

The Right to Vote: The Role of States and the US Constitution


As part of The Right to Vote: The Role of States and the US Constitution, the Institute has commissioned three background essays for high school students. Access these essays and numerous other related essays by leading scholars from our online journal History Now below.

Image showing scene of women voting in New Jersey

Essays in History Now

The following essays from our online journal, History Now, are available to all readers. For access to the full History Now archive, visit Additional resources from the Institute and partner organizations can be found on our Supplementary Resources page.


The Right to Vote Resource Suite


Read scholarly perspectives on the history of voting rights through essays geared to high school students

Lesson Plans

Learn how individuals and groups attempted to expand access to the vote in "Taking a Stand for Voting Rights: Six States, Six Stories, One Goal."

Digital Exhibitions

Explore our four-part digital exhibition on the history of voting rights, which includes audiovisual elements and interactive maps