Summer 2025 PD for K–12 teachers: Registration is now open!
to William Rawle
3 September 1792
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Addresses unresolved questions regarding a land claim. Mentions correspondence with Nicholas Eveleigh.
to Henry Knox
11 October 1792
Randall, Thomas, ?-1811
Notifies Knox he has reserved the best housing he could find for Knox's family during their visit to New York. Says he has sent Mr. Freeman to get money from Knox's account. Mentions that he is expecting Samuel Shaw to arrive later this month....
to Thomas Randall
25 October 1792
Instructs Randall not to execute any of the bonds Knox previously mentioned without further instructions from Knox, and to keep this request secret. Asks Randall to deliver an enclosure (not included) to William Duer with his own hands.
28 October 1792
Received Knox's letter from 25 October (GLC02437.05668), and informs Knox that according to his instructions, he delivered a letter to William Duer. States, "I believe no deed of M Duer's can be valid while in confinement, or while any judgement...
7 January 1794
Makes reference to bonds coming due and expresses his need for the money. Fears his "affairs will prove Bankrupt in the Spring - and the sacrifices I shall be compelled to make in the Spring to answer demands against me, I fear will be attended with...
to Edmund Randolph
4 March 1794
Later copy of GLC02437.06056.
5 January 1795
Discusses a business transactions involving himself, Knox, William Crammond, Captain Anthony and several others. Requests Knox pays the balance on his bond that totals $12,000. Includes a detailed entry of the debt owing and the interest accrued....
7 January 1795
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Thomas Randall, Mr. [William] Crammond, and Captain [Joseph?] Anthony. Expresses worry about repaying a debt for $12,000.
January 10, 1795
Informs Randall he needs to speak with Mr. [William] Crammond regarding the debt he owes. Discusses possible discounts and terms of payment on the debt.
January 12, 1795
Discusses Knox's debt and the consequences Randall will suffer if the debt is not paid. Expresses his disappointment in Knox for not making the payment to Mr. Crammond. Says he filed bankruptcy and was trying exonerate Knox from his securities...
January 13, 1795
Discusses a debt that involves Randall and Mr. [William] Crammond. Appears to describe the payment arrangement agreed upon by himself and Crammond and asks if is suits Randall.
January 14, 1795
Discusses a business transaction (likely a debt) involving himself, Thomas Randall, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Notes he is in the process of securing the payment on the demand. Appears to discuss possible discounts and notes his house was used as...
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Henry Knox, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Appears to express disappointment in a proposition that Crammond offered regarding Randall selling his tea to pay off creditors. Notes he would be better...
January 17, 1794
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, [Thomas] Randall, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Informs Randall he has made an arrangement satisfactory to [William] Crammond. Goes on to describe the payment arrangement that was agreed upon between...
January 19, 1794
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Henry Knox, [Joseph] Anthony, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Expresses his joy in hearing that Knox has settled his payment of $12,000 with Crammond. Continues to discuss the interest on the debt and...
to Edward Randolph
January 21, 1795
Appears to recommend a gentleman named John Higginson for a position. Discusses Higginson's background and notes Higginson has resided in Paris for the last five years. The addressee name was added later in pen. Date was taken from the docket which...
January 22, 1795
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Thomas Randall, [Joseph] Anthony, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Informs Randall he met with Crammond to arrange payment for $12,000 with the condition of Crammond releasing Knox's and Anthony's names...
January 24, 1795
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Henry Knox, [Joseph] Anthony, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Expresses his relief in Knox paying his bond. Notes he will not be able to sell his teas without putting them up for auction unless an...
January 29, 1795
Discusses a business transaction involving himself, Thomas Randall, [Joseph] Anthony, George Bell, and Mr. [William] Crammond. Includes further correspondence concerning the debt owed by Knox to Randall, and Randall's debt to Mr. Crammond and his...
Informs Knox that the event he feared most has happened, he was "obliged to declare myself insolvent." He is now "obliged to keep myself to my room to avoid being arrested - " States he has Knox's bond and will hold it "sacredly in my possession to...
January 31, 1795
Replies to Randall's letter of 29 January 1795 (see GLC02437.06331). Discusses business related to Thomas Randall's debt problems. Letterpress copy. Water damaged.
February 3, 1795
States that Mr. Cramond is anxious to know if Randall gave Cramond's agent the teas he promised as a security. Heavily water stained. Letterpress copy.
February 4, 1795
Discusses the dire state of his finances and debts. Mentions Mr. Crammond, one of his creditors. States "my creditors have not yet met me and my situation is so intangled & complex that I fear it will end in my total ruin."
February 6, 1795
Asks Knox, when he passes through New York, to bring some business papers relating to Randall's deceased business partner. Discusses his dire financial situation.
March 14, 1795
Asks Knox for the balance due on a bond and for some satin he sent to Mrs. [Lucy] Knox, as he is need of money at the moment. Notes the total amount due to him is $551. Says he would not be asking for the money if his situation was not so...
March 26, 1795
Discusses financial matters and mentions a bond.
March 31, 1795
Discusses financial matters relating to bank shares and the interest made from them.
circa 1783-1795
Informs Randall there are no vacancies for a captain's position at the present time in the United States "Naval line" [likely referring to the Navy]. Suggests Randall pursues his commercial interests.
to Lewis Nicola
15 October 1782
Apologizes for the difficulty Colonel Nicola is having at Fishkill, and declares that he would help instantly were it in his power. However, the teams and equipment Colonel Nicola needs can only be gotten from the Quartermaster General, so he asks...
23 September 1790
Mountflorence, James, fl. 1790
Concerns the conflicts along the Georgia frontier between Native Americans and white settlers. Some members living within the Natchez under the Spanish conquest said Colonel Washington wrote them "a letter directed to him on the Western side of the...
10 June 1791
Macpherson, John, ?-1775
Macpherson writes seeking Knox's assistance. Claims he is very poor and does not have "Two Shillings on the Earth." Boasts of what he has done for the nation, claiming "I have enriched it more than any other ever did of my Station." Poverty got...
to Henry Knox [in French]
20 May 1794
Moustier, Éléonor François Élie, marquis de, 1751-1817
Discusses the French Revolution and mentions St. Domingue [Haiti]. Mentions obtaining a title [or introduction?] for an acquaintance. Refers to George Washington. Also speaks of affairs in Europe. States, "La France sera une monarchie" (predicts...
6 March 1797
Murray, Judith Sargent, 1751-1820
Forwards Knox a proposal (probably for her 1798 work "The Gleaner") and asks him to join President and Mrs. Washington in subscribing to it.
to Gershom Mott
26 July 1781
Written for Knox by Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide. Encloses an order from Timothy Pickering, Quartermaster General (order not included). Discusses a wagon which is to be sent to Kings Ferry, New York. Is glad to hear Mott has regained his health....
May 10, 1782
Noailles, Louis Marie, vicomte de, 1756-1804
Letter written by the Count de Noailles, the well known French officer under Lafayette during the American Revolution to Major General Knox. Hopes Knox received a letter he directed from Boston. Hoped to see him this spring, but says fate has kept...
12 June 1782
Newhall, Ezra, 1733-1798
Writes, "I should esteem it a great favor if you would give an order to the Bearer, Capt. Stone, or Colonel [John] Crane, for one gallon of Linseed oil, for the purpose of marking the canteens, knapsacks, tents, & several other affairs in the...
28 August 1782
Nicolas, Lewis, 1717-1807
Mentions that he went to "the Point" [possibly West Point] the day before to pay his respects and inform Knox about the movement of the Invalids between Fishkill and West Point. Also writes, "My further intention was to request your permission to...
1 September 1782
Written and signed in the hand of Samuel Shaw, Knox's aide-de-camp. Writes, "As soon as all the stores can be removed the waggons necessary to transport the remaining part of your regiment procured, you will direct it to repair immediately to the...
6 September 1782
Writes, "Lieut [probably William] Honeyman, late Quartermaster to the Invalid regt resigned yesterday that employment & as he belongs to the company quartered in Philadelphia, in which he is mustered, he begs your permission to return to his proper...
to unknown
3 October 1782
Writes, "I am informed the work at the house I am to occupy at the Point cannot proceed for want of boards, & as I am anxious to be where my duty calls me, I am under the necessity of requesting your application to Genl. [Henry] Knox to know whether...
19 October 1782
Declares that he is convinced of Knox's desire to help old and infirm soldiers (he is a colonel in the Invalid regiment). Writes, "I find by experience I have over rated my abilities in undertaking to remove boards from here to the Point; my horses...
24 October 1782
Writes that he has received an enclosed document (see GLC02437.01682) but "not having power to comply with Lt Gibbs's request take the liberty of referring [Sgt. Gerrolds?] to you." Lieutenant Gibbs might be Samuel Gibbs, of the Invalid Regiment, of...
26 October 1782
Written by Colonel Nicola, commander of the Invalid Regiment, to Major General Knox. Says he has been in conversations with others about the necessity of keeping a standing army in America after the peace. Has concerns that "some in authority as...
6 November 1782
Written by Colonel Nicola of the Invalid Regiment to Major General Knox. Was disappointed he could not meet up with Knox at West Point last Monday. Expresses his consternation about the reduction of his Invalid regiment by Congress and the Secretary...
to John Moylan
2 January 1783
Writes to John Moylan, the Clothier General, that the "troops in this department are reduced to one regiment of Infantry of 500 rank and file, and one corps of artillery." Has enclosed a return of the articles necessary to clothe the men for the...
January 27, 1783
Forwarding Knox a letter from General Horatio Gates and informing him that he will help Gates in any way possible. Noted as granted. See GLC02437.01862 for the enclosed letter. Written at Constitution Island.
March 24, 1783
Discusses current situation on "the Island" and his difficulty in obtaining supplies to build proper housing for himself and his family. Also writes concerning fatigue work and relief for the men. Also notes that he has enclosed his views on...
to Viscount de Noailles
16 June 1783
Written by Knox to the Viscount de Noailles. References two of Noailles's letters -- one from Boston and the other from France -- that needed to be answered. Says he did not know where to send the answer as Noailles was rumored to be anywhere from...
1 July 1783
Malcom, William, fl. 1776-1783
Written by Colonel Malcom to Major General Knox. Says a Mr. Peacock will be presenting this letter and that he was formerly a subaltern in his regiment, who acquitted himself with courage. He is a refugee from New York, although he was one of the...
18 November 1783
Discusses the choice for "the officers & men of the Invalid regt. to go to West Point or retire, the former on the commutation, the latter on pensions or discharges, agrable [agreeable] to their disabilities ... " Mentions the number of those who...
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