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[Pay abstract of Captain William Dana's company in Henry Knox's artillery regiment]
8 June 1776
Includes a list of officers and their corresponding pay in Dana's Company, covering January and February 1776.
[Pay abstract for Captain Perkins's company in Henry Knox's regiment of artillery]
June 1776
Perkins, William, 1742-1802
Contains a list of officers and their corresponding pay for the month of June 1776. Docket indicates Burbeck's company was paid in August 1776.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for James Sheridan of the Invalid Regiment]
December 28, 1782
Nicolas, Lewis, 1717-1807
Colonel Nicola recommends Sheridan for a "furlough to fallow field in Chester County, Pennsylvania, 'til the first April." Directs his request to a General, possibly Henry Knox, and notes that Sheridan's leave will complete the number of furloughs...
[Recommendation for furloughs for David Hall, Robert Matthews, and William Goodrich]
1 January 1783
Bushnell, David, 1740-1826
Captain Bushnell recommends the following furloughs: Corporal Hall for forty days, Private Matthews for twenty-five days, and Private Goodrich for eighteen days. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox. Written at Constitution Island
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Captain Kirkpatrick]
February 23, 1783
Dellezenne, Joseph, fl. 1783
Captain Dellezenne recommends Kirkpatrick, of the corps of sappers and miners, for a fifty day leave of absence to go to Delaware, where "he has particular business with the legislature of that State." Directs his recommendation to Major General...
to unknown
12 May 1752
Winslow, Isaac, 1709-1777
Discusses a case of smallpox that is spreading throughout Boston and getting people from Europe to settle lands in the colonies. Also writes concerning the preparations on the land for the incoming settlers. Includes a post script dated 14 May....
4 December 1793
Winslow, Samuel, fl. 1781-1806
Statement of Henry Knox's account with Samuel Winslow from 23 October 1789 to 4 December 1793.
circa 1797
Account of orders drawn by L. Wilson from 6 December 1797 to 26 May 1798. Various names and dollar amounts are listed. Date taken from docket.
to Henry Knox
March 30, 1791
Davis, William, fl. 1786-1791
Solicit Knox's support for appointment as Inspector of Excise. Notes he has already sent his petition to President George Washington and hopes Knox can wield some influence over the president. Believes Knox can attest to his character and that he...
to Marinus Willett
5 August 1791
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Marked "Private." Says that George Washington has showed him Willett's letter of 31 July. Knows that Willett was interested in a government position, but understands that he turned down an offer for the sheriff's office for the city and county of...
1 November 1792
Wilkinson, James, 1757-1825
Forwards a keg of "Ohio Water Fish" to Knox that has been "soaked well for twenty Hours, they will not be unpalatable - " Also informs Knox that he replied to his earlier letter. Noted as written at Fort Washington, which was in Cincinnati, Ohio.
to Charles Davies
circa 1804-1854
Thatcher, Lucy Flucker Knox, 1776-1854
Letter is possibly a copy. Relays an anecdote she heard about her father, titled "Anecdote of [George] Washington." "Washington always kept this useful & scientific officer near his own person; he not only honored him with confidence, but with...
to Jonathan Williams
21 October 1781
Announces the surrender of the British and German forces under Lord Cornwallis at the Battle of Yorktown, which occurred two days earlier. Explains that the enemy was given the same terms of surrender that the American forces received at Charleston...
Return of Military Stores in the Magazine at Williamsburg.
26 October 1781
Shaw, Samuel, 1754-1794
Contemporary copy of GLC02437.01267. Lists quanties of ordnance. Compiled shortly after the siege of Yorktown. Jones was a Deputy Field Commissary of Military Stores under the command of Colonel Edward Carrington.
14 December 1781
Williams, Jonathan, 1750-1815
Happy to receive news of Lord Cornwallis's surrender: "The Effect this reverse of Fortune has on the british Government is similar to what we often see in a man mad with Rage - Vengeance, Death Destruction foams at his mouth although he has not...
[Copy of a letter from Captain Jones adjutant to the Commissioner of War]
4 January 1782
Writes, "Copy of a letter from Captain Jones adjutant to the Commissioner of War - We have eleven Boats at Westham at present unmanned. There are twelve Canoes under the direction of Nathaniel Anderson properly equiped. I have a sum of Specie...
to Abraham Williams
15 October 1783
Haywood, Benjamin, fl. 1754-1806
Writes to inform Williams that he will remain as an agent for the late 6th Massachusetts Regiment. To Captain A. Williams, Fort Major.
January 23, 1784
Williams, Joseph, 1753-1819
When Williams recently arrived at Springfield, he found the arsenal unoccupied by troops. Reports on the present situation at Springfield. Discusses the plan for the issue of rations. Complains that the allowance of firewood "is very insufficient...
February 12, 1784
Major Williams reports he has applied to Dr. Waldo of Springfield to attend sick men under Williams's care. Waldo requests that an order be created for the procurement of provisions in the hands of "Widow Pincher." Encloses a provision return...
7 May 1786
Writes to inquire about an unsettled account against the late Mr. [Thomas] Flucker, Knox's father-in-law. Recently looked over his old account books and found that goods which were taken up by Flucker after Williams's departure (he apparently went...
to Otho Holland Williams
29 May 1786
Writes, "I would be much obliged to you to forward me the papers, proceedings, and records of the general Society of the Cincinnati." Has had frequent applications from Europe for membership. Reminds him that the information should be kept secure....
to William Davis, Jr.
18 July 1786
Secretarially written and signed. Docket identifies it as a copy. Writes that he received Davis's request for certificates from the Commissioner of Army Accounts specifying the amounts due to John Childs and Samuel Chase. Encloses the certificates...
to J. Willard
December 11, 1860
Parsons, Samuel Holden, 1835-?
Parsons, perhaps a descendant of General Samuel Holden Parsons (1737-1789), writes to Mr. Willard: "Herewith I send a copy of the correspondence between General Knox and General Parsons which you desired. I have compared the copy carefully with the...
[Receipt for weapons and ammunition]
February 22, 1787
Willcox, Joseph, fl. 1775-1787
Receipt for muskets, flint, cartridges, etc. for David Humphreys' regiment.
10 April 1787
Williams, Henry Howell, fl. 1775-1787
Requests Knox's help in getting Congress to compensate him for the loss of his property during the Revolution. Mentions that many articles were taken from Noddles Island either for use of the American army or to keep them out of the hands of the...
to Jeremiah Wadsworth
11 April 1787
Writes to Colonel Wadsworth to inform him of the lack of provisions at Springfield. Emphasize the need for the soldiers to be paid as they are now dependent on their credit. Believes this problem should take precedence over recruiting efforts.
[Receipt of payment]
24 May 1787
Receipt for $3,000. "Drawn by the Board of Treasury on Will Imlay Esqr receiver of Continental Taxes for the State of Connecticut in account of pay due to the Troops of the Quota of Connecticutt." The troops were raised to quell Shays's Rebellion.
1 March 1789
Williams, H., fl. 1789
Writes to introduce the bearer of the letter, Mr. Samuel Hanson, who is seeking a position in government. Believes Mr. Hanson has "good natural abilities, improved by a liberal education," and that Knox would be pleased with his services.
18 April 1789
Has written to several members of Congress about his desire to receive an appointment in the new Government. Declares that Knox knows his family well and knows that he has always been a "staunch friend to my Country." Also mentions his misfortune...
22 April 1789
Writes that he "presume[s] upon their early friendship" to introduce to Knox a Captain All, the bearer of this letter, who he has known for fourteen years. Knows him as a capable man well-suited to working on behalf of his country. Believes that in...
[Letter from Jonathan Williams to Thomas McKean, forwarded to Henry Knox]
15 July 1789
Printed letter from Jonathan Williams to Thomas McKean, "Chief Judge of the Supreme Judicial Court of Pennsylvania." Forwarded to Henry Knox and signed by hand, "The Honble. H Knox Esq. from his affectionate & respectfull Friend & obedt Servant The...
17 August 1789
Writes to remind Knox of his friend Mr. Samuel Newman. Thinks Knox might know him by reputation from the army, and declares that he is so attached to military life that he awakens to the sounds of "Reveille" in his head. Asks for Knox's help...
6 September 1789
Thanks him for his two recent letters relating to Judge [Thomas] McKean (see GLC02437.04285) and to Captain Newman (see GLC02437.04330). Writes that he will not compliment him on his public letter to the judge, but whenever he has heard merchants...
10 September 1789
Writes to thank Knox for his replies to his recent letters. Mentions that he and his wife are happy to announce they will be "permanent Citizens[s] of these States," and hopes to be close enough to Knox to renew their friendship. Thanks him for his...
26 September 1790
Williams, Otho Holland, 1749-1794
Explains that he did not see Knox's letter of 21 July 1790 until now because Williams had been in Sweet Springs, Virginia on account of his health. He mentions an unexpected excerpt "from Col. Harmar's letter" that Knox sent. Williams says that...
24 June 1791
References Williams's letter of 27 May (GLC02437.04961). Has forwarded Mr. Bradford's letter. Says that he cannot say much about his application other than he "esteems him highly, and it would afford me real satisfaction to serve him." Writes,...
to Marinus Willet
12 April 1792
Writes to officially appoint Willet Brigadier General of the army. Lists the other members of the General Staff, including A[nthony] Wayne, D. Morgan, John Brooks, and James Wilkinson. Wishes him the best of luck. Very similar to GLC02437.05409.
18 April 1792
Writes that he regrets Willett's decision not to accept an appointment as Brigadier General. Mentions that the President has read Willett's letter regarding his negative views on the Indian War. Seems to comment on many of the points Willett made...
3 May 1792
Marked "private." Discusses Brigadier General Morgan's appointment in the Army as second in command. Says it is rumored that he will decline the appointment. Believes if this occurs the President would support Williams being nominated as his...
6 May 1792
Thanks him for his letter, and is flattered to learn that Knox believes the President thinks highly of him. However, does not think he can accept a command in the army at this time. Cites his ill health and his desire to remain with his family....
13 May 1792
Marked "private." Received several of his letters. Writes that he did respond to a particular letter written earlier from Knox. Is very sincere in his apology for refusing his military appointment. Adds that he is furthermore not tempted to...
January 12, 1795
Williams, John George, fl. 1795
Wrote this letter to "commit to paper my views for an Establishment in the Province of Maine." Wants to settle in America and set up a mercantile settlment. Wants to supply the inhabitants of Maine and believes such a settlement will draw more...
6 October 1795
Mardin, William, fl. 1795
Writes on behalf of James Davidson stating that "Mr. Davidson's absence at Baltimore makes it impossible to comply with the contents of your Letter 'till his return which will be in about Ten days as we have not at present the quantity of clear...
13 June 1796
Willing & Francis, fl. 1775-1797
Written by the firm of Willing & Francis. Reports that a shipment of wine has arrived for Knox, and the firm will store it carefully and await his instructions for disposition of it.
January 28, 1797
Discusses sending wine from Madeira.
to Mr. White
26 June 1798
Letterpress copy. Discusses his concerns about the navy, and mentions a "few ships of War, and the french [sic] have a few, would in a few days convey an army of ten thousand blacks and people of color in Vessels seized from our own citizens."...
6 September 1799
Davis, Daniel, 1762-1835
Davis discusses Knox's lands and possible buyers, particularly about the Duck-pond lands. Much depends on whether the "timber and wood has not been intirely plundered." Davis offers Knox his help if Knox wants to sell his land, but Davis insists he...
15 October 1799
Davis tells Knox that he has just returned from Boston. He goes over the progress he has made in selling Knox's land and encloses $200 to Knox. Davis tells Knox he could do more to facilitate sales if he were not so busy in court.
to Daniel Davis
20 October 1799
Knox has received Davis's letter of October 15 with $200. Knox tells Davis to sell the Duck pond lands for cash if possible. Knox says it will take him some time to divide the lands.
23 October 1799
Davis tells Knox about the progress he is making in his negotiations over Knox's land. In a postscript, Davis tells Knox he received his letter of October 20 (GLC02437.07319). Davis says, "I have been offered what the Duck pond lands were sold at...
10 November 1799
Knox has received Davis's letter of November 6, "but has not had time to have prepared and executed power of attorney for the sale of Mrs. Knox's lands." He says he business with Mr. Bridge requires "good faith." Discusses the Duck pond lands. Knox...
20 November 1799
Davis says he forgot to mention in another letter to Knox that he inquired about lumber purchases. Davis tells Knox that "the danger of being froze for the winter in your river will prevent any sale of lumber for vessells now in this port for this...
27 November 1799
Davis discusses bank notes and Mrs. Knox's lands. Davis has been in discussions with Samuel Winslow and James Deering, which Davis relates to Knox. He cannot be fully sure that all the information is accurate. "Mr. Merrill," Davis says "wishes you to...
December 1, 1799
Knox received Davis's letter of November 27. Knox gives Davis orders as to how to pay Henry Jackson and what money to send to him (Knox). Knox thinks differently than Davis about Mrs. Knox's lands. Knox believes they are valuable. Discusses with...
December 18, 1799
Davis tells Knox that he paid the sheriff of Lincoln $1500 as Knox requested. Davis says he was deceived by a man named "Truky" with whom he made a contract. Davis says, "I thought I had sold the 65 acres well, considering the title was disputed...
22 December 1799
Knox received "yesterday by the post your favor the 18th instant with the sheriff's endorsement on the back of the order of the 1500 Dollars which you paid him." Knox also tells Davis, "I think you are more competent to decide the case of Tuckey than...
10 May 1800
Knox explains to Williams the situation surround Henry Jackson Knox and his refusal to accept midshipman status after being refused promotion to lieutenant. Knox's son "appears to have no proper value for money, and is therefore very extravagant."...
26 May 1800
Knox asks Davis to represent "in behalf of Mrs. Knox, the right of one of the heirs of the said Brigadier Waldo...the right of Mrs. Hannah Flucker deceased." Knox and his wife will give power of attorney to Davis to do this.
to Davenport and Tucker
07 June 1800
Knox received Davenport and Tucker's letter of May 29. Knox will send their order of plank. Knox will send more oak , "amounting probably to two deckloads of a large schooner or upwards" as soon as a vessel is available.
4 May 1801
Informs Knox he can now hold both the Solicitor General's and District Attorney's position due to a bill that recently passed in Congress. Discusses the concerns he has of people's view of him accepting both positions. Asks for Knox's assistance in...
[Journal of Whiting & Brackett]
25 August 1801
Whiting, Thurston, 1753-1829
An abstract of a journal. Appears the journal was kept by [Thurston?] Whiting and [Benjamin?] Brackett who are either associates or land agents of [George] Ulmer and/or Henry Knox. The journal was likely kept to be used as evidence (probably in...
to Thurston Whiting and Benjamin Brackett
3 September 1801
Ulmer, George, 1756-1825
Informs the gentlemen their services are no longer needed and they can return to their families. Mentions they did not encounter any settlers during their last survey until they left the woods. Also mentions they received reinforcements who have...
to the Solicitor General
28 September 1801
States George Ulmer will present the state of affairs regarding the insurrections by the insurgents in Kennebec County and that northern part of Lincoln County, Maine which borders Knox's patent (likely the Waldo patent). Mentions the affairs have...
1 October 1801
Says he showed Knox's letter (GLC02437.07628) to Judge Paine regarding the insurrections of the insurgents in Maine. Notes the judge included Knox's letter as part of his "charge" to the Grand Jury. Encloses (not included) a list of names of men...
February 14, 1801
Willett, Marinus, 1740-1830
Appears to discuss the lime business. Says he is waiting to hear from Albany regarding funding from the government.
5 December 1802
Notes the land owned by the "late Mrs. [Hannah?] Flucker." Lists the amount of land and who either currently owns or resides on the land.
[Copy of receipt]
July 1804
Apparently written in Knox's hand. Receipt for a purchase of land from Knox by a Mr. David [Tricky]. Also discusses financial transactions with Isaac Parker. Signed by Daniel Davis, attorney for Knox (however, the signature is written in Knox's...
February 2, 1805
Recommends Mr. Charles Coffin of Buxton for the position of Justice of the Peace for York County.
March 20, 1805
Writes that his client, a General Derby, insists on him bringing suit against Knox, General [Benjamin] Lincoln and General [Henry] Jackson for monies owed to Derby. Assures Knox that he means no ill will but has to follow the wishes of his client.
to Daniel Davis [incomplete]
23 July 1805
Unsigned, but handwriting suggests the author is Henry Knox. Possibly incomplete. Discusses recent land sales he has made to a variety of individuals, such as a General Derby. Mentions his wife, Lucy Knox, as well as co-landowners General [Henry]...
12 August 1805
Discusses a land sale between Knox, General [Henry] Jackson and General [Benjamin] Lincoln on the one part, and a General Derby on the other. Declares that Jackson's and Lincoln's deeds have been executed, but Davis has found a discrepancy in the...
31 August 1805
Willis, Jireh, fl. 1805
Discusses financial judgments against a Reverend Chealy, as well as libelous statements made against him by a Jeremiah Mayhew. Writes to emphasize his knowledge of Chealy's good character.
[William Knox's account with Davis & Benson]
19 May 1779-12 June 1779
Davis & Benson, Company, fl. 1779
Knox purchased sugar, 165 gallons of molasses, and 16 gallons of rum. The total came to £1413.10.3. There was a previous balance of £86.9.9, for a total balance of £1500.
[Account of William Knox with Taylor] [in French]
7 September 1779
Williams, G., fl. 1779
William Knox purchased various items. The total comes to 60.3, although it is unclear what currency is being used. It is signed by G. Williams stating the payment was made. Docket says "Nants," which could mean these items were bought in Nantes...
Receipt to Henry Knox
January 13, 1784
Davis, Edward, fl. 1784
Receipt of payment for goods such as coffee, tea, salt, etc. to Edward Davis.
3 October 1797
White, John, fl. 1797
Receipt for items Henry Knox bought from John White, including peaches and apricots.
22 December 1733
Notes regarding land transactions between Samuels Willard and Waldo.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for David Davenport]
3 April 1783
Captain David Bushnell recommends Davenport for a leave of absence until 15 April. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox. Written at Constitution Island.
20 April 1798
Foster, Joseph, fl. 1797-1799
Appears to be a statement on Thomas Flucker's account through 16 November 1797 to 14 April 1798. Noted a payment was received from Henry Knox for Thomas and Francis Waldo Flucker.
circa 1798
Whiting, Samuel, fl. 1797-1798
Appears to be a statement on Francis Flucker's account with Samuel Whiting from 2 November 1797 to 18 April 1798. Whiting signed he received payment at the bottom of the document.
13 December 1805
Willing, Thomas, 1731-1821
Signed by Thomas Willing and [C. W. Harr]. Writes to Knox concerning the estate of the late William Bingham. Discusses legal issues and financial obligations involving Bingham's settlement. Asks Knox for advise and his influence.
circa 20 November 1799-1806
Discusses a payment and sales. Year of creation unknown. Most likely written in Portland, Maine.
Williamson, Charles, fl. 1791
Discusses business relating to land on Lake Ontario and mentions that he is expecting to have some of his boats seized by the British. Expresses his opinion that a post on Lake Ontario would be beneficial. Date previously inferred, written in...
to Walter Patterson re: military service
Patterson, J.W., fl. 1812-1816
J.W. writes that his military service might bring him to Albany, and he discusses his concerns about maintaining his family in his absence. Docketed on address leaf.
to Walter Patterson re: plan to visit his brother
Docketed on address leaf.
Promissary note.
Travis, William B., fl. 1835
Authorizing purchase of articles to repair roof of Garrison at Bexar (the Alamo) [in Spanish]
To: Augustus E. Silliman.
Adams, John Quincy, 1767-1848
Regarding threats to the government, including slavery: "The dangers to the duration of our Government are all within control of the people. We have nothing to fear from without upcoming elections, which magnify differences."
to Isaac Winslow
25 October 1782
Draft in Samuel Shaw's hand. Writes, "I am sorry to acquaint you, that the endeavors of your friends to obtain permission for your return to Boston have proved ineffectual. Some late acts of Congress and of the Legislature of Massachusetts, render...
22 September 1783
Darby, John, fl. 1783
Thanks Knox for his kindness and attention. Asks to be made useful in London, England perhaps in relation to Knox's "farming scheme" which Darby states "may enable me to have the pleasure of convincing you of my Sincerity."
to Joseph Williams
February 21, 1784
Discusses provisions, medicine, and wood on hand at Springfield, where Williams is stationed. Refers to an enclosed order to Mrs. Pynchon (refer to GLC02437.02962) in which Knox requests that she turn over medicine and stores in her possession to...
14 October 1786
Had wanted to see Williams in order to talk about "the business" (likely referring to Shays' Rebellion). Writes he is relying on Williams to protect the military stores "in every event, for which you shall be amply compensated." Asks him to...
16 October 1786
Wrote last to Major Williams while at Springfield regarding the protection of military stores. Has heard that in the absence of General Sheppard [probably William Shepard], a Colonel Chapin will be in command. Asks Williams to talk to Colonel...
25 November 1786
Discusses a recent letter from Williams. Writes that the recent acts of government will help contain the insurgents (referring to Shays' Rebellion, which happened in Springfield, Massachusetts in late September 1786).
27 May 1791
Written by Williams to Secretary of War Knox. References Knox's letter of 18 May, which returned Colonel Bradford's letter. Sends his answer to Knox (not present) and asks him to pass it along to Bradford. Is not surprised recruitment is slow in...
22 June 1791
Williams says the information on "military movements" he is enclosing (not included) was given to him by General Wood who received it from a Mr. [Crous]. The Virginia Attorney General has letters that back up Crous's information. Says that Crous...
7 August 1791
References Knox's letter of 24 June, which found him "in these back woods near the top of the Alleghany mountains." Tells Knox "I have long thought, with you, that your talents and disposition were not of a kind to be a very able manager in...
14 September 1791
Writes to send an extract of a letter from Kentucky, which is on the other side of this letter (not included - the reverse of this letter is blank). Adds, "I leave this letter to its fate, & from the frequent passing of people from these fountains of...
18 September 1793
Reports on the situation at Yorktown. Says a wagon load of clothing arrived for troops stationed there. The wagon driver and his assistant died of yellow fever and the townspeople decided to burn the clothing. Mentions meeting a party of troops...
5 October 1793
Reports that he just came from Knox's house in Philadelphia and that everything is well. Says the servants are prudent for locking the gate to prevent anyone "from coming unawares." Says "I think you may be perfectly easy as to danger, the malady...
[Instructions concerning purchase of land from the Winslows]
20 October 1793
Gives detailed instructions to John Steele Tyler and Ebenezer Vesey to deal with squatters on his Waldo Patent lands. Provides information on legal settlers.
Showing results 17,001 - 17,100