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to the president and directors of the Boston branch of the Bank of the United States
3 September 1795
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Asks for a discount of an enclosed note (not included).
[Formal request]
13 Ocotober 1795
Smith, James, 1713-1806
Requests Henry Knox to send in a plan for a plantation and mentions submitting resolves to the office of the commonwealth of Massachusetts.
[Answers given to William Duer]
December 7, 1795
Bingham, William, 1752-1804
List of interrogation answers for William Duer's trial listed by date.
January 27, 1796
Drinkwater, Samuel, fl. 1796
Petition from the citizens of Ducktrap, Maine regarding land rights. Signed by Samuel Drinkwater, among others.
to Henry Jackson
17 June 1796
Writes to ask Jackson, on Knox's behalf, to make lodging arrangements for Bingham and his traveling party, apparently to Boston. Reports that they will be making business arrangements in Boston, and briefly explains what they are.
to Henry Knox
23 August 1796
Appleton, Nathaniel, 1731-1798
Signed by several members of the Standing Committee of the 20 Associates. Committee writes to ask Knox for a complete survey of the entirety of their territory. The committee explains the nature of the survey they want, the boundaries of what they...
[Agreement with inhabitants of Ducktrap, Canaan and North Port]
26 November 1796
Asks the inhabitants of Ducktrap, Canaan and North Port to deliver to George or Philip Ulmer any lumber they have, in order to pay money they owe for land they inhabit.
18 July 1797
Writes on behalf of 20 associates discussing a possible adjustment in the terms of settlement between Knox and settlers.
12 December 1797
States that he doubts Alexander Baring will give Knox a postponement on his payments, especially if Knox cannot offer an extremely good security. Also discusses other financial matters.
25 May 1798
Informs Knox that he was able to obtain a bank draft and that he would like Knox to deliver part of it for his bonds. Continues to discuss other financial business. Signature is clipped.
to [the Board of the United States Bank]
28 November 1798
Expresses concern over his ability to pay back a loan and suggests mortgaging the house of his land agent George Ulmer as collateral.
to James Brown
March 1800
Knox is upset that the Senate did not approve his son's promotion and asks Brown to have his son, Henry Jackson, serve as an acting Lieutenant with midshipman's pay. Letter is written on very fine tissue paper with very faded writing.
[Answers to Madame de Leval]
circa 1789-1796
Duer, William, 1747-1799
Lists questions that Madame de Leval has posed on the left side of the paper and William Duer's answers next to the respective questions. Discusses mainly contracts and payments.
[Agreement] [incomplete]
circa 1784-1799
States the terms of an agreement between William Duer and Henry Knox relating to land purchases.
13 May 1790
Receipt from Henry Knox for money for accommodation.
29 July 1791
Note of receipt of Henry Knox for two notes of $2,500 each.
December 17, 1791
Promissory note to pay Henry Knox $1,000.
February 13, 1792
Partially printed document with subsequent information written in by hand. Promissory note to pay Henry Knox $3,000.
January 17, 1795
Receipt of Henry Knox for $350.
to Samuel Waldo
6 March 1759
Discusses financial business and inquires about the settling lands. Signed with an illegible signature.
13 August 1800
Bradford, Alden, 1765-1843
Mentions he was gratified that Miss [Lucy] Knox (Henry Knox's daughter) had a nice visit with them. Discusses the upcoming presidential election. Says he hopes the "Essex Jesuits" are unable to raise General [Charles Cotesworth?] [Pinckney] to the...
Account of Sales at Grean leafs Auctions
circa 1771-1774
List of account sales for Henry Knox. Includes paper, books, and a trunk. Title taken from docket. Circa date based on other similar documents in the collection.
[Testimony of Ephraim Kirby]
circa 1783
Kirby, Ephraim, ?-1804
Testifies concerning the accusation against Lieutenant Wheaton for illegally turning over his command to Sergeant Pratt, a subordinate officer. States that Mr. Pratt, in "compliance with the Baron's [Steuben] wishes he would acknowledge that he...
January 16, 1790
Bourne, Sylvanus, 1761-1817
Writes to request that Knox present some papers to the President on his behalf and apologizes for the inconvenience. Wishes to "remove any unfavorable impressions if such should have been it contains my sincere sentiments." States in the...
[Statement concerning the Scioto Company in Ohio]
27 August 1791
Discusses the problem with the Scotia company, the uncertainty of the emigrants who thought they had bought land, and the possibility of obtaining actual acreage versus merely a land option. Divided into eleven parts. Sewn binding.
[Testimony related to Lieutenant Joseph Wheaton]
16 September 1783
Sherburne, Benjamin, fl. 1777-1783
Testimony of Lieutenant Sherburne of the Rhode Island troops in the trial of Lieutenant Joseph Wheaton. Wheaton, while in command of the garrison at Saratoga, sold sundry items and rum to the soldiers for profit. John Thompson, Justice of the Peace...
January 18, 1801
Ulmer, George, 1756-1825
Noted as a "true copy" by George Ulmer on the second page. Lists settlers who have agreed to George Ulmer's (Henry Knox's land agent) terms in Ducktrap, Maine and possibly various other towns. Includes the settlers names, amount of acres, price per...
1 July 1792
Contract regarding the purchase of land by William Duer and Royal Flint from Samuel Philips, Leonard Jarvis and John Read. Authorizes the sale of the lands in Maine and grants Duer and Flint all of the rightful legal claims to it. Noted that Henrys...
to Walter Patterson re: difficulty living in New York
Livingston, Henry, 1753-1823
H[enry] L[ivingston] describes the problems a friend has had maintaining a job and a place to live in New York, and advises Walter to prevent his mother and sister from going to New York for the winter. Docketed on address leaf.
to George Weedon
23 September 1781
Gaskins, Thomas, 1747-?
Informs Weedon that there is a ship with 20 soldiers and artillery stores caught on a shoal in the Wicomico River. Discusses how to get the stores off the ship and suggests he may want to "continue this" with Genl Washington. The Continental Army...
20 May 1787
Gardoqui y Arriquibar, Diego, 1735-1798
Asks Knox to deliver the enclosed letter (not included) to George Washington and informs him that all their mutual friends in the area are well. Wishes "the Convenssion [sic] & the Cincinatus all manner of success," referring to the upcoming...
to Horatio Gates
5 January 1776
Colonel Knox writes to General Gates, reflecting on "the successful campaigns of the past season." Hopes to be able to congratulate Gates in a few days on the possession of Quebec. Page three contains a struck draft of Knox's 5 January 1776 letter...
to James Freeman
7 January 1782
Refers to a letter received from Captain James Freeman asking for information about how Freeman might settle his military salary account with Congress (see GLC02437.01310). Knox encloses the resolve of Congress which describes the requirements for...
8 January 1782
Freeman, James, fl. 1781-1783
Refers to his last letter from December asking Knox for help in getting a pay settlement (see GLC02437.01310). He has not received an answer, so he supposes the letter has not been delivered to Knox. Believes that Knox would reply with his help if...
February 10, 1783
Gates, Horatio, 1727-1806
Informs Knox that he expects Knox and General Huntington for dinner as they will be in the area for a Board of General Officers meeting. States the he "will try to get you as good a Dinner as I can, but you must not expect the delicacies with which...
February 15, 1783
Informs Knox that he has a mandatory court appearance and that he is happy that Knox escaped. Noted as written at Ellison's, which likely refers to the military headquarters at the Ellison family home in New Windsor, New York.
22 August 1783
Frothingham, Richard, 1748-1819
Written by Frothingham as Commissary of Military Stores to General Knox. Reports that to finish his business in Philadelphia, he met with Mr. Milligan, "who is Autheriz'd to settle the accounts of the department." Says the account cannot be closed...
to Alexander Fullerton
7 January 1786
Clerical copy of GLC02437.03231, written in the hand of Samuel Shaw with clerical signatures of Knox and Samuel Ogden, both in Shaw's hand. Note written regarding Samuel Shaw, who is the "defendant in an action brought against him by Mr. John Holber...
Original of GLC02437.03230. Text is in the hand of Samuel Shaw, but signatures, which have been struck, appear to be those of Henry Knox and Samuel Ogden.
to Samuel Freeman
January 15, 1786
Discusses a variety of business matters. Mentions the value of the "lands of Falmouth," possibly referring to lands in Maine in possession of descendants of Samuel Waldo, a relative of his wife Lucy Knox (these lands may be distinct from the well...
May 31, 1786-March 14, 1787
Gardiner, Catherine, fl. 1786-1787
Written from "Newport." Explains that at the beginning of the war, Knox applied to the Provincial Congress in Massachusetts to exchange furniture with Gardiner's Loyalist aunt and uncle Barnes, Knox's furniture being in Boston. Due to poor...
to Diego Gardoqui y Arriquibar
25 July 1786
Writes to provide a list of books he recommends to Gardoqui, which can be obtained "in this city" (likely New York). They are not all of the same genre, but would "suite the tastes more or less of every man of reading." Regrets that not all have...
to Catherine Gardiner
March 31, 1787
Discusses household furniture that used to be the property of a Mr. Barnes of Marlborough which Knox received from the Government of Massachusetts in 1775. Encloses the certificate of the transaction (see GLC02437.03507).
2 May 1787
Fears that he will have to miss the meeting of the Society of the Cincinnati as business will keep him in New York a few more days. Hopes to arrive in Philadelphia by Thursday or Friday to pay his respects. Will forward the papers of the Society if a...
4 May 1787
Asks Don Diego de Gardoqui to help a soldier, Captain Thomas Wooster, the son of General David Wooster of Connecticut. Wooster needs to go to Trinidad on personal business and Knox requests that Gardoqui give a letter of introduction to the Governor...
to Benjamin Franklin
28 June 1787
Discusses the possibility of a Monsieur de Varonault's admittance into the Society of the Cincinnati. Writes in full, " I have the honor to acknowledge the weight of your Excellencys application respecting Monsieur de Varonault of the French Navy to...
26 July 1787
Freeman, Samuel, 1743-1831
Speaks on behalf of a Mr. Swett and Calley who would like to settle on "a small Tract of your Land, viz about 25 Acres ... " Says the gentlemen were the first to apply for the land and should receive first priority. Written in Portland, Maine...
11 November 1787
Fullerton, Alexander, fl. 1785-1787
Discusses a court case in which Samuel Shaw is defending himself against a Mr. Holker. Reports that the jury has been dismissed, having been unable to agree on a verdict. After polling the jury, Fullerton has found that eight of the jury members...
January 13, 1788
Freeman, Constant, 1757-1824
Asks Knox whether he has the right, based on his military service, to two or three hundred acres of Ohio Company land. Adds that Mrs. [Mary] McNeil[l] thanks Knox for settling her husband's accounts. Knox has noted his answer beneath the docket.
February 3, 1788
Thanks Knox for previous correspondence. Reports that Mary McNeill received Knox's certificate, and has given General Henry Jackson duplicate receipts (Jackson handled some of Knox's business affairs). (See GLC02437.03662, .03670, .03675, .03708,...
to William Foster
20 April 1788
Discusses Foster's predicament, which involves a petition to Congress regarding Foster's debt. Tells Foster "I shall most chearfully render you every service in my power." Refer to GLC02437.03857 for Foster's reply.
25 April 1788
Foster, William, fl. 1788-1789
Thanks Knox for assisting him with a petition to Congress for forgiveness of, or help with, his debt. Hopes Congress will decide in his favor, noting "...but I think- there may be some measure not big with evil consequences recommended whereby...
3 June 1788
Informs Foster that Congress will decide on propositions concerning a debt due to the United States by De la Lande and Finje [Fynje]. In consequence, thinks Foster may be relieved of his own debt.
24 June 1788
Expresses his disappointment that his debt was sold. Of Congress, writes "... how that honourable Body could exclude my petition & afterwards dispose of the Debt on less advantageous terms than I offered I cannot reconcile- but will not suppose that...
6 July 1788
Discusses Foster's debt (Foster had previously asked Knox for assistance with a petition to Congress related to his debt).
24 July 1786
Gardoqui writes, "A Lover of literature in our Spanish America desires me to send him such Books [as] are good & worth reading..." Seeks Knox's advice on what books to buy. Docket indicates that this letter was written 24 July 1786; a pencil note...
23 August 1788
Hopes to examine details regarding the land that belonged to the estate of Thomas Flucker, Knox's late father-in-law.
February 17, 1789
Fuller, Jonathan, fl. 1789
Written from Woolwich, likely in Maine. Hired a Mr. Noah Miller to do some agricultural work for him on land in New Canaan, in Lincoln County, in 1780. However, Fuller was unable to continue the improvements, because British troops took possession...
30 April 1789
Freeman, Jeremiah, fl. 1775-1789
Writes that the "honor I have had in serving under your immediate command, in the late war, has emboldened me to trouble you with this. I am in a disagreeable situation, and have no prospect of being in a better, which, is the only apology I can...
1 May 1789
Writes, "The honor I have had in serving under your immediate Command in the late war, has encouraged me to ask a favor, which is, some employment under you." Says that Delaware Senator John Vining will be helping him as well. Very similar, though...
to Jeremiah Freeman
8 May 1789
Docket notes the document is a copy. Declares that he received his 1 May letter (refer to GLC02437.04191). Writes that he is always happy to help a good officer that served with him in the war, but that all positions in his office are full at...
28 May 1789
Writes to ask Knox for help finding a government job, arguing that his current situation limits his ability to subsist on his pay. Specifically requests a military command, but would like a civil appointment until such time as troops need to be...
16 June 1789
Fosdick, Nathaniel F., fl. 1789
Writes to thank Knox for presenting his letter and certificate to the president. "Free" handwritten on address leaf with no signature.
25 June 1789
Writes to explain that he has prepared a wharf for ships to use (apparently in the Boston area) as well as a sizable storage area for goods, which he would like to sell or rent to the government if they think it might be useful to them. Lists...
15 July 1789
Ford, David, fl. 1789-1791
Writes that enclosed is a release signed by Thomas Compson (not present). Adds that Mr. [Samuel] Ogden did not receive Knox's last letter till Monday, and upon receiving it, rushed to process the paperwork and send it to Knox so that it might arrive...
23 July 1789
Thanks him for his recent letter and for the apology Knox made in it for not writing sooner. Writes that he is unsure what position in the government he would like to apply for, and knows that Congress has not yet created all the positions they plan...
28 July 1789
Gardner, Andrew, fl. 1789
Writes that he has just arrived from the West Indies, and asks if Knox might help him find a job as a store keeper or a keeper of a lighthouse. Explains some of his financial misfortunes.
to Andrew Gardner
4 August 1789
Has received Gardner's recent letter (see GLC02437.04307). Does not know whether any new lighthouses will be set up, or whether there will be any vacancies for lighthouse-keepers. Writes that if, in the course of business, he is able to help...
2 September 1789
Thanks Knox for the letters of recommendation he furnished for Gardoqui's son, who left this morning. Writes, "Pray what would you advise me to do in respect to an invitation I had to dine with the President tomorrow? For I see by the papers that he...
1 October 1789
Thanks him for his letter and gift of Spanish cloth, which he will "wear with high satisfaction, as an evidence of your friendship." Wishes him health and happiness.
ardoqui y Arriquibar, Diego, 1735-1798
Sends Knox his compliments and a gift in thanks for the kindness and friendship Knox bestowed on him during his stay in the United States.
February 1, 1790
Writes that he assumes Knox has heard about Gardoqui's recent appointment at Finance Minister in Spain. Introduces the "bearer Mr. Joseph Jaudenes" and his nephew Joseph Santayana, "both having Commissions from His Majesty." Signs as "James...
20 August 1791
Gardiner, John, fl. 1791-1792
Mentions that the mechanic Joseph Pope, who invented the orrery purchased by the legislature for Harvard, "brought with him on his return from England, a great Variety of Drawings of many of the most useful and late invented machines, mills, &c...
to David Ford
December 31, 1791
Mentions the recent arrival of Mr. [William] Duer, who has returned from a trip. Reports that his injuries are healing and are no longer thought to be dangerous.
7 July 1792
Sends Knox a bit of writing which he has recently published. States that their mutual friend Samuel Breck also intended to send Knox a copy of the publication, but Gardiner offered to send it instead. Discusses sending copies to various people, as...
to John Gardiner
5 September 1792
Knox has observed that some of the public is suspicious of whether the theatre can contribute to the "good of the community." Supports Gardiner's defense of the theatre, writing that "the theatre may exude and confirm the most elevated and pure love...
9 September 1794
Ford, Gabriel H., 1765-1849
Discusses a case between the representatives of General [Nathanael] Greene, James Warrington, and Joseph Blackford. Informs Knox he has been sent as a commissioner on the behalf of Warrington and Blackford. Requests Knox for a commissioner's name...
4 May 1796
Fraser, Thomas, fl. 1796-1798
Writes to let Knox know that upon his arrival in London, he tried to locate Mrs. Urquhart but was unable to. Thinks she might be in Jersey; does not, in fact, think she has left her husband. Comments on her situation, and the difficulty one might...
9 September 1796
Francis, Tench, 1730-1800
Written from "Montpelier," which may refer either to the city in Vermont or to Knox's estate in Maine. Francis, as "Purveyor of the War Department of the United States," discusses acquiring and shipping to Knox a variety of apparently nautical goods...
to Tench Francis
13 September 1796
Discusses acquiring and shipping spars for a frigate, per Francis's previous letter (see GLC02437.06813).
20 September 1796
Writes to Francis regarding the shipment of spars on a schooner called the Columbia, which will sail within for or five days from Thomaston to deliver them to Boston.
3 October 1796
Discusses ordering and transporting spars by boat. "Free" handwritten and stamped on address leaf with no signature.
16 October 1796
Forbes, Eli, fl. 1797-1799
Discusses a business arrangement with Benjamin Joy.
17 October 1796
Unsigned, but content and docket suggest the author is Henry Knox. Written from Montpelier, Knox's home in Thomaston, Maine. Agrees to provide Francis with shipbuilding supplies, "for the interest of the public." Discusses the logistics of this...
5 November 1796
Written from Montpelier, Knox's home in Thomaston, Maine. Unsigned, but content and a portion of the handwriting suggest the author is Henry Knox. Discusses a business deal in which Knox is trying to provide Francis with shipbuilding materials...
December 19, 1796
Discusses the possibility of purchasing articles from Knox to be shipped abroad.
19 June 1798
Forwards Knox a bill as he is going away.
to Thomas Fraser
21 June 1798
Discusses a receipt. Noted as a copy.
to Moses Gale and/or Moses Higgins
23 October 1801
Discusses the production of his limestone. Notes a shipment was returned due to suspicions of the lime being bad. Mentions the reputation of the lime is his greatest concern and requests Gale destroy it. Provides instructions on how to properly...
7 March 1802
Gabrial, Alexis, fl. 1802
Informs Knox he is leaving for Baltimore, Maryland tomorrow. Says he would be happy to be of service to Knox and speaks highly of Mrs. Lucy Knox and their daughter Lucy Knox.
to John Avery
February 27, 1805
Recommends Caleb Graffam for the office of Sheriff. Also mentions that his son, Samuel Deane Freeman, would like to live in Oxford county if he can find employment, so he recommends him for the post of Register of Probate. Provides a biography of...
January 27, 1806
Foote, Erastus, fl. 1778-1856
Writes to recommend Mr. Ephraim Wood, of Camden, to the Governor and Council, for the position of Coroner in Lincoln County. Believes it clear that they need a coroner, as they do not have one. Also, as he understands the ailing Samuel Jacobs will...
circa 1788-1798
Mentions the Marquis de Santa Cruz and the Duque de Almodovar and states that a Mr. Carmichael has probably written to the firm Messrs. Holten & Gerry. Per the closing line, "from Don Diego de gardoqui."
to William Frost
2 March 1789
Requesting "an abstract of conveyance reflecting" the Waldo Patent, a large tract of land that belonged to his wife's grandfather. This abstract should contain all transactions relating to the property. Frost was the "Register of deeds for the...
March 26, 1789
Frost, William, 1747-1827
Says he will soon respond to Knox's request for information regarding the Waldo Patent, a large tract of land belonging to Knox.
31 October 1789
Long statement listing the properties belonging to the late Thomas Flucker, Knox's father in law. Notes lands belonging to Flucker, lands sold off, debts, and other transactions affecting the value of his estate. Pages are bound together with...
4 August 1806
Requesting papers pertaining to the life of Samuel Waldo, his correspondence, and the ownership of the Waldo patent. Requesting these documents from the "Register of deeds for the county of York."
25 August 1806
Explaining why he has not yet sent documents Knox has requested. States it is because there is so much copying work to be done before the documents can be shipped, that it has taken some time. The third page appears to be a postscript, as discusses...
Relates a recent adventure in which he was apparently traveling over a frozen waterway to meet a military board that included Gates. On the way, the ice under his party broke, but through a fortunate turn of events they remained safe. Knox and...
Order for investigation of John Borland & Thomas Steel
Council of Albany
The document states that Samuel Vetch is indebted to the Queen for a large sum of money, and has run away against her majesty's wishes. It notes that John Borland and Thomas Steel have corresponded with Vetch, and thus orders that they give over to...
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