Conscription in Confederate Georgia (NYHS, 2003)
Carlson, W. Bernard (Stanford University)
Inventing a Public Image: Nikola Tesla and the New York Literary Community, 1890–1920 (COL, 1998)
Carp, Benjamin (University of Virginia)
Cityscapes and Revolution: Political Mobilization and Urban Spaces in North America, 1740–1783 (NYHS, 2002)
Carriker, Robert CA. (Gonzaga University)
Lewis and Clark (NYHS, 2001)
Carter, Michael S. (University of Southern California)
Mathew Carey and the Public Emergence of Roman Catholicism in the United States 1789–1839 (NYPL, 2004)
Chambers, Thomas A. (Niagara University)
Remembering the Revolution: Battlefield Tourism and Historic Commemoration in Early-Nineteenth Century America (NYHS, 2004)
Chen, Kuan-Jen (University of Cambridge)
The Making of America’s Maritime Order in Cold War East Asia: Sovereignty, Local Interests, and International Security (Library of Congress, 2020)
Chernus, Ira (University of Colorado)
The New (I)Deal: The Ideological Roots of Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Foreign Policy (COL, 2004)
Chilton, Katherine (Carnegie Mellon University)
Gender, Labor, and Family during Slavery and the Transition to Freedom in the District of Columbia, 1820–1875 (SCH)
Chmielewski, Wendy (Swarthmore College Peace Collection)
Her Hat Was in the Ring: US Women Elected to Public Office before 1920 (NYPL, 2013)
Chopra, Ruma (University of California, Davis)
Loyalist Persuasions: New York, 1776–1783 (NYPL, 2005)
Chopra, Ruma (San Jose State University)
The Jamaican Trail of Tears: Maroons in the Anti-Slavery Era (NYPL, SCH, 2015)
Christie, Angela (Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris III)
Mother Tongues: Cherokee Women and the Paradigm of the Sacred, Consonant Circle, 1540–Present (COL, 2006)
Chronopoulos, Themis (Brown University)
Disorderly Space: Power Relations and the Postwar Decline of New York City (COL , 2000)
Ciepley, David (University of Chicago)
The Other Liberal Tradition: The American Whigs and the Rational for Formative Politics (GLC, 2001)
Cirillo, Frank J. (University of Virginia)
“The Day of Sainthood Has Passed”: American Abolitionists and the Golden Moment of the Civil War, 1861–1865 (NYHS, NYPL, GLC, 2014)
Clark, Constance Areson (University of Colorado)
Evolution for John Doe: Scientists, Pictures and the Public in the Decade of the Scopes Trial (NYHS, 2000)
Clarke, Frances (Johns Hopkins University)
The Politics of Sentimentality: Sacrifice and Benevolence in the Civil War North (GLC, 1999)
Clavin, Matthew J. (American University)
Men of Color, to Arms! Remembering Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian Revolution in the American Civil War (SCH, 2003)
Clayton, Nichola (University of Sheffield)
Land and Free Labor during the Civil War and Reconstruction (NYPL, 2005)
Clement, Justin B. (University of California, Davis)
“On both sides by turns”: Mobilization and Shifting Loyalties along the New York Warpath (GLC, NYHS, NYPL, 2014)
Cleves, Rachel Hope (Northern Illinois University)
The New Reign of Terror in America: The Abolitionist Sons of Federalist Fathers Reconsidered (NYPL, 2006)
Clinton, Catherine
Harriet Tubman (COL, 2001)
Listen to Catherine Clinton’s lecture on Harriet Tubman: The Road to Freedom
Clippinger, Kathryn A (Cornell University)
Comparative Family Ethnicity on the New York Borderlands, 1680–1800 (NYHS, 2003)
Cogan, Neil (Whittier Law School)
Law of the American Slave Societies and Their Reconstruction (GLC, 2009)
Cohen, Harvey G. (The John W. Kluge Center, Library of Congress)
Duke Ellington’s America (SCH, 2004)
Cohen, Joanna (University of Pennsylvania)
Millions of Luxurious Citizens: Consumption and Citizenship in New York and Philadelphia, 1815–1876 (NYHS, 2008)
Cohen, Patricia Cline (University of California)
Thomas Low Nichols and Mary Gove Nichols: Women’s Sexual Autonomy and Marriage Reform in the 1840s and 1850s (NYHS, 2005)
Cohen, Theodore (University of Maryland-College Park)
Translating Race, Articulating Culture: The Intellectual Constructions of Blackness in Mexican History, 1916–1972 (SCH, 2009)
Cohn-Postar, Gideon (Northwestern University)
“Mind How You Vote, Boys”: Economic Voter Intimidation and the Crisis of Industrial Democracy in the Late Nineteenth-Century United States (NYPL, COL, BHS, 2018)
Colby, Jason M. (Cornell University)
Jim Crow Empire: Race and US Colonialism in the Caribbean Basin, 1865–1930 (COL, 2002)
Read Jason Colby’s essay, “The United States and the Caribbean, 1877–1920”
Coleman, Robin R. Means (New York University)
From Birth of A Nation to the Dot-Coms: The NAACP’s Historical role in Promoting African American Equality in Mass Media (NYPL, 2001)
Conlin, Michael F. (Eastern Washington University)
Patriotic Culture in a Divided Republic: the Parallel Paths of American Nationalism on the Road to Civil War, 1826–1862 (NYPL, 2001)
Connolly, James J. (Ball State University)
Lincoln Steffens and the Cultural History of Party Politics in Industrial America (COL, 1999)
Cook, James W. (University of Michigan)
Crack in the White Republic: Race, Culture, and Transgression in the US North, 1780–1865 (NYHS, 2000)
Cook, Robert John (University of Sheffield)
Divided America: The Pursuit of National Identity in the Era of the Civil War, 1848–1877 (GLC, 1998)
Corbett, Theodore
Trans-Atlantic Families: The Commercial Ethic Crugers and Waltons (GLC, 2000)
Corbould, Clare (University of Sydney)
Making African Americans, 1919–1936 (SCH, 2005)
Cordes Tate, Lauren (Indiana University)
Pioneering Black Identity on the American Frontier (SCH, 2008)
Cornell, Saul (Ohio State University)
Armed in the Cause of Liberty: the Second Amendment in American History (NYPL, 2002)
Read Saul Cornell’s essay “The Antifederalists: The Other Founders of the American Constitutional Tradition”
Covart, Elizabeth (University of California at Davis)
Convergence on the Hudson: How Yankee/Dutch Relations in Albany, New York, 1750–1830, Led to the Creation of an American City (GLC, 2007)
Cox, Anna-Lisa (University of Illinois)
Objects of Derision, Subjects of Praise: Mixed-Race Battles and Concepts of Race and Identity among Black and White Union Troops during the Civil War (GLC, 2000)
Cox, Caroline (University of the Pacific)
Boy Soldiers: War and Society in the American Revolution (NYHS, 2009)
Cox, Thomas H. (State University of New York, Buffalo)
Courting Commerce: Gibbons vs. Ogden and the Transformation of Commerce Regulation in the Early Republic (GLC, 2000)
Crackel, Theodore J. (University of Virginia)
The War Department Papers of Henry Knox (GLC, 1998)
Read Theodore J. Crackel’s essay “George Washington’s French and Indian War”
Crain, Patricia (University of Minnesota)
Spectral Literacy: Children, Poverty, and the Meaning of Reading, 1765–1898 (COL, 2003)
Crompton, Samuel Willard (Holyoke Community College)
Dearly Beloved Friend (GLC, 2000)
Crout, Robert Rhodes (Charleston Southern University)
Marquis de Lafayette (GLC, 1998)
Dabel, Jane E. (California State University, Long Beach)
Women and the Riot: African-American Women and the New York City Draft Riot, 1863 (NYHS, 2002)
Dalrymple, Daniel A. (Michigan State University)
Garvey and the Garveyites: A Comparative Study of the Roles and Institutions of UNIA Members in the United States and the Caribbean (SCH, 2005)
Dalton, Kathleen M. (Phillips Academy, Andover)
The War Circle (GLC, 2001)
David, James Corbett (College of William and Mary)
Dunmore’s New World: Political Culture in the Revolutionary Atlantic (NYHS, 2005)
Davidson, Ben (New York University)
Freedom’s Generation: Coming of Age in the Era of Emancipation (GLC, NYHS, 2015)
Davidson, David (Northwestern University)
Republic of Risk: Evangelicalism and Entrepreneurship in America, 1783–1800, (NYHS, 2006)
Davis, John (Smith College)
Urban Landscape in New York City at the Turn of the Century (COL, 1998)
De La Guardia, Carmen (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid)
A Difficult Relationship: the United States and Spain, 1776–1823 (COL, 1999)
de Langehagen, France (Ecole Des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales at Paris, France)
The Second Great Awakening in New-York City (1790–1860) (NYPL, 2006)
DeBusk, Kristin (University of California, Davis)
Reinventing the Conservative Press (COL, 2006)
Delbourgo, James (Columbia University)
Political Electricity: Experimentalism, Enthusiasm and Enlightenment in Eighteenth-Century British America (GLC, 2000)
DeLombard, Jeannine Marie (University of Toronto)
Ebony Idols (SCH)
Delwiche, Theodore (Yale University)
The Contested Classics: Education in North America, 1630–1830 (GLC, COL, NYPL, 2022)
Den Hartog, Jonathan (University of Notre Dame)
The Jay Family and the Changing Political and Religious Cultures in the Early American Republic (COL, 2003)
Desjardin, Thomas A.
American Valhalla: The Story of the Battle of Gettysburg (GLC, 1998)
Deutsch, James I. (Smithsonian Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Washington, DC)
Identifying and Documenting Individuals Experiencing Homelessness in Colonial New York (NYCMA, NYPL, GLC, Center for Brooklyn History, 2021)
di Bonaventura, Allegra (Yale University)
This Little World: Two Manhoods in Old New England, 1678–1758 (GLC, 2006)
Di Lorenzo, Anthony (Loyola University Chicago)
Transatlantic Radicalism and Antislavery Politics in the Early Republic (GLC, NYHS, NYPL, 2015)
Dixon, John M. (University of California, Los Angeles)
Intellectual Matters: Science and Politics in Cadwallader Colden’s Atlantic World, 1718–1765 (NYHS, 2004)
Domanque, Druann (University of Louisiana, Lafayette)
An Old-Spelling, Critical Edition of Three Works by Eighteenth-Century Playwright Hannah Cowley: “The Runaway,” “Who’s the Dupe?,” and “The Belle’s Stratagem.” (COL, 1999)
Dorlin, Elsa (University of Paris I Pantheon-Sorbonne)
Political Theory of Black Emancipation (SCH, 2006)
Dorman, Jacob (Wesleyan University)
Everyday Life and the Harlem Renaissance Scholar (COL)
Dossett, Kate (St. John’s College, University of Cambridge)
Feminist Networks in the Harlem Renaissance (NYPL, 2002)
Dossett, Kate (University of Leeds)
Black Nationalism and Communism in the Federal Theatre Project, 1935–39 (SCH, 2006)
Dowling, Shelley L. (Independent Scholar)
Elbridge T. Gerry (NYPL, NYHS, COL, MCNY, 2012)
Downey, Kirstin
In Defense of the Working Man: The Life of Frances Perkins (COL, 2004)
Downs, Jr., James (Princeton University)
Diagnosing Reconstruction: Contagion, Freedom, and the Medical Division of the Freedmen’s Bureau (NYHS, 2003)
Driskell, Jay (Yale University)
Race Above Party: African-American Voters, the NAACP and Race Formation, 1908–1965 (SCH, 2006)
Du, Dan (University of Georgia)
This World in a Teacup: Chinese-American Tea Trade in the Nineteenth Century (NYPL, NYHS, 2016)
Duquette, Elizabeth (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Loyal Subjects: The Problems of Moral Allegiance in Postbellum America (NYPL, 2002)
Eastman, Carolyn (University of Texas, Austin)
“A Nation of Speechifiers”: Oratory, Print, and the Making of a Gendered American Public, 1780–1830 (NYHS, 2003)
Ebel, Jonathan Hans (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign)
Faith, Suffering, and American Soldiers’ Experiences of the Great War (NYPL, 2001)
Edwards, Rebecca (Vassar College)
Spellbinder: The Life and Times of Mary E. Lease, People’s Advocate (NYHS, 1999)
Edwards-Ingram, Ywone D. (The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation)
Black Coachmen in Slavery and Freedom: The Convergence of Work and Display (NYHS, NYPL, SCH, 2013)
Eisenstadt, Peter (Independent Scholar)
Rochdale Village and the Fate of Integrated Housing in New York City (NYPL, 2005)
Eliot, Lewis B. H. (University of South Carolina)
Illegal Slavery in the Atlantic World, 1833‒1867 (SCH, 2016)
Engerman, David CA. (Brandeis University)
Know Your Enemy: American Sovietology and the Making of the Cold War (COL, 2003)
Engle, Stephen D. (Florida Atlantic University)
Lincoln and the War Governors: Forging Concepts of the Union in the American Civil War (NYPL, 2002)
Eslinger, Ellen (DePaul University)
Free Black Society in the Rural South: From the Age of Jefferson Through the Civil War (GLC, 2003)
Eyal, Yonatan (Harvard University)
The New Democrats: Young America and Party Transformation, 1828–1861 (NYPL, 2003)
The Young America Movement and the Transformation of the Democratic Party, 1828–1861, Cambridge University Press, 2007
Faflik, David (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
To the Boardinghouse: Inhabiting the American Literary Imagination, 1840–1860 (NYPL, 2003)
Fahs, Alice (University of California, Irvine)
The Memory of the Civil War in America Culture (NYHS, 1999)
Fairclough, Adam (University of Leiden, The Netherlands)
A Class of Their Own: Black Teachers in the Segregated South, 1865–1970 (SCH, 2004)
Fanning, Sara (University of Texas at Austin)
The Promised Land: How Haiti Influenced Free Blacks in Early 19th-Century NYC (NYPL, 2004)
4th Ward Neighbors: African Americans and the Irish, 1830–1850s (NYHS, 2008)
Fanusie, Fatimah (Howard University)
Fard Muhammad in Historical Context: An Islamic Thread in the American Religious and Cultural Quilt (NYPL, 2006)
Farmer, Ashley (University of Texas at Austin)
Queen Mother Audley Moore: Mother of Black Nationalism (SCH, NYU Tamiment Library, 2020)
Faucquez, Anne-Claire (University of Paris VIII)
Slavery in New Netherland and New York, 1620–1720 (All Archives, 2008)
Fergie, Dexter (Northwestern University)
Headquartering the World: American Power and the Space of Global Governance, 1944–1980 (UN Archives, NYCMA, COL, NYHS, 2021)
Fergus, Devin (Vanderbilt University)
Like Coffee: Liberalism and Black Nationalism in North Carolina and Nation, 1965–1980 (SCH, 2005)
Fernandez, Roberto III (Independent Scholar)
The Puerto Rican Regiment US Volunteers, 1899–1901 (NYPL, National Archives and Records Administration-NY, 2012)
Fetzer, Joel S. (Pepperdine University)
Repression, Violence, and the Ethnic Identity of German-American Jews and Christians (COL, 2006)
Field, Peter S. (University of Canterbury, New Zealand)
Toward the Democratic Intellectual: Failure and Success on the Public Lecture Circuit in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century (NYPL, 2002)
Fila-Bakabadio, Sarah (University of Tours)
From Bullied Body to Brown Sugar: Visual Representations of the Black Body and the Diffusion of a Transatlantic Aesthetic (SCH, 2009)
Finkelman, Paul (The University of Tulsa College of Law)
The Covenant with Death: Slavery and the US Constitution (GLC, 2005)
Fisher, Linford (Harvard University)
The Politics of Conversion: Native Agency, Religious Change, and Race in Southern New England, 1736–1775 (GLC, 2006)
Fletcher, Charlene J. (Indiana University)
Confined Femininity: Race, Gender, and Incarceration in Kentucky, 1865–1920 (NYPL, NYHS, 2017)
Flomen, Max (UCLA)
Of Dogs and Chattel: War and Slavery in the Texas-Louisiana Borderlands, 1760–1840 (GLC, 2015)
Florence, Justin (Harvard University)
The Siege of Boston and the Origins of American Independence (NYPL, 2003)
Fogarty, Robert S. (Antioch College)
Faith Healing in New York City, 1870–1930 (GLC, 2000)
Follett, Richard (University of Sussex and British Academy Senior Research Fellow for 2013–14)
White Fright: Slave Revolts in American Memory (NYPL, NYHS, 2013)
Forslund, Catherine (Rockford College)
Edith Kermit Roosevelt: Modern Victorian First Lady (COL, 2006)
Foy, Charles R. (Eastern Illinois University)
Prize Negroes in the Age of Sail (NYHS, 2009)
Frank, Caroline (Brown University)
China as Object and Idea in the Making of an American Nation, 1680–1800 (GLC, 2004)
Franza, August
Where is the Gold (GLC, 2001)
Fredriksen, John CA.
War of 1812 Manuscripts (NYPL, 1998)
Freeberg, Ernest (University of Tennessee)
Eugene Debs and the Struggle for Free Speech (NYPL, 2002)
Incandescent America: Electric Light and America’s Culture of Invention (NYHS, 2010)
Friend, Craig Thompson (North Carolina State University)
Lunsford Lane: Betwixt Slavery and Freedom (NYHS, BHS, SCH, 2016)
Frohne, Andrea (Cornell University)
Space, Spirituality and Memory: The African Burial Ground in New York City (NYHS, 2006)
Fronczak, Joseph M. F. (Yale University)
The Popular Front Movement: Antifascism and Protest in the Depression (NYPL, 2009)
Fuller, Howard J.
Clad in Iron: Assessing the Comparative Strategic and Tactical Strengths of British and Union Ironclad Programs of the Civil War Era (NYHS, 2001)
Furstenberg, Francois (Universite de Montreal)
When the United States Spoke French: Trans-Atlantic Politics, Land, and Diplomacy in the Age of Revolution (NYHS, 2008)
Gable, Sarah Beth (Brandeis University)
Policing the Revolution: Massachusetts Communities and the Committees of Correspondence, Inspection and Safety, 1773–1783 (NYPL, 2021)
Gajewski, Paula K. (Vanderbilt University)
From Coffee House to Corporation: Origins of the Social Order of the New York Stock Exchange (NYHS)
Gamble, Stephanie (Johns Hopkins University)
Capital Negotiations: Native Diplomats in the American Capital from the Continental Congress to Andrew Jackson (NYPL, GLC, 2011)
Garb, Margaret (Washington University in St. Louis)
Of Rights and Justice: Black Politics in an Industrializing City (NYPL, COL, SCH, 2011)
Garcia, Jay (Yale University)
Psychology Comes to Harlem: Psychological Expertise, Racial Liberalism and Political Culture in the Mid-Twentieth Century United States (COL, 2001)
Gardner, Sarah E. (Mercer University)
Reviewing the South: The Politics of Southern Literature and National Reviews, 1920–1950 (COL, 2004)
Gardner, Sarah E. (Mercer University)
Reading during Wartime (NYHS, 2016)
Gelderman, Carol (University of New Orleans)
Book on the Elections of 1876 (NYHS, 2001)
Genova, Aurora (Universita Di Urbino)
Territorial Expansion of the United States Inside and Outside Its Continental Borders in the XIX, as seen by US Political Theorists (GLC, 2008)
Gerleman, David J. (George Mason University)
Mount and Master: The Civil War Cavalry Trooper and His Horse, A Study of Care, Treatment, and Use, 1861–66 (GLC, 2004)
Gienow-Hecht, Jessica CA.E. (Harvard University)
Music and Diplomacy: German-American Cultural Relations, 1870–1920 (NYHS, 1999)
Gilhooley, Simon (Cornell University)
The Textuality of the Constitution and the Origins of Original Intent (NYHS, NYPL, 2010)
Gilpin, Robert B. (Yale University)
Monster and Martyr: Tracing John Brown Through American Memory. Oswald Garrison Villard and a John Brown for the Twentieth Century (COL, 2006)
Girard, Phillipe (McNeese State University)
The Slaves Who Defeated Napolean: Toussaint Louverture and the Haitian War of Independence: 1801–1804 (SCH, 2008)
Gliserman, Nicholas (University of Southern California)
Landscapes of Conflict: Cartography and Empire in Northeastern America, 1685–1713 (GLC, NYPL, NYHS, 2014)
Glover, Tayzhaun (Duke University)
Freedom on the Horizon: Fugitive Slave Flight and the Abolition of Slavery in Martinique and Guadeloupe, 1824–1848 (SCH, NYPL, GLC, 2021)
Godfrey, Amy (Northern Illinois University)
Religion and Philanthropy: The Evangelical Response to Poverty in Early National New York City, 1787–1820 (NYHS, 2001)
Goff, Lisa (University of Virginia)
Shantytowns in the United States, 1820–1950 (NYHS, 2006)
Goldberg, Angus E. (Scottish Insitute of Maritime Studies)
The Social-Political World of the United States Navy’s Officer Corps, 1820–1861 (NYHS, 2002)
Goldberg, Chad Alan (University of Wisconsin)
The Women’s Suffrage Movement and the Development of the US Welfare State (GLC, 2008)
Goldberg, David A. (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Courage Under Fire: African American Fire Fighters and the Struggle for Racial Equality, 1897 to the Present (SCH, 2003)
Goldstein, Eric (Emory University)
Yiddish-Speaking Immigrants and Print Culture in a Mass Society, 1870–1930 (NYPL, 2006)
Goldstene, Claire (University of Maryland, College Park)
America Was Promises: The Hopes and Limits of Equal Opportunity, 1877–1910 (NYPL, 2006)
Goloboy, Jennifer
Success to Trade: Charleston Merchants in the Revolutionary Era (NYHS, 2005)
Gomez, Alejandro (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales)
The Syndrome of Saint-Dominigue: Ideological and Emotive Reactions to the Haitian Revolution (GLC)
Gonzalez, Aston (Salisbury University)
The Making of Black Genius from the Revolution to Reconstruction (SCH, NYPL, 2022)
Goodall, Alex (Trinity College, University of Cambridge)
Aspects of the Emergence of American Anticommunism, 1917–1949 (NYPL, 2004)
Goodenough, Elizabeth Noble (University of Michigan)
The Gilder and the Golden Age: Children's Books, Kindergartens, and the White House, 1850–1900 (GLC, NYPL, 2023)
Goodier, Susan (University of Albany)
The Other Women’s Rights Movement: Anti-Suffragism in New York State, 1865 to 1932 (NYPL, 2003)
Goodier, Susan (SUNY Oneonta)
Louisa Matilda Jacobs: From Slavery to a Kind of Freedom (NYHS, SCH, NYPL, 2018)
Goodman, Rhonda (Stanford University)
The Visual Culture of Slave Auctions in Nineteenth-Century North America (NYHS, 2008)
Graber, Jennifer (Duke University)
Rightly Suited for Reform: American Christians and the Penitentiary, 1797–1860 (NYHS, 2004)
Graham, Kurt (Harry S. Truman Presidential Library)
Counting the Unpopular Vote: A History of the Strange Way Americans Elect Their President (NYPL, 2017)
Grant, Susan-Mary Cunningham (University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne)
The Challenge of American: National Identity in the United States, 1861–1914 (GLC, 1999)
Greenberg, Amy (Pennsylvania State University)
The US-Mexican War (1846–1848) in American Culture and Memory (NYHS, 2005)
Greenberg, Joshua R. (American University)
Advocating the Man; Masculinity, Organized Labor and the Market Revolution in New York, 1800–1840 (NYHS, 2001)
Greist, Revere (University of California at Los Angeles)
Revolution, Rights and Reform: The Abolition of Entail and Slavery in New York (NYHS)
Grieve, Victoria (Utah State University)
The New Deal for Youth: WPA Fiction in New York City Public Schools (COL, 2008)
Griffin, Emma (University of Cambridge)
The Early History of the American Humane Movement (NYHS, 2003)
Guarneri, Julia (Colgate University)
Making Metropolitans: Newspapers and the Urbanization of Americans, 1880–1930 (NYPL, NYHS, COL, SCH, Brooklyn Historical Society, MCNY, 2012)
Guelzo, Dr. Allen C. (Gettysburg College)
Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation and the End of the Slavery in America (GLC, 2001) Winner of the Lincoln Prize, 2005
Listen to Allen Guelzo’s lecture “Criticisms of the Emancipation Proclamation”
Guild, Joshua B. (Yale University)
You Can’t Go Home Again: Migration, Citizenship and Black Community in Brooklyn, New York, London, England from World War II to 1980 (SCH, 2005)
Gventer, Celeste Ward (University of Texas at Austin)
Cold War Institution-Building in the Eisenhower Administration (Rockefeller Archive Center, Columbia University Center for Oral History Research, 2020)
Gwyn, Julian (University of Ottawa)
Joshua Mauger’s Business Collection (GLC, 2001)
Haberman, Robb (University of Connecticut)
A Network of Benefits: Magazine Production & the Formation of Cultural Life in Post-Revolutionary America, 1783–1798 (NYHS, 2004)
Hack, Timothy (University of Delaware)
Worlds Apart: Comparing Slavery in East and West Jersey (NYHS)
Haefeli, Evan (The McNeil Center for Early American Studies)
The Creation of American Religious Pluralism: Churches, Colonialism, and Conquest in the Mid-Atlantic, 1628–1688 (NYHS, 2000)
Halabuk, James (George Mason University)
Give Me Liberty or Give Me Debt: Thomas Paine, John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, and the Politics of Debt (NYHS, 2006)
Hale, Grace Elizabeth (University of Virginia)
Rebel, Rebel: Outsiders in American Culture, 1945–2000 (COL, 2000)
Hale, Matthew Rainbow (Mississippi State University)
Neither Britons nor Frenchman: The French Revolution and American National Identity (NYHS, 2002)
Hall, Aaron Roy (University of California, Berkeley)
A Constitutional Sublime: Claiming the Founding in Antebellum America (GLC, 2016)
Hall, Stephen G. (Ohio State University)
To Give a Faithful Account of the Race: History and Historical Writing in the African American Community, 1817–1915 (NYPL, 2002)
Halloran, Fiona Deans (Eastern Kentucky University)
The Power of the Pencil: Thomas Nast and American Political Art (NYHS, 2003)
Hamilton, Daniel W. (Harvard University)
The Limits of Sovereignty: Legislative Property Confiscation in the Union and the Confederacy (NYPL, 2002)
Hamilton, Phillip (Christopher Newport University)
The Arc of Revolution: Henry and Lucy Knox and the Transformation of America (GLC, 2013)
Hamlin, Deborah (Debi) (North Carolina Central University)
Albion Tourgee and the Niagara Movement (SCH, 2005)
Harrington, John P. (The Cooper Union)
The Neighborhood Playhouse at the Henry Street Settlement (COL, 1999)
Harris, Keith (University of Virginia)
Across the Bloody Chasm: National Divisions in the Wake of War, 1885–1915 (NYPL)
Harris, LaShawn (Howard University)
Beyond Respectability: The Remaking of Black Women’s Activism, 1900–1950 (SCH, 2006)
Hart, Tanya (Yale University)
Chapter Six: Public Health and Medical Work in Black Harlem, 1915–1945 (SCH, 2004)
Hart, William B. (Middlebury College)
Who Shall Sing Best: Race, Slavery, and Religion in Eighteenth-Century New York City (GLC, 2000)
Hartnett, Stephen (University of Illinois)
Executing Democracy: The Enlightenment, Capital Punishment, and the Rhetoric of Justice in America, 1750–1846 (NYHS, 2001)
Harvey, Paul (University of Colorado)
Freedom’s Coming: Religious Culture and the Shaping of the South from the Civil War through the Civil Rights Era (COL, 1999)
Hashikawa, Kenryu (Columbia University)
City and Country in the Early Republic: Social and Economic Networks in the New York-Philadelphia Region (NYHS, 2001)
Hasenyager, Caroline (The College of William and Mary)
Peopling the Cloister: Women’s Colleges & The Worlds We’ve Made of Them (NYPL)
Hatter, Lawrence B.A. (University of Virginia)
Making Bordered Lands: State, Market, and Border Formation in the Great Lakes Region, 1763–1825 (NYHS, 2009)
Hays, Patrick J. (Fairfield University)
Black Catholics in Brooklyn, 1900–1940 (SCH, 2009)
Head, David (University of Buffalo, State University of New York)
Pirates, Privateers, and Peaceful Trade: Commercial Legitimacy in the Early American Republic, 1815–1830 (NYHS, 2005)
Hemenway, Robin L.E. (University of Minnesota)
“Foundlings of the State”: The Colored Orphan Asylum and the Racial Politics of Child Welfare in New York, 1860–1920 (NYHS, 2001)
Hench, John B. (American Antiquarian Society)
A D-Day for American Books Abroad: Overseas Editions, Inca., and the Internationalization of the U.S. Book Trade, 1942–1948 (COL, 2003)
“Pony Editions” and “Battle Babies”: American Magazines at War, 1941–1946 (NYPL, 2009)
Henretta, James A. (University of Maryland)
The Liberal State in America: New York, 1820–1975 (COL, 2000)
Herrington, Philip M. (University of Virginia)
Plantation, Follow, Fantasy: Real and Imagined Spaces of Agricultural Slavery in America, 1837–1860 (NYHS, 2009)
Heyd, Uriel (University of London)
Developments of Press in Britain and America in the 18th Century (NYPL, 2006)
Hickox, William D. (University of Kansas)
Military Recruitment in New York State during the American Civil War (NYHS, 2015)
Hicks, Melinda (West Virginia University)
Women as Colonial Entrepreneurs: The Life and Economic Legacy of Alida Livingston of New York (GLC, 2006)
Hills, Patricia (Boston University)
Painting Harlem Modern: The Art of Jacob Lawrence (SCH, 2004)
Hintz, Eric S. (University of Pennsylvania)
The PostHeroic Generation: American Independent Inventors, 1900–1950 (NYHS, 2008)
Hirn, Lincoln (University of Connecticut at Storrs)
Reconsidering the Postbellum Slave Narrative (SCH, NYPL, 2023)
Hirota, Hidetaka (Boston College)
Nativism, Citizenship, and the Deportation of Paupers, 1848–1877 (NYPL, 2009)
Hochman, Barbara (Ben-Gurion University of the Negev)
Uncle Tom’s Cabin and the Reading Revolution (NYHS, 1999)
Hodes, Martha (New York University)
The Sea Captain’s Wife: A True Story About Love, Race, and War in the Nineteenth Century (NYPL, 2003)
Hodges, Graham Russell (Colgate University)
New York City in the Eighteenth Century (NYHS, 1998)
Hogan, Lawrence D. (Union County College)
Harlem’s First Citizen: John Howard Johnson at St. Martin’s, A Biography of a Man, A Community, and Its People (NYPL, COL, SCH, Archives of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, 2011)
Hogue, James K. (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
Black Confederates in History and Memory (NYPL, 2004)
Holton, Adalaine (University of Maryland, Baltimore County)
The Practices of Black Radical Print (SCH)
Holzer, Harold (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Abraham Lincoln at Cooper Union (NYPL, 2001)
Read Harold Holzer’s essay “Lincoln at Cooper Union”
Homberger, Eric (University of East Anglia)
Mrs. Astor and the Making of New York Aristocracy (COL, 1998)
Hood, Clifton (Hobart and William Smith Colleges)
Making and Unmaking New York: A Cultural History of the City’s Economic Elites, since 1754 (NYPL, 2006)
Horowitz, Helen Lefkowitz (Smith College)
Rereading Sex: Battles over Sexual Knowledge and Suppression in Nineteenth-Century America (NYHS, 2000)
Horton, Lois E. (George Mason University)
The Legend and Life of Harriet Tubman (NYHS, 2001)
Listen to Lois E. Horton discuss “Abolitionism: A Grassroots Movement”
Hotton, Julia (Independent Scholar)
The Reason Why: The Transatlantic Slave Trade and Slavery in the Americas (GLC, 2008)
Hudock, Matt (University of Delaware)
African American Colonization and Identity, 1780–1925 (SCH, 2009)
Huggins, Benjamin (George Mason University)
Republican Principles and Democratic Revolutions: Senators Nathaniel Macon and Willie Mangum and the Course of North Carolina Politics, 1800–1854 (NYHS)
Hughes, Brandi (Yale University)
Middle Passages: African America and the Missionary Movement through West Africa, 1850–1930 (SCH, 2006)
Hulsebosch, Daniel J. (Saint Louis University School of Law)
Constituting Empire: Constitutional Law and Practice in New York, 1664 to 1830 (NYHS, 2000)
Hunter, David (University of Maryland)
Jim Crow Goes Abroad: Race and the American Nation during World War II (SCH, 2006)
Huyssen, David (Yale University)
“The Terrible Town”: Intersections of Wealth and Poverty in New York, 1890–1920 (COL, 2008)
Huzzey, Richard (St. Catherine’s College, University of Oxford)
Against Slavery: The Nationalisation of British Anti-Slavery, 1833–1870 (COL)
Hyland, Matthew G. (College of William and Mary)
Virginia Piedmont Landscape (GLC, 2000)
Hyman, Louis (Cornell University)
Temp: The Fall and Rise of Flexible Labor in the United States, 1945–2007 (NYPL, COL, NYU Tamiment Library, 2012)
Hymson, Laura A. (University of Michigan)
Advertising Empire: The Integration of the American Advertising Industry and the State, 1918–1955 (NYPL, 2006)
Iachini, Gian Domenico (University of Milan)
Join, or Die. Pictures and Politics in the American Revolution (NYHS, 2009)
Inman, Natalie (Vanderbilt University)
Networking and Negotiation on the Frontier: A Comparative Study of Strategic Decision-Making in Cherokee, Chickasaw, and White Families in their Contest for Regional Dominance, 1700–1840 (GLC)
Ireland, Owen S. (College of Brockport, State University of New York)
Esther De Berdt Reed: Re-fashioning a Female Identity in a Revolutionary Context, 1763–1780 (NYHS, 1999)
Isaac, Joel (Selwyn College, Cambridge)
Theories of Knowledge and the American Human Sciences, 1920–1960 (COL, 2004)
Izecksohn, Vitor (Universidade Federal de Rio de Janeiro)
Comparing Wars: State, Race and Citizenship in the Paraguayan and Civil Wars (NYHS, 2004)
Jackson, Kellie Carter (Columbia University)
Force and Freedom: Black Abolitionists and the Politics of Violence, 1850–1861 (COL, SCH, 2010)
Jacobe, Stephanie A. T. (American University)
Thomas Fortune Ryan: An American Catholic (NYHS, 2009)
Jacoby, Russell (University of California, Los Angeles)
The Work, Contribution and Role of Nobert Guterman (COL, 1999)
E. Wyn James (Cardiff University)
The American Travel Diary of the Welsh Abolitionist, Morgan John Rhys, 1794–1795 (COL, 2012)
Janis, Ely (Boston College)
The Land League in the United States and Ireland: Nationalism, Gender, and Ethnicity in the Gilded Age (NYPL, 2004)
Jespersen, T. Christopher (North Georgia College & State University)
Becoming the Redcoats: The Anglo-American Responses to Revolutions in North America and Southeast Asia, 1763–1995 (GLC, 2000)
Johnson, Daniel (Binghamton University)
Atlantic Entrepots: The Social Worlds of Colonial New York City (GLC, 2009)
Johnson, Herbert A. (University of South Carolina)
Military-Civilian Relationships and the Rule of Law in the New Republics, 1775–1784: Gouverneur Morris and John Jay (COL, 2005)
Johnson, Jessica Marie (University of Maryland-College Park)
Black Atlantic Women: Entrepreneurship, Kinship, Religion and the Struggle for Freedom in Senegal, Gulf Coast Louisiana and Saint Domingue, 1715–1848 (SCH, 2009)
Johnson, M. Houston (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Taking Off: The Politics and Culture of American Aviation, 1927–1939 (COL, 2009)
Johnson, Paul E. (University of South Carolina)
Dangerous Play: A Life of Sam Patch (NYHS, 2000)
Johnson, Rashauna (Dartmouth College)
A City of Slaves: New Orleans during the Age of Revolution (SCH, NYPL, 2014)
Johnson, Jr., Robert J. (City University of New York)
Lincoln the Lawyer (GLC, 2001)
Johnson, William Courtland (University of California, Riverside)
Black Response to the American Colonization Society (COL, 1998)
Jones, Bradley Alan (University of Glasgow)
The American Revolution, Loyalty and the Lower Sort in the British Atlantic World (NYHS, 2004)
Jones, Christina V. (Howard University)
Revolution and Reaction: Santo Domingo during the Haitian Revolution and Beyond, 1791–1844 (SCH, 2005)
Jones, Christopher (Brown University)
Deserting Dixie: Southern Emigres, Exiles, and Dissenters, 1865–1945 (GLC)
Jones, E. Bennett (Northwestern University)
“The Indians Say”: Settler Colonialism and the Scientific Study of Animals in America, 1700–1860 (GLC, NYHS, NYPL, 2017)
Jones, Martha S. (University of Michigan)
“All Bound Up Together”: The “Woman Question” in African-American Public Culture, 1830–1900 (GLC, 2003)
Jones, Matthew (University of Nottingham)
America, Asia, and the Atomic Bomb: Nuclear Weapons, Race, and the Containment of China, 1945–1965 (COL)
Jones, Rhonda (North Carolina Central University)
Tithe, Time, and Talent: African Americans, Philanthropy, and Civil Rights (SCH, 2009)
Kabala, James (Brown University)
A Christian Nation? Religion and the State in the Early American Republic, 1789–1830 (GLC, 2005)
Kalliomaki, Aki (University of California, Santa Cruz)
“The Most God-provoking Democrats on This Side of Hell”: The Impact of the United Irishmen on the Development of the Early American Republic (NYPL, 2002)
Karali, Vassiliki (University of Edinburgh)
Political Anglicanism in the Atlantic World, ca. 1760–1790: A Focus on New York, Pennsylvania, and Virginia (COL, 2004)
Karnas, Martha (University of South Florida)
Immigration, Gender, and Kindergarten Education in New York, 1890–1930 (NYHS, 2001)
Katchum, Mitch (Western Michigan University)
First Martyr of Liberty: Crispus Attucks in American Memory (SCH)
Keith, LeeAnna (Collegiate School)
Republican Radicals in the Great Age of Emancipation (NYPL, GLC, NYHS, COL, SCH, 2011)
Keller, Lisa (Purchase College)
Places of “Legitimate Liveliness”: Creating, Maintaining, and Defining Public Order in Nineteenth-Century London and New York (COL, 2000)
Kelly, Alice (Rothermere American Institute, University of Oxford)
New York City, 1924: American Modernism in the Capital of the Twentieth Century (NYPL, 2020)
Ketchum, Richard M.
Divided Loyalties (GLC, 1998)
Listen to Richard Ketchum’s lecture “Divided Loyalties: How the Revolution Came to New York”
Keyes, Sarah (University of Southern California)
Beyond the Plains: Migration to the Pacific and the Reconfiguration of America, 1820–1900 (NYHS, GLC, 2010)
Kiangu, Sindani (University of Kinshasa)
Master Seminar on the Underground Railroad (SCH, 2009)
Kim, Kevin Y. (Stanford University)
Worlds Unseen: Henry Wallace, Herbert Hoover, and Cold War America’s Rise in the World (NYPL, SCH, 2014)
Kimmage, Michael Chapman (The Catholic University of America)
The Conservative Turn: Lionel Trilling, Whittaker Chambers and the Lessons of Anti-Stalinism (COL, 2004)
King, Donna (Pennsylvania State University)
Allied Civic Engagement in Abolition: Free Black Communities and Allies in New York and Pennsylvania (GLC, NYPL, NYHS, SCH, 2014)
Kleiser, Randal Grant (Columbia University)
Exchanging Empires: Free Trade, Free Ports, Reform, and Revolution in the Atlantic World, 1750–1784 (NYHS, NYPL, 2020)
Knight, Peter (University of Manchester)
Reading the Market: Trust, Confidence and the Personal Touch in American Finance and Business, 1850–1915 (NYHS, 2009)
Kohlmeier, Lisa (Claremont Graduate University)
Intellectual Homes: The Search for Space in the Lives of Alice, James, Alice Paul, Olgivanna Wright, and Regina Anderson Andrews (NYPL)
Koo, Kathryn S. (Saint Mary’s College of California)
Slavery and Print Culture in New England, 1704–1850 (GLC)
Koot, Christian J. (University of Delaware)
In Pursuit of Profit: Persistent Dutch Influence on the Inter-Imperial Trade of New York and the Lesser Antilles, 1621–1689 (NYHS, 2003)
Kozakiewicz, Lauren (University at Albany, State University of New York)
In Politics a “Half a Loaf” is Still Progress: Women as Political Partisans in New York State, 1895–1950 (COL, 2002)
Kreger, Erika M. (University of California, Davis)
The Letters of Salmon P. Chase and His Daughters (NYHS, 1999)
Krivonosov, Alexander A. (The Pennsylvania State University)
Where East Meets The West: A Landscape of Familiar Strangers. Missionary Alaska, 1794–1898 (NYHS, 2001)
Kutnik, Jerzy (Maria Curie - Sklodowska University)
American History: A Textbook for Polish University and College Students of English (NYHS, 1999)
Lancaster, Jane (Pembroke Center)
“One good turn deserves another?” Madame Eliza Jumel, Aaron Burr, and the Association for the Relief of Respectable, Aged, Indigent Females in New York City (GLC)
Lande, Jonathan (Brown University)
Disciplining Freedom: Union Army Slave Rebels and Emancipation in the Civil War Courts-Martial (GLC, 2016)
Landis, Michael Todd (George Washington University)
“Though the Heavens Fall”: Slavery, Northern Democrats, and the Destruction of the Union (NYHS, 2009)
Landrum, Shane (Brandeis University)
Documenting Citizens: Birth Registration and American Identities, 1890–present (NYPL, 2008)
Laughlin Schultz, Bonnie (Indiana University)
“Could I Not Do Something for the Cause?” The Brown Women and John Brown’s Female Networks (COL, 2006)
Lawton, Christopher R. (University of Georgia)
Re-Envisioning the South: William and T. Addison Richards, Georgia Illustrated, and the Cultural Politics of Antebellum Sectionalism (COL, 2009)
Lawton, Stephanie (University of Virginia)
In Memory of the Best: The Classical Commemoration of American Presidents in the Nineteenth Century (GLC, NYHS, NYPL, 2017)
Leavenworth, Peter (University of New Hampshire)
Confrontations of Taste: Americans and European Standards of Musical Aesthetics in the Early Republic: 1770–1825 (NYPL, 2004)
LeBien, Thomas (Farrar, Straus and Giroux)
The Civil War Through Private Eyes (GLC, 2001)
Lepore, Jill (Boston University)
The Mystery of Iniquity: Solving the 1741 New York Slave Conspiracy (NYHS, 2002)
Listen to Jill Lepore’s lecture on The Name of War: King Philip’s War and the Origins of American Identity
Letwin, Daniel (Pennsylvania State University)
The Problem of Social Equality in African-American Thought (COL, 1999)
Levander, Caroline (Rice University)
Cradling Liberty: The Politics of Nineteenth-Century American Culture (GLC, 2001)
Levinson, Adam (Independent Scholar)
Miss Dally's Boarding House: The Location Where the Constitution was "Drafted" by Gouverneur Morris (COL, NYPL, GLC, NYHS, 2023)
Lieberman, Robbie (Southern Illinois University)
“Peace and Civil Rights Don’t Mix, They Say”: The Impact of Anti-Communism on the Civil Rights Movement, 1945–1965 (SCH, 2006)
Lindsay, Megan (Yale University)
Leisler’s Rebellion: Anglo-Dutch Politics in Seventeenth Century Colonial New York (NYPL, 2008)
Linsley, Susanna (University of Michigan)
Contending for Unity: Religious Toleration and Pluralism in Charleston and New York, 1780–1830 (NYHS, 2009)
Lix-Jones, Marley (Harvard University)
Disturbed Districts: Enslaved Community and Geography Amidst Rebellion in the Greater Caribbean, 1807–1840 (NYPL, GLC, COL, 2023)
Lloyd, John P. (California State Polytechnic University, Pomona)
Revising the Republic: Popular Perceptions of Constitutional Change during the Civil War and Reconstruction (GLC, 2005)
Loomis, Christopher (University of Virginia)
Rechanneling Democracy: Public Television and Liberalism in America, 1950–1980 (COL)
Lorini, Alessandra (Università degli Studi di Firenze)
The Role of Political Refugees in New York Public Culture, 1877–1898 (NYHS, 2000)
Lowry, Thomas and Beverly A.
Civil War Court Martials database (GLC, 2001)
Lucander, David (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
It is a New Kind of Militancy; The March on Washington Movement, 1940–1946 (SCH, 2008)
Lundberg, James M. (Yale University)
Reading Horace Greeley’s America, 1834–1872 (NYPL, 2005)
Lutes, Jean Marie (Manhattan College)
Stunt Reporters and Sob Sisters: Women Journalists and the Embodiment of Publicity in America (COL, 2001)
Mackay, James (University of Edinburgh)
“What They Call Free in This Country”: Refugees from Slavery in Revolutionary America, 1775–1783 (NYHS, MCNY, NYPL, 2020)
Mackintosh, Will (University of Michigan)
A Restless Nation: Mobility, Cosmopolitanism, and Class in the United States, 1790–1865 (NYHS, 2005)
Maertz, Gregory (St. John’s University)
The Invisible Museum: The Secret Postwar History of Nazi Art (NYPL, 2001)
Maestri, Melissa Amy (University of Delaware)
The Atlantic Web of Bondage: Comparing the Slave Trades of New York City and Charleston, South Carolina (NYPL, SCH, 2012)
Maessen, Laura (University of Leiden)
Robert Parris Moses and SNCC: The Role of Organizational Leadership in Production of Social Change During the Civil Rights Movement, 1960–1965 (SCH, 2008)
Malone, Cheryl Knott (University of Arizona)
A History of Public Library Services for African Americans in the 20th Century (SCH, 2009)
March, Kevin Alan (Boston College)
Breaking Dawn: King Philip's War and the Rise of the Wabanaki Confederacy, 1675–1763 (GLC, 2023)
Marinari, Maddalena (University of Kansas, Lawrence)
Liberty, Restriction, and the Remaking of Italians and Eastern European Jews (1924–1965) (NYPL, 2005)
Marler, Jennifer Jones (University of South Carolina)
"Make Yourselves Free": The Social and Political Impact of the Revolutionary Black Experience in New York City, 1776–1783 (NYHS, NYPL, Center for Brooklyn History, 2023)
Martin, Ruth (University of Cambridge)
Unpopular Justice? “Radical” Civil Liberties Lawyers’ Defence of Due Process, 1960–1972 (The Columbia University Rare Book and Manuscript Library)
Maskiell, Nicole Saffold (Cornell University)
“A kind of extravasat Blood”: Slavery Among Elites in Colonial Massachusetts and New York, 1650–1750 (GLC, NYHS, SCH, 2010)
Mason, Matthew (Brigham Young University)
The Doughfaes: Northern Men of Southern Principles in US Politics, 1819–1865 (NYPL)
Masur, Louis P. (The City College of The City University of New York)
Baseball, American Culture, and the First World Series (NYPL, 2001)
Matsui, John (Johns Hopkins)
“We See What Our Fathers Did Not”: Interracial Evangelicalism in the Antislavery Atlantic World, 1816–1866 (SCH)
Matthews, Irene (Northern Arizona University)
The Darkie’s House: Migration and Emigration Patterns during Reconstruction (GLC, 2004)
Mattson, Kevin (Ohio University)
Reconstructuring “the L Word”: An Intellectual History of Post–World War II American Liberalism (COL, 2002)
Maw, Peter (University of Manchester)
Anglo-American Trade, 1783–1815 (NYHS, 2004)
May, Cedrick (Pennsylvania State University)
Evangelism and Resistance in the Black Transatlantic, 1760–1855 (NYHS, 2001)
Mayers, David (Boston University)
The American Empire and Its Discontents (NYHS, 2000)
Maynard, Colin (Independent Scholar)
Holidays in the American Civil War (NYHS, 2008)
McCaughey, Robert (Barnard College)
A History of Columbia University in the City of New York, 1754–2004 (NYHS, 1998)
McCaskill, Barbara (University of Georgia)
African American Women and Transatlantic Abolition (COL, 1998)
McClintock, Russell (Clark University)
Response to Secession: Northern Political Culture and the Crisis of the Union, 1860–1861 (GLC, 2000)
McClure, Daniel (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
The National Center of Afro-American Artists, Culture and Community Development in Roxbury, MA, 1950–1990 (SCH, 2003)
McConaghy, Lorraine CA. (Museum of History & Industry)
“Speaking Politics”: Antebellum Political Convictions of US Naval Officers (NYHS, 2009)
McConnell, Kent (Wake Forest University)
“There Must Be Tears in the Houses”: A Search for Religious Meaning from the Carnage of the American Civil War (GLC, 2006)
McCoy, Colin (University of Illinois)
Democracy in Print: The Transformation of American Political Culture, 1815–1861 (NYHS, 1999)
McDaniel, W. Caleb (Johns Hopkins University)
“Our Country is the World”: Radical American Abolitionists Abroad (NYHS, 2003)
McDonald, Christine Coalwell (The Storm King School)
Jefferson’s Military School (NYHS, 2001)
McDonald, Kevin P. (University of California, Santa Cruz)
Pirates, Merchants, Settlers and Slaves: Making an Indo-Atlantic Trade World, 1645–1730 (NYHS, 2004)
McElfresh, Earl B. (McElfresh Map Co., LLC)
Maps and Mapmakers of the Civil War (GLC, 1998)
McKerley, John (University of Iowa)
Beyond the Ballot: Race, Voting Rights, and the Limits of Democracy in Nineteenth-Century Missouri (NYPL, 2003)
McKinley, Michael (Independent Scholar)
Spats: A Soldier of the Great War—A Book and Documentary Film (GLC, NYHS, SCH, 2017)
McKito, Valerie H. (Texas Technology University)
In the Shadow of Victory: Loyalists after the Revolution (NYPL)
McMahon, Lucia (Rutgers University)
Gender, Sociability and Identity in the Early Republic (GLC, 2000)
McManus, Michael J. (McManus, Perkins & Associates, Ltd.)
The Missouri Compromise: Politics, Slavery and Race in America, 1789–1861 (NYHS, 2004)
McMillin, Robyn Davis (University of Oklahoma)
Cultivation of the Scientific Arts in Eighteenth-Century America (NYPL, 2003)
McNeil, Genna Rae (The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
“Witness!”: Two Centuries of African American Faith and Practice of the Abyssinian Baptist Church of Harlem, New York, 1808–2008 (SCH, 2007)
Mead, Philip (Harvard University)
Melancholy Landscapes: The Sullivan-Clinton Campaign in History and Memory 1779–1830 (NYHS, 2007)
Mehrotra, Ajay K. (University of Chicago)
Creating the Modern American Fiscal State: The Political Economy of U.S. Tax Policy, 1880–1930 (COL, 2001)
Meier, Kathryn Shively (University of Virginia)
Under the Surge of the Blue: Environmental Effects on Civil War Soldier Mental and Physical Health in Virginia, 1862 (NYPL, 2009)
Middleton, Simon (University of East Anglia)
Rights, Privileges, and the Place of the Artisan in Colonial New York (COL, 1998)
Mihm, Stephen (New York University)
The Counterfeiters: Bankers, Forgers and the Culture of Commerce (NYHS, 2000)
Miletsky, Zebulon (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
City of Amalgamation: Race, Marriage, Class and Color in Boston, 1900–1930 (SCH, 2003)
Milford, Timothy A. (Harvard University)
Advantage: The Gardiners and Anglo-America, 1750–1820 (COL, 2000)
Miller, Chrislaine Pamphile (University of California, Santa Cruz)
“Blessed are the Peacemakers”: African American Emigration to Haiti in the Nineteenth Century (NYHS, SCH, NARA, 2010)
Miller, Eben (Brandeis University)
Born along the Color Line: A Generation within the Twentieth-Century Civil Rights Struggle (COL, 2000)
Miller, Julie (City University of New York, Hunter College)
Gotham’s Waifs: Foundlings in Nineteenth-Century New York City (NYHS, 2008)
Miller, Sydney (Ohio State University)
Virginia Republicans in Politics and Print, 1812–1837 (GLC, NYHS, NYPL, COL, 2018)
Miller, Tom (University of Arizona)
José Martí’s Life in New York City, 1880–1895 (NYPL, 2001)
Millett, Nathaniel (St. Louis University)
Slave Resistance During the Age of Revolution: The Maroon Community at Prospect Bluff, Spanish Florida (NYHS)
Mills, Brandon (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Cultures of African Colonization in the Antebellum United States: The Roots of American Empire and the Global Imagination of US Citizenship, 1817–1863 (NYPL)
Milne, David (University of Nottingham)
Intellectuals and Foreign Policy, 1890–1945 (COL, 2005)
Minardi, Margot (Harvard University)
Making Slavery History: Memory and Aspiration in Early National Massachusetts (NYPL, 2005)
Minichillo, Matthew A. (Kent State University)
The Federalist Sage of New York: The Retirement Years of John Jay, 1801–1829 (COL, 2002)
Minty, Christopher (John Dickinson Writings Project, Center for Digital Editing, University of Virginia)
The Papers of Robert R. Livingston, Member of the Committee of Five and First US Secretary of Foreign Affairs (NYPL, COL, Center for Brooklyn History, 2021)
Mitchell, Mary Niall (University of New Orleans)
The Real Ida May: Truth, Fiction, and Daguerreotypes in a Story of Antislavery (GLC, 2008)
Mittelstadt, Jennifer (University of Michigan)
The Dilemmas of the Liberal Welfare State, 1945–1964: Gender, Race, and Aid to Dependent Children (COL, 2001)
Moats, Sandy (University of California, Los Angeles)
Monroe’s Tours and the Realignment of American Politics in the Early 19th Century (NYHS, 2000)
Monaghan, Charles
They Taught a Young Nation to Read: Writers of Literacy Textbooks in the Early Republic (COL, 2002)
Moniz, Amanda (University of Michigan)
Labours in the Cause of Humanity in Every Part of the Globe: Transatlantic Philanthropic Collaboration and the Cosmopolitan Ideal, 1760–1815 (NYPL, 2003)
Montalvo, Maria R. (Rice University)
The Louisiana Guarantee: The Law, the Market, and the Enslaved in the Antebellum South (GLC, NYHS, 2015)
Montejano, David (University of Texas at Austin)
A Red Badge of Cotton? On the Circulation of Southern Cotton during the American Civil War (NYHS, 2002)
Morgan, Kerry A.
Picturing Justice: Law and Lawlessness in American Visual Culture, 1850–1880 (NYPL, 1998)
Morin, Karen (Bucknell University)
Charles P. Daly and the Making of American Geography, 1860–1890 (NYPL, 2004)
Morris, James McGrath
Pulitzer: A Biography (COL, 2006)
Mosterman, Andrea (Boston University)
Sharing Spaces in a New World Environment: African-Dutch Contributions to North American Culture, 1626–1826 (NYHS, 2008)
Moudry, Roberta
Met Life’s Metropolis (NYHS, 2005)
Murphy, Brian P. (University of Virginia)
The Politics Corporations Make: Interests, Institutions, and the Formation of States and Parties in New York, 1783–1850 (NYPL)
Read Brian Murphy’s essay “The Rise of an American Institution: The Stock Market”
Moses, Jennifer (University of Delaware)
The Fortune Generation: The Black Press and the Unfolding of Jim Crow America, 1888–1908 (NYHS, 2006)
Mulhall, Sarah (Johns Hopkins)
Treated as a Child Should Be: New York City Orphan Asylums and Nineteenth-Century Conceptions of Childhood (NYHS)
Murray, Aife (Independent Scholar)
Stand Up and Be Counted (NYPL, 2009)
Mustakeem, Sowande (Michigan State University)
Ripples of Infinity: Gender, Health, and Violence in the Middle Passage, 1721–1808 (GLC, 2006)
Myers, Barton A. (Washington and Lee University)
Champions of the Union: Lincoln’s Southern Commanders and the American Civil War Era (GLC, NYHS, 2021)
Nash, Jonathan (University at Albany, SUNY)
An Incarcerated Republic: Prisoners, Reformers, and the Penitentiary in the Early United States (NYHS, 2009)
Nathans, Heather Shawn (University of Maryland)
“A Democracy of Glee”: The Post-Revolutionary Theater of Boston & Philadelphia (NYHS, 1999)
Nekola, Martin (Independent Scholar)
East European Exiles in New York City in the First Phase of the Cold War (COL, NYPL, UN Archives and Records Center, Center for Migration Studies, 2023)
Nelson, Claire Nee (Yale University)
African Americans and the Making of Race in America, 1877–1925 (SCH, 2004)
Nichols-Geerdes, Sasha (University of California at Los Angeles)
Ancient Systems of Trade: Organizing Commerce in Colonial Boston, New York, and Philadelphia (NYHS)
Nissenbaum, Steven (University of Massachusetts)
Clement Moore Papers (NYHS, 2001)
Nitschke, Christoph (Keble College, University of Oxford)
The Panics of 1873 and US Foreign Relations (COL, NYHS, NYPL, 2017)
Niu, Samuel (Columbia University)
The Other Chinese Question: Immigration, Race, and the Problem of Labor in the Age of Emancipation (NYHS, SCH, NYPL, 2022)
Noonan, Mark James (Queens College, City University of New York)
“Reading The Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine”: American Literature and Culture, 1870–1893 (NYPL, 2001)
Nord, David Paul (Indiana University)
Complaining about Journalism in Early 20th-Century New York (COL, 2003)
O’Brien, Gregg (University of Southern Mississippi)
Indians in a Revolutionary Age: The Transformation of Power and Authority Among the Choctaws, 1750–1830 (GLC, 1998)
Ogletree, Madison (Columbia University)
A Peculiar Freedom: Free People of Color, the Law, and the Making of the Old South, 1787–1860 (NYHS, COL, SCH, 2022)
Ohman, Martin (University of Virginia)
An Experiment in State System formation: The Political Crisis of the Early Republic Seen in the Context of Conflicting Conceptions of International Organization (NYHS, 2007)
Oldfield, John Richard (University of Southhampton)
Transatlanticism, Slavery, and Abolition: Anglo-American Cooperation in the Age of the American Revolution (NYHS, 2003)
Olsavsky, Jesse (University of Pittsburgh)
“Fire and Sword Will Do More Good”: Fugitive Slaves, Vigilance Committees, and the Rise of Revolutionary Abolitionism, 1835–1865 (COL, NYHS, NYPL, SCH, 2017)
Orihel, Michelle (Syracuse University)
“The Infamy of Self-Creation”: The Democratic-Republican Societies and Political Communication in the Early Republic (NYPL, 2008)
Ott, Julia (Yale University)
Only Fools Run In? Financial Securities Marketing and the Legitimization of the Small Investor in the United States, ca. 1850–1930 (NYPL, 2003)
Ottman, Tod M. (University of Albany, State University of New York)
Creating the State University of New York: Higher Education Policy, War and the Politics of Ethnic Discrimination in New York State Government, 1935–1948 (COL, 1999)
Otto, Paul (George Fox University)
Beads of Power: Wampum and the Making of Early America (NYPL, NYHS, 2012)
Owen, Kenneth (The Queen’s College, University of Oxford)
Political Community in Revolutionary Pennsylvania, 1774–1800 (NYHS, 2009)
Page, Max (University of Massachusetts)
Destroying New York: A History of Fantasies and Premonitions (NYHS, 2001)
Paley, Valerie (Columbia University)
Philanthropy, Urban Imperialism, and the Emergence of America’s Cultural Capital (NYPL, 2009)
Palfreyman, Brett (Binghamton University)
Peace Process: The Reintegration of the Loyalists in Post-Revolutionary America (COL, NYPL, 2014)
Panzer, Mary
Realism in American Art of the Nineteenth Century (NYHS, 2000)
Papas, Phillip (Union County College)
Odd Man Out: General Charles Lee and the Struggle for American Independence (GLC, 2008)
Paris, Leslie (University of Michigan)
The Children That Went Home Monday Cried as If Their Hearts Would Break: New York City Social Workers, Working-Class Families and Children’s Summer Camps, 1880–1941 (COL, 1999)
Parmenter, John (Cornell University)
At the Wood’s Edge: Haudenosaunee Politics and Society, 1675–1775 (NYHS, 2004)
Parr, Jessica (University of New Hampshire)
On the Margins of Empire: the Spectre of Marronage and the Making of Intellectual Borderlands in the Age of Revolution (NYHS, 2009)
Paugh, Katherine (University of Pennsylvania)
“The Strongest Interest in Preventing this Diminution”: Rationalizing Reproduction in the British West Indies, 1763–1833 (NYPL)
Payne, Phillip G. (Saint Bonaventure University)
The Modern Presidency and the Politics of Legacy: Museums, Libraries, and Public Memory (COL, 2003)
Payne, Samantha Leigh (College of Charleston)
The Last Atlantic Revolution: Reconstruction and the Struggle for Democracy in the Americas, 1861–1912 (GLC, 2022)
Peart, Daniel (University College London)
Popular Engagement with Politics in the United States during the Early 1820s (NYHS, 2009)
Peatman, Jared (Texas A&M University)
The Gettysburg Address, 1863–1965 (COL, 2009)
Peiss, Kathy (University of Pennsylvania)
The Librarian’s Secrets: Books, Intelligence, and Cultural Reconstructions in the Second World War (NYPL, 2004)
Pencak, William (Pennsylvania State University)
The Jay Family in American History, 1685–1894 (COL, 2003)
Penner, Barbara (University College London)
Fairy Palaces of the Imagination: New York Palace Hotels and Retail Culture, 1846–1860 (NYHS, 2003)
Peretz, Pauline (Université Paris 8—Vincennes Saint Denis)
Fort Huachuca, Arizona: A Laboratory of Racial Relations in the Army during World War II (SCH, NYPL, 2018)
Pérez, Lisandro (Florida International University)
Cuban New Yorkers: Revolutionaries, intellectuals, Musicians, and the Development of a Cuban National Identity in New York City, 1823–1958 (NYPL, 2002)
Perrone, Sean T. (Saint Anselm College)
The Spanish Consular Service in the Early American Republic, 1795–1825 (NYHS, 2005)
Peterson, Carla L. (Universitiy of Maryland)
Family and Friends: The Making of New York’s Black Elite, 1810–1900 (COL, 1998)
Phillips, Michael (University of York, England)
Political Emigrants to America during the Anti-Jacobin Terror in Britain, 1792–1794 (NYHS, 2001)
Pierce, Christopher (University of Liverpool)
The City as Mind: The Scientific Imagination in the Colonial Construction of New Amsterdam (NYHS, 1999)
Ping, Laura (Queens College and Pace University)
Beyond Bloomers: Fashioning Change in the Long Nineteenth Century (NYPL, MCNY, MET, FIT, 2021)
Polgar, Paul J. (The Graduate Center, The City University of New York)
To Be Free and Equal? Antislavery Reform in America, 1783–1833 (NYHS, SCH, 2010)
Polk, William R.
A Mystery Indeed: The American Revolution (GLC, 2001)
Ponce, Pearl (California State University)
To Tame the Devil in Hell: Kansas in National Politics, 1854–1858 (GLC, 2004)
Pope, Justin (George Washington University)
The Consequences of Empire: Insurrection, Conspiracy, and the Search for Salvation in the British Atlantic World (NYPL)
Porwancher, Andrew (University of Oklahoma)
The Jewish Founding Father: Alexander Hamilton’s Hidden Life (COL, 2016)
Posey, Trisha (John Brown University)
Poverty Encounters: Unitarians, the Poor and Poor Relief in Antebellum Boston and Philadelphia (NYPL, 2008)
Power-Greene, Ousmane (University of Massachusetts)
Against Wind and Tide: African Americans’ Response to the Colonization Movement and Emigration, 1770–1865 (SCH)
Powers, Kevin Noble (Georgetown University)
Freedom from Want: An Environmental History of Depression and War America, 1933–1945 (COL)
Preda, Alex (Universität of Bielefeld)
The Market and the Steam Engine: How Natural Science Shaped Financial Markets in the 19th Century in the USA and in Europe (NYHS, 2000)
Prescott, Taylor (University of Pennsylvania)
Contestation, Cooperation, and Identity Formation: Examining Black Interethnic Exchange in Sierra Leone (COL, National Archives at NYC, NYHS, NYPL, 2023)
Preston, David L. (The Citadel)
The Texture of Contact: European Settlers and Indians on the New York and Pennsylvania Frontiers, 1700–1774 (NYHS, 2000)
Braddock’s Veterans: Paths of Loyalty in the British Empire, 1755–1775 (NYHS, NYPL, GLC, COL, 2010)
Preston, Katherine K. (College of William and Mary)
Against the Grain: English-Language Opera Companies in Late 19th-Century America (NYHS, 1999)
Quest, Matthew (Brown University)
CA.L.R. James, Direct Democracy and National Liberation (COL, 2008)
Quigley, David (Boston College)
The American Civil War and the Making of the Modern World (NYHS, 1999)
Quinn, Edith Ann (Hartwick College)
The Hills Was Home: A Rural African-American Community in Westchester County, New York 1790–1920s (NYHS)
Rao, Gautham (University of Chicago)
Visible Hands: Federal Customhouses and the Making of the American Mercantile State, 1789–1865 (NYPL)
Raphael, Ray
Founders: The People Who Brought You a Nation (GLC, 2005)
Read Ray Raphael’s essay “The War for Independence”
Rauch, Alan (University of North Carolina at Charlotte)
England and America in 1815 (GLC)
Raymond, Ray (SUNY Ulster)
John Jay: Founding Diplomat (GLC)
Raynor, Sharon D. (Johnson C. Smith University)
When Writing Goes to War: Narrative Constructs and Rhetorical Strategies in Autobiographical Writings of African American Vietnam Soldiers (NYPL, GLC, SCH, 2013)
Recchiuti, John Louis (Mount Union College)
Intellectuals of Consequence: Social Scientists and the Transformation of American Politics, 1880–1917 (COL, 2001)
Render, Brandon James (University of Texas at Austin)
Colorblind University: Race and Higher Education in the Twentieth Century (NYPL, NYU, 2020)
Reynolds, Rita (University of Massachusetts at Amherst)
Wealthy Free Women of Color in Charleston, South Carolina During Slavery (NYPL, 2002)
Rietzler, Katharina E. (University College, London)
American Foundations and the “Scientific Study of International Relations” in Europe (1920–1939) (COL)
Rine, Holly A. (University of New Hampshire)
“God the Lord Would Punish Such a Place”: Contests over Land and Space in the Hudson and Mohawk River Valleys, 1674–1688 (NYHS, 2002)
Rix, Rebecca A. (Yale University)
Gender and Reconstitution: The Family and Individual Basis of Democracy Contested, 1880–1932 (NYPL, 2003)
Roark, James L. (Emory University)
The Confederate Experience: A Documentary History of White Southerners during the Civil War (GLC, 2000)
Roberts, Kyle (University of Pennsylvania)
Evangelical Men in Gotham: Work, Home, Church, and State in Early New York City (NYHS, 2005)
Roberts, Priscilla (University of Hong Kong)
The Carnegie Corporation as Part of the Institutional Framework of the United States Foreign Policy Establishment (COL, 2001)
Robertson, Andrew W. (Lehman College)
Rediscovering the Lost Atlantis of American Politics, 1788–1824 (GLC, 1998)
Listen to Andrew Robertson discuss the Costs of the American Revolution
Robinson, Marco (University of Mississippi)
By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them: Civil Rights Activism at Rust College, 1950–1970 (SCH, 2008)
Robinson, Stephen (University of Southhampton)
Black Political Organisation in the South from 1883 to 1909 (SCH, 2008)
Rockman, Seth (Occidental College)
Welfare Reform in the Early Republic: A Brief History with Documents (NYHS, 2000)
Rodabaugh, Charlotte (West Virginia University)
Ambitious Brotherhood: Yankee Masculinity and the American Frontier (GLC, 2008)
Rojas, Martha Elena (University of Pennsylvania)
Diplomatic Letters: The Culture and Conduct of U.S. Foreign Affairs in the Early Republic (GLC, 2001)
Ron, Ariel (University of California, Berkeley)
Conceiving an Industrial Nation: Antebellum Origins of Republican Development Policy (NYHS, 2009)
Roper, Donald M. (University of New Paltz, State University of New York)
Shaping the Young Republic’s Law: The New York Supreme Court, 1798–1823 (GLC, 1999)
Rosa, Andrew J. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
In the Service of God, Race, and Man: St. Clair Drake, A Scholar Activist in the American Century (SCH, 2002)
Rosier, Paul CA. (Villanova University)
A Hazard of New Fortunes: Gold and Indians in America in the 19th Century (GLC, 1999)
Rommel-Ruiz, W. Bryan (The Colorado College)
Atlantic Revolutions: Slavery, Freedom, and Race in Rhode Island and Nova Scotia, 1750–1830 (GLC, 2001)
Runstedtler, Theresa (Yale University)
“Journeymen” Boxing and the Transnational Formations of Race, Gender, and Nation (SCH, 2004)
Ryan, Elena M. Telles (Princeton University)
“Entirely at the Indians' Discretion": The Legal Landscape of the Western Great Lakes, 1670–1823 (NYPL, NYHS, Smithsonian Museum of the American Indian, 2022)
Ryder, Karen E.
Mortality Statistics from Josiah Nott to Frederick L. Hoffman: Making Risk Assessment “Scientific” (COL, 2004)
Sandweiss, Martha A. (Amherst College)
The Secret Life of Clarence King (NYPL, 2003)
Read Martha A. Sandweiss’s “Photography in Nineteenth-Century America”
Sandy-Bailey, Julia (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
The “Negro Market” and the Black Freedom Movement in New York City, 1930–1965 (SCH, 2004)
Sappol, Michael
Working-Class Death in 19th- and Early 20th-Century America (COL, 1998)
Sarias, David (University of Sheffield)
Anatomy of Counter-Hegemony: The Anglo-American Conservative Movement, 1955–1976 (COL, 2004)
Savage-Pearsall, Sarah Marjorie (St. Edmund’s College)
“After All These Revolutions”: Family Correspondence from the British-Atlantic World, 1760–1812 (NYHS, 1999)
Saxe, David Warren (Pennsylvania State University)
Land and Liberty: A Chronology of American History K–12 (GLC, 2001)
Schermerhorn, Jack (University of Virginia)
Against All Odds: Slavery and Enslaved Families in the Making of the Antebellum Chesapeake (SCH, 2006)
Schlereth, Eric Raymond (Brandeis University)
Disenchanting the Republic: Deism and the Politics of Reason in the Early National United States. (NYHS, 2005)
Schmadeke, William C. (Grant Community High School, Fox Lake, Illinois)
The Infrastructure of the Cold War (GLC, NYPL, Cold War Museum, 2022)
Schmidt-Pirro, Julia
The Correspondence of American Composer George Antheil (COL, 2000)
Schneider, Eric CA.
A Social History of Heroin in New York, 1940–1975 (COL, 1999)
Vampires, Dragons, and Egyptian Kings: Youth Gangs in Postwar New York (Princeton University Press, 2001)
Schwartz, Heather (State University of New York, Binghamton)
Plans for Institutional Reform in British America, 1643–1788 (NYPL, 2008)
Scott, Joanna Vecchiarelli (Eastern Michigan University)
Hannah Arendt in New York (COL, 2002)
Scott-Childress, Reynolds J. (State University of New York at New Paltz)
Cultural Reconstruction: The Northern Production of Southern Culture, 1870–1915 (COL, 2000)
Sears, Christine E. (University of Delaware)
A Different Kind of Slavery: American Captives in Barbary, 1776–1830 (GLC, 2004)
Sedgwick, Katherine (University of Pennsylvania)
The Meaning of Truth and the Purpose of Higher Education: Religion, Curriculum, and Pedagogy, 1850–1930 (NYPL, 2009)
Seidman, Robert J. (Cooper Union)
Joseph Pulitzer’s World (COL, 2002)
Selig, Robert A.
The American Campaigns of Georg Daniel Flohr (1756–1826) Fusilier, Regiment Royal Deux-Ponts, 1780–1783 (NYHS, 1999)
Shapiro, Rachel (University of Virginia)
New York City and the Politics of the Civil War Draft: A Story of Local, State, and National Cooperation (NYHS, 2006)
Sharples, Jason T. (University of Pennsylvania)
The Flames of Insurrection: Fearing Slave Conspiracy in Early America, 1670–1780 (NYHS, 2009)
Shaw, Susannah (University of Houston)
Building New Netherland: Gender and Family Ties in a Frontier Society (NYHS, 2000)
Shinn, James M., Jr. (Yale University)
Republicans, Reconstruction, and the Origins of US Imperialism in the Caribbean, 1865‒1878 (NYPL, SCH, NYHS, 2016)
Siddali, Silvana R. (St. Louis University)
Antebellum State Constitutions in the Old Northwest (NYPL, 2002)
Publications: From Property to Person: Slavery and the Confiscation Acts, 1861–1862, Louisiana State University Press, 2005.
Silber, Nina (Boston University)
The Civil War in American Life, 1929–1941 (NYPL, SCH, Morgan Library, 2010)
Silkey, Martha Sarah (University of East Anglia)
Evolving Morality in a Transatlantic Society: Ida B. Wells, Anti-Lynching Activism and British Interest in American Race Relations, 1877–1920 (SCH, 2003)
Silver, Adam (Boston University)
Regional Diversity, Party Platforms and the Institutionalization of the Two-Party System in 19th-Century America (NYHS, 2004)
Sim, David (Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford)
The Irish Question in US Politics and Diplomacy, 1840–1890 (NYPL, 2009)
Sinha, Manisha (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Let My People Go: African Americans and the Movement to Abolish Slavery, 1775–1865 (SCH, 2005)
Read Manisha Sinha’s essay “African Americans and Emancipation”
Sioli, Marco (Universitá Degli Studi Di Milano)
Making Silk in Weehawken: Louis Tinelli’s Activities in New York City (1837–1873) (NYHS, 2003)
Sisson, Kelly (University of Michigan)
King Corn in American Culture, 1862–1936 (NYHS, 2008)
Smallwood, Arwin D. (Bradley University)
The Tuscarora: A History of the Sixth Iroquois Nation (GLC, 2002)
Smith, Adam (Queen Mary and Westfield College, University of London)
Popular Political Engagement on the Northern “Home Front” during the American Civil War (GLC, 1999)
The Democratic Party in the Northeastern United States, 1865–1896 (COL, 2005)
Listen to Adam Smith’s lecture “No Party Now: Politics in the Civil War North”
Smith, David Sellars (Northwestern University)
A Politics for Professional Capitalists: Credit Men and the Origins of Interest Group Politics, 1880–1914 (NYPL, 2006)
Smith, Hampton (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Making Against Slavery: Craft and Abolition in the Black Atlantic World, 1750–1865 (NYPL, 2023)
Smith, Keely (Princeton University)
Communicating Power and Sovereignty: Muscogee Communication Networks, 1715–1880 (NYHS, NYPL, GLC, 2021)
Smith, Steven Carl (University of Missouri)
A World the Printers Made: Print Culture in New York, 1730–1830 (NYPL, NYHS, COL, 2011)
Smith, Timothy B. (University of Tennessee at Martin)
A Western Gettysburg: The Establishment of Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park (NYPL)
Snay, Mitchell (Denison University)
Ethnic Nationalism in the Era of Reconstruction (GLC, 1998)
Snook, Sarah Barr (Columbia University)
The Development of the American Art Market in Antebellum New York (NYHS, 2001)
Soffer, Jonathan (NYU Polytechnic Institute)
Why Did Men Change Their Minds? New York City Politics and Woman Suffrage, 1915–1917 (NYPL, 2011)
Read Jonathan Soffer’s essay “The Nineteenth Amendment and Woman Suffrage”
Sparshott, Christopher (Northwestern University)
Popular Loyalism: Clinging to Empire during a Colonial War of Independence (NYPL, 2005)
Spingarn, Adena (Harvard University)
Uncle Tom in the American Imagination (NYHS, 2009)
Spooner, Matthew (Columbia University)
Origins of the Old South: The Reconstitution of Southern Slavery, 1776–1808 (GLC, NYPL, NYHS, COL, 2012)
St. George, Robert Blair (University of Pennsylvania)
An Eighteenth-Century House Attack and Its Political Aftermath, 1766–1826 (NYHS, 1999)
Stabile, Carol A. (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee)
“Men Who Had No Faults”: Race and News Reporting in the 1863 Draft Riots (NYHS, 2004)
Stagg, Allison (University College London, England)
Political Caricature in the United States: 1780–1830 (NYPL, 2008)
Stamm, Michael (University of Chicago)
Mixed Media: Newspaper Ownership of Radio and the Reorientation of American Culture, 1920–1950 (COL, 2003)
Stauffer, Andrew M. (California State University, Los Angeles)
Two Nations, One Song: British Poetry in the American Abolitionist Press, 1840–1870 (NYHS, 2000)
Stefanelli, Dana John (University of Virginia)
A Capital City: Financing the Development of Early Washington DC (NYHS, 2008)
Steigerwald, Alison (University of Iowa)
Women United Against War: International Connections of American Female Anti-War Activists during the First World War (NYPL, 2017)
Steir-Livny, Liat (Tel Aviv University)
A World of Difference: The Representation of the Holocaust, Holocaust Survivors and their Rehabilitation in the Films and Journalism of Zionist Organizations in the USA and Eretz-Israel, 1945–1948 (NYPL, 2001)
Stephenson, R.S.
Highland Scots as Soldiers in the Atlantic World, 1756–1775 (GLC, 1998)
Sternhell, Yael A. (Tel-Aviv University)
Anticipating Memory: The Confederate South and the Making of Civil War History (GLC, 2009)
Stockwell, Mary (Lourdes College)
Anthony Wayne: A Life in Letters (NYPL, 2006)
Stokes, Claudia (Trinity University)
Disciplining American Literature: The Rise of American Literary History, 1875–1910 (COL, 2002)
Storey, Margaret M. (DePaul University)
Southern Ishmaelites: Unionists in Alabama’s Civil War and Reconstruction (GLC, 2001)
Strouse, Jean
J. Pierpont Morgan (COL, 1998)
Listen to Jean Strouse’s lecture “Morgan: American Financier”
Sugrue, Michael (Princeton University)
South Carolina College: The Education of a Cultural Elite (NYPL, 1998)
Sullivan, Stephen J. (Lawrence High School, Cedarhurst, NY, and Columbia University)
“The Only Original Political Boss”: Hugh McLaughlin and the Social Functions of Brooklyn’s Political Machine (COL, BHS, NYHS, 2014)
Summerfield, Elizabeth (Visiting Research Fellow, University of Melbourne)
The Formative Years of Theodore Roosevelt and Gifford Pinchot (AMNH, NYPL, MET, 2017)
Surwillo, Lisa (Pennsylvania State University)
Tio Tom’s Cabins: Spain in the Black Atlantic (NYPL, 2006)
Sutton, Jennie (Washington University in St. Louis)
Race, Republicanism, and Imperial War in Turn-of-the-Century United States and South Africa (NYPL)
Sweet, John Wood (University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill)
The Captive’s Tale: Venture Smith and the Ordeal of the Colonial Atlantic (NYHS, 2009)
Swindall, Lindsey R. (University of Massachusetts, Amherst)
Intersections in Theatrics and Politics: The Case of Paul Robeson and OTHELLO (SCH, 2003)
Tao, Zhang (Sichuan International Studies University)
Epistolary China: The Chinese Cipher in Americans’ Homesickness, 1784–1949 (NYPL, GLC, NYHS, MCNY, 2013)
Taparata, Evan (University of Minnesota—Twin Cities)
No Asylum for Mankind: Defining Refugee Status in the United States, 1787–1924 (GLC, NYHS, NYU, 2015)
Tarver, H. Micheal (McNeese State University)
Notes from the Great War: Charles G. Dawes and Ella Jane Osborn (GLC, 2001)
Tesdahl, Eugene R.H. (University of Colorado, Boulder)
Playing Both Sides: Illicit Trade between British and French America, 1720–1754 (NYHS, 2009)
Thier, Maike (University College London)
Paris en Amerique: French Images of the United States, 1848–1898 (NYPL, 2007)
Thomas-Andreu, Joan Maria (Universitat Rovira I Virgili)
From the Spanish Civil War to Pearl Harbor (second volume) (COL)
Thompson, H. Paul (North Greenville University)
The Swam Song of Antebellum Reform: Temperance Reform in Post-Emancipation Atlanta, 1865–1887 (NYPL, 2008)
Thompson, Mark (The University of North Carolina at Pembroke)
Forgotten Founder: Henry Knox and the American Way of War (GLC, 2007)
Thomson, David K. (University of Georgia)
Bonds of War: Capital and Citizenship in the Civil War Era (COL, NYHS, NYPL, 2014)
Tobin, Dorothy CA. “Rusty” (Empire State College)
Women in Political Parties in New York State, 1917–1942 (COL, 2009)
Travis, Jennifer (Saint John’s University)
Wounded Hearts: Masculinity, Law, and Literature in American Culture (GLC, 1999)
Trees, Andrew (Rhodes College)
A Character to Establish: Personal and National Identity in the New American Nation (NYHS, 2000)
Trees, Andrew (Roosevelt University)
Forgotten Founders: Six Lost Stories That Changed America (GLC, 2018)
Tritter, Thorin R. (Princeton University)
Paper Profits in Public Service: Money Making in the New York Newspaper Industry, 1830–2000 (COL, 2001)
Trodd, Zoe (Harvard University)
Never the New World: American Protest, the Politics of Form, and the Reusable Past of Abolitionism (SCH)
Truxes, Thomas M. (Trinity College)
“Little Short of Treason”: Trading with the Enemy in Colonial New York City, 1756–1763 (NYHS, 2002)
Tucker, Louis Leonard (Massachusetts Historical Society)
Worthington Chauncey Ford (COL, 1998)
Tye, Larry
Rising from the Rails: Pullman Porters and the Birth of the Black Middle Class (COL, 2001)
Valsania, Maurizio (University of Toronto)
Thomas Jefferson’s Emotional Geography (GLC, 2009)
Van Buskirk, Judith L. (State University of New York, College at Cortland)
Generous Enemies: Civility and Conflict in Revolutionary New York (NYHS, 1998)
Van Tine, Lindsay (Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania)
The Invention of Americana: New World Inscription and the Archive of Empire (NYHS, NYPL, 2017)
Vandome, Robin Cheyne (University of Cambridge)
Richard Hofstadter, 1944–1970 (COL, 2003)
Vara-Dannen, Theresa (University of Wales Swansea)
The African American Experience in 19th Century Connecticut (SCH)
Vaughan, Christopher (Rutgers University)
Imperial Subjects: US Media and the Philippines (NYHS, 2001)
Vaughn-Roberson, Clayton (Carnegie Mellon University)
The Prism of Labor: The National Negro Congress and the Anti-Fascist Movement, 1930‒1947 (SCH, NYU, 2016)
Verhoeven, Wil (University of Groningen)
Enemies of the State: Sedition and Resistance in the Trans-Allegheny West, 1776–1806 (NYPL, GLC, NYHS, COL, 2013)
Voorhees, David William (New York University)
Papers of Jacob Leisler (NYHS, 1999)
Vrtis, George H. (Georgetown University)
The Front Range: An Environmental History, 1820–1902 (COL, 1999)
Wagner, William (University of California at Berkeley)
Reading, Writing, and Rambling: The Literary Culture of Travel in Antebellum America (NYPL)
Waldstreicher, David (Yale University)
Benjamin Franklin’s America: Slavery, Servitude, and the Self-Made Man (NYHS, 1998)
Read David Waldstreicher’s essay “The Invention of the Fourth of July”
Walker, Marilyn (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
Writing Resistance: The Politics and Poetics of British Antislavery Verse, 1785–1865 (GLC, 2006)
Walker, Peter W. (Columbia University)
The Church Militant: The American Loyalist Clergy and the Making of the British Counterrevolution, 1763‒92 (COL, NYHS, UTS, 2016)
Wall, Wendy (Boston University)
The Idea of America: Nationalism, Pluralism, and the Quest for Consensus from the New Deal through the Civil Rights Movement (COL, 1999)
Read Wendy Wall’s essay, “Anti-Communism in the 1950s”
Waller, Douglas (Independent Scholar)
Biography of William J. Donovan (COL, 2008)
Walvin, James (University of York)
Sites of Remembrance: Slave Locations and the Representation of Slavery (GLC, 2000)
Warren, Jamie (Indiana University)
Final Passage: Intimacy, Power and Death on Antebellum Plantations (GLC, 2008)
Warren, Wendy (Yale University)
African Slavery in Seventeenth-Century New England (NYHS, 2004)
Waterman, Bryan (New York University)
The Friendly Club of New York City (NYHS, 2000)
Waugh, Joan (University of California, Los Angeles)
The Union Is This Monument: The Memory of Ulysses S. Grant (NYHS, 1998)
Weaver, Elton H. III (University of Memphis)
Mark the Perfect Man, and Behold the Upright: Bishop CAH Mason and the Emergence of the Church of God in Christ in Memphis, Tennessee (SCH, 2006)
Weber, Jennifer L. (University of Kansas)
Repercussions of War: The Northern Home Front in the Civil War (NYHS, 2001)
Wehrman, Andrew (Central Michigan University)
New York City's Doctors' Riot of 1788 (NYPL, NYHS, COL, NYC Municipal Archives, New York Academy of Medicine, 2022)
Wei, Xiaofei (Harvard University)
An Introduction to American Civilization for Colleges (NYHS)
Wells, Jonathan (University of Michigan)
The Origins of the Southern Middle Class and the Coming of the Civil War, 1820–1880 (NYHS, 2000)
Werbel, Amy (St. Michael’s College)
Biography of Anthony Comstock (NYHS, 2008)
Westcott, Timothy CA. (Park University)
Territorial Holy War: The Moneka Women’s Rights Movement of the Mid-Nineteenth (GLC, 2005)
Wewers, Daniel C.A. (Harvard University)
Crucible of Union: The Specter of Disunion in the Early Republic, 1783–1815 (NYPL, 2005)
Whelan, Bernadette (University of Limerick)
William Knox and Ireland (GLC)
White, Calvin, Jr. (University of Mississippi)
They Danced and Shouted into Obscurity: A History of the Church of God in Christ and its International Impact upon People of African Descent (SCH, 2006)
White, Jonathan W. (University of Maryland, College Park)
To Aid Their Rebel Friends: A History of Treason in the Civil War North (GLC, 2006)
Whitehead, Kaye Wise (Loyola University, Maryland)
Notes from a Slave Ship Doctor: Interpreting the 1749–1751 Diaries of William Chancellor (NYHS, COL, SCH, 2012)
Whites, LeeAnn (University of Missouri-Columbia)
Civil War Women (GLC, 2006)
Whitmire, Ethelene (University of Wisconsin)
Harlem Renaissance Librarian: A Black Feminist Biography of Regina Andrews (SCH, 2008)
Widmer, Edward Ladd (Ted) (Washington College)
Ark of the Liberties: America and the World (GLC, 2005)
Read Ted Widmer’s essay “The Age of Jackson”
Wightman-Fox, Richard (University of Southern California)
Lincoln’s Funeral (GLC, 2006)
Wigmore, Gregory (University of California Davis)
Across the Line: Empire and Allegiance in the Detroit River Borderland, 1760–1820 (NYPL)
Wilford, Hugh (Sheffield University)
Calling the Tune? America, the British Left, and the Cold War (COL, 2000)
Wilford, Hugh (California State University, Long Beach)
Covert Empire: The CIA and America in the World (NYPL, 2020)
Wilhelm, Stephanie (Wayne State University)
The Impressment of Slaves for the Confederate Cause (GLC, 2006)
Wilk, Donald Levinson (Duke University)
New Worlds of Service: Workers in the Buildings and Hotels of America, 1870–1945 (NYHS, 2001)
Williams, Azmar K. (Harvard University)
Race, War, and the Empire of Knowledge: The Making of the Modern University in the Anglo-Atlantic World, 1869‒1969 (NYPL, Johns Hopkins University, 2018)
Williams, Charnan (University of Michigan)
Slavery and Freedom in the City of Angels: Black and Indigenous Angelenos from the Mexican Period to the United States Civil War, 1821‒1865 (NYPL, 2018)
Williams, Oscar (University of Albany)
The Making of a Black Conservative: George S. Schuyler (SCH, 2004)
Wirth, Thomas (SUNY Binghamton)
Laboring to Learn: Workers’ Education and the Struggle for Social Democracy in New York City, 1901–1956. (NYPL)
Witmer, Andrew (University of Virginia)
God’s Interpreters: African Missions and the Social Construction of Race in America, 1865–1910 (SCH, 2006)
Witwer, David (Lycoming College)
Westbrook Pegler and the Anti-Union Movement (COL, 2004)
Woehrmann, Paul (Milwaukee Area Technical College)
An Investigation of New York Primary Sources Dealing with the Late Colonial-Early National Trans-Appalachian West (NYHS, 2003)
Wong, Wendy (Temple University)
Diplomatic Subtleties and Frank Overtures: Publicity, Diplomacy, and Neutrality in the Early Republic, 1793–1801 (NYHS, 2008)
Wood, Kirsten (Florida International University)
At the Crossroads: Taverns and the Making of America, 1765–1865 (NYHS, 2005)
Wood, Nicholas P. (University of Virginia)
Questions of Humanity and Expediency: The Slave Trades and African Colonization in the Early American Republic (NYPL, GLC, NYHS, 2011)
Woten, Rick (Iowa State University)
Navigating the Era of Improvement: Internal Improvements and State Formation (NYHS, 2008)
Wright, Nazera (University of Maryland at College Park)
Girlhood in African American Literature, 1880–1950 (SCH, 2006)
Xing, Sally Chengji (Columbia University)
“Pacific Crossings”: Paul Monroe, John Dewey, and the Architecture of Modern Chinese Scientific Research and Education (COL, American Institute of Physics, 2020)
Xu, Atlas Tian (Catholic University of America)
Navigating Worthiness in America: White Attorneys, Chinese Immigrants, and Black Pensioners, 1873–1910 (NYPL, 2018)
Yagyu, Tomoko (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
Finance, Management and Entrepreneurship in the Domestic Slave Trade: Antebellum Virginia, 1820–1860 (NYPL, 2003)
Young, Darius (University of Memphis)
The Roving Dictator of the Lincoln Belt: The Life and Career of Robert R. Church, Jr. (SCH, 2008)
Young, Jason (University at Buffalo, State University of New York)
Rituals of Resistance: The Making of an African-Atlantic Religious Complex in Kongo and the Lowcountry of South Carolina and Georgia, 1500–1865 (SCH, 2004)
Zabin, Serena (Carleton College)
Places of Exchange: New York City in the First British Empire (NYHS, 2001)
Zakim, Michael (Tel Aviv University)
A Labor History of the Middle Class: The Business Clerk in Nineteenth-Century America (NYHS, 2001)
Inventing Industrial America at the Crystal Palace (NYHS, 2015)
Zebley, Kathleen (State University of New York at Geneseo)
Rebel Women: Treason on the Homefront (GLC, 1998)
Zecker, Robert Michael
“All Our Kind Here”: The Creation of a Slovak-American Community in Philadelphia, 1890–1945 (COL, 1998)
Zeitz, Joshua M. (Pembroke College, Cambridge University)
White Ethnic New York: Religion, Ethnicity, and Politics (COL, 2003)
Read Joshua Zeitz’s essay “The Roaring Twenties”
Zelizer, Julian Emmanuel (University at Albany, State University of New York)
The Cost of Democracy: Congressional Reform and the Reconstruction of American Politics, 1945–2000 (COL, 2000)