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to Hortensia Richards
4 November 1862
Richards, Leonard H., fl. 1864-1865
One letter from Leonard H. Richards to Hortensia Richards dated November 4, 1862
27 Dec 1862
One letter from Leonard H. Richards to Hortensia Richards dated December 27, 1862.
January 17, 1863
One letter from Leonard H. Richards to Hortensia Richards dated January 17, 1863.
12 May 1863
One letter from Leonard H. Richards to Hortensia Richards dated May 12, 1863.
to Estelle Spero
11 June 1944
Diamond, Sidney, 1922-1945
Diamond responds to a series of points raised in Estelle's recent letters. He instructs Stella to "get the most out of [her] stay at Northwestern." He explains the "rotation deal" which could allow him some leave after two years spent overseas.
to Richard Caswell
March 31, 1778
Bland, Theodorick, 1742-1790
Written by Captain Bland to North Carolina Governor Caswell. Express letter encloses letters from Congress (not included here). Says he has tried his hardest to get them to Caswell as quickly as possible. Messenger is to receive 50 Continental...
to Mother
September 16, 1862
Wolcott, Laurens W., fl. 1861-1865
In the letter, Laurens W. Wolcott talks about the new clothes he has purchased and received from the army. He bought new shirts and received a new blanket.
to George May Powell
April 22, 1867
Small, Emma C., fl. 1860-1868
She expresses concern that he come visit her very soon. They moved on Saturday, and she thinks she'll move to Minnesota when Mr. Watson moves. She asks him to write him a "love letter" declaration to show to those around her.
to Blanche Kelso Bruce
23 June 1879
Lee, Charles, 1731-1782
From Charles Lee who was introduced to Senator Bruce by Deason in the previous letter. It asks the Senator for help in Colorado that he can provide by letter or otherwise.
to Lile Miller
28 April 1864
Miller, Michael Murray, fl. 1861-1864
Miller expresses uncertainty about how long they will stay at Camp Bristoe Station. He is fearful they will move and he will no longer receive Lile's letters, which are his only source of comfort. He repeats that he may not be discharged until the...
to Bruce Elmore
Elmore, Libbie, fl. 1861-1865
A partial letter. It is not clear who she is talking about but it appears to be Kniffin. He wants to leave and frankly she doesn't care. She wishes she could get a girl to stay for board and clothes.
to Clara M. Miller
11 October 1900
Sherzer, Edwin B., fl. 1900-1902
re: Received her letter. Very descriptive about the weather. Describes dogs and dog fights. Talks little about their new house. Got little emotional about each other's feelings.
to Father
June 2, 1861
Pearce, Edgar, fl. 1861-1864
In his letter, he discusses the arrival of more troops and spies. He reports that there is martial law in Parkersburgh. Possibly written from Marietta, Ohio.
to Jacob Bailey
February 14, 1813
Yetten, James, fl. 1813
A letter from James Yetten to his friend Jacob Bailey. Yetten writes Bailey a copy of a soldiers letter, which includes a basic timeline of a soldiers experiences. The letter also speaks of crossing paths with other companies, an engagement with the...
to Susan Prowell Graeff and Raymond James Graeff
4 September 1944
Graeff, Leonard Eugene, 1920-2016
One letter from Leonard Eugene Graeff to Susan Prowell Graeff and Raymond James Graeff dated September 4, 1944. He received three letters; one from June, one from Orsyulak, and them. He wishes he was home to see Jessie Hollis and her children but is...
[to Lile Miller]
December 18, 1862
Possibly written from camp at Brooks Station. Miller encloses money for his wife and comments on the high price of goods. Location and recipient inferred based on date and accompanying letters.
to Thomas Rice
27 September 1784-4 October 1784
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Contains two letters. In the first, of 27 September, Knox writes that he was unable to call upon Rice when Knox visited the "eastern country" recently. Writes that he is an agent of part of the Waldo patent, as he is executor for the recently...
to Mary M. Bogart and children
08/28 - 09/01/1864
Bogart, Abram, fl. 1825-1865
Begins letter to his wife and children by expressing great sadness that he has not received any letters from them. "I begin to think that you have withdrawn from me because I have been in the guardhouse..." Continues on with his complaints about how...
to sister
17 November 1860
Stafford, Robert H., fl. 1837-1866
complains that he receives hardly any letters, talks about war in general
to Mrs. N. [Kostohuyz]
14 March 1944
Kostohuyz, Frank J., fl. 1944
One letter addressed to Mrs. N. [Kostohuyz] from Frank J. [Kostohuyz] dated March 14, 1944. Expresses that he has received her letters and had enclosed $100 for her to put in the bank.
to Naomi
February 3, 1944
Borin, Leonard, fl. 1943-1944
One v-mail addressed to Naomi Hurwitz from Leonard Borin dated February 3, 1944. Responding to her previous letters.
To Ardena Mae Fouts
February 20, 1945
Augsberger, Richard C., 1923-1997
Augsberger writes to tell Ardena that he loves her very much. He hopes this letter finds her in the best of health. He says "As for me I am fine. I am out of bed and walking around again. So there isn't nothing to worry about." He asks how the home...
to Mary
7 April 1863
Fuller, Franklin W., fl. 1861-1865
Written at camp near Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He writes that while he was sewing a letter from her arrived and he was then ordered to go on picket duty. Thinks that her letter writing has improved and that she writes her letters "naturally" as if she...
To Mrs. Nueal Dorroh
07 October 1942
Conner, Herbert C., 1916-1944
Conner asks if Harold Conner, or Charles Dorroh, B.J's brother, are in the army. He requests that Nueal send him a list of hands who are in the army. He says that he likes to get long letters. Jonas is ok, and as "fat as a hog." He asks Nueal to tell...
to Jacob Stone and Beatrice Stone
29 June 1944
Stone, Robert L., 1921-2009
Addressed to "Folks." A brief note to say hello as he travels north.
Postcard image is "Lake of the woods, showing Mt. McLoughlin, near Klamth Falls, Oregon." "Letters in a Box" notes the postcard was written on June 29, 1944.
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