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Invoice of Quartermaster's stores
30 September 1864
Pierce, Franklin, 1804-1869
Features white-washed brushes and blank book. Reported by Lt. Leander A Williston.
Invoice of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores
Pierce (general), fl. 1864
A catalog of articles from a carriage to a screwdriver.
Monthly Return of Quartermaster's Stores
October 1864
Williston, Leander A., 1830-?
Everything from fuel to bricklaying tools.
Monthly Return of Clothing, Camp and Garrison Equipage
November 1864
Written at Fort Ricketts
December 1864
February 1865
Abstract of Expenditures
Abstract of materials expended or consumed at Fort Ricketts, commanded by Leander A. Williston. Written at Fort Ricketts
List of Volunteer Officers
circa 1864
Allen, J.W., fl. 1863
to John A. Fox
December 21, 1866
Hammight, A.S., fl. 1866
The bodies of David Greenough, Patrick Cronin and John Morresey have been moved from Beacon, GA to the National Cemetery at Chattanooga, TN.
Map of Antietam
Goes with item GLC02198.38. Includes line of advance.
List of Surviving Officers in Second Mass. Infantry
to Major Fox
February 3, 1910
He discusses what to do with the battle flags from the war. He says they should be kept at the state house and regarded as sacred.
to Unknown
Goodhue, W.F., fl. 1890
At the meeting of the association, a resolution was passed making all ex-members of the 3rd Brigade honorary members of their association. Page missing.
Williston Genealogy
Names and birthdates for the Allens.
Genealogical Almanac
Begins with an article on voyages. Belonged to Capt. William.
The secretary of the Second Mass Infantry Association asks for money to build a Memorial Monument.
Report of the Proceedings of the Annual Reunion of the Associations of the Third Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers
November 1890
The pamphlet reminises with great ardor their time in the war. Certain battles are remembered. Also includes guidelines of the association.
Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Reunion of the Association of the Third Regiment Wisconsin Infantry Veteran Volunteers
18 September 1895 - 19 September 1895
The officers that have died are remembered. Membership dues are listed. Then there is a historical record that looks back at their experiences in the war.
Unidentified man in army uniform
Scheetz, Chandler, fl. 1861-1877
A note on the back reads "Possibly Leander Williston?"
Commissary's Quarters in Winter Camp
Forbes, Edwin, 1839-1895
Marked "Plate 2." The commissary sergeant is in the foreground weighing out rations of meat for the company cook. Structure to the left is an improvised stable built of pine boughs. The camp contains a log cabin and is situated on a lake, which is...
Through the Wilderness
Marked "Plate 3." Depicts a team of 5 horses being whipped by their riders as they drag a wagon of supplies and a piece of artillery along a muddy lane in the forest. The wagon wheels are caked with mud. The body of a dead horse lies in the lower...
A Wagoner's Shanty
Marked "Plate 4." Contains 3 separate images. Upper left image is titled "A wagoner's shanty," and shows a winter camp of a wagoner. The wagoner is chopping a log in front of his log cabin, which has an overhang of crossed branches and brush. At the...
The Leader of the Herd
Marked "Plate 7." Depicts cattle for army use being led by a Zouave butcher. Three other men with whips are riding along the line of cattle, which extends out of the view of the picture. Across the road can be seen the graves of two Union soldiers...
A Christmas Dinner
Marked "Plate 9." A lonely image of the outer picket line. An off-duty soldier next to a make shift shelter of pine boughs and fence rails cooks a meager meal and is tries to keep his hands warm. Actual size of the image without the margins is 27.8...
Coffee Coolers
Marked "Plate 12." Shows a party of stragglers from the column which is seen marching over the hill in the distance. These are the men who are most likely to shirk a battle and were to be found with their regiments only when rations were to be...
Showing results 4,501 - 4,525