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[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Doctor Duffield]
2 March 1783
Crane, John, 1744-1805
Recommends Duffield for a leave of absence until 15 April 1783. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Lieutenant Wetzell]
Stevens, Ebenezer, 1751-1823
Lieutenant Colonel Stevens recommends Wetzell for a leave of absence for twenty days. Directs his request to Major General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Sergeant Warner]
3 March 1783
Patten, Thomas, fl. 1777-1785
Captain Patten recommends Warner for a twenty-five day leave of absence. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Ensign Goodrich]
Butler, Zebulon, 1731-1795
Colonel Butler recommends Goodrich for a leave of absence until 15 April 1783.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Thomas Dakin]
4 March 1783
Campbell, John, fl. 1782-1783
Recommendation consists of two parts. In the first part, Major Runals, Foreman of Blacksmiths, recommends Dakin for a five day leave of absence. In the second part, Lieutenant Campbell signs, noting that Dakin, from the corps of invalids and...
To Joseph M. Maitland
17 July 1863
Maitland, James M., 1815-1864
Tells his son that "my prayer is daily that you all may be prepared that if the Master calleth you may be received to that Land where there is no more death, no more bloodshed." Informs him that General George Meade was "not quite swift enough to...
to Elhanan M. Mast
19 July 1863
S., Mattie, fl. 1863
A vibrant letter written to "brother Mast." Writes, "Good morning brother Mast! What are you doing this delightful sabbath sunday! The bells are ringing the birds are singing and every thing and every body seems to say 'God and gratitude' and you Mr...
to Joseph M. Maitland
Reports that the draft will begin in Kingston the following week. Discusses Morgan's Raid, noting "At last accounts Morgan and his men were still pursuing his course without much interruption." Complains that [Lieutenant Colonel] Benjamin P. Runkle...
21 July 1863
Informs his brother-in-law, Lieutenant Colonel Mast, that he received a letter from his son, Joseph. Joseph was not at Vicksburg when the surrender took place because he moved with Sherman's corps to a location near Black River to monitor the...
[Van Cleve's General Orders No. 54]
22 July 1863
Van Cleve, Horatio P., 1809-1891
Court martial document requiring Lieutenant Colonel Elhanan M. Mast to appear in court. Notes that the summons has been commanded by Major General Van Cleve and that the trial is for Colonel William C. Williams, 44th Indiana Volunteers. Signed by...
28 July 1863
Tells his brother-in-law, Lieutenant Colonel Mast, that he recently received letters from his son, Joseph Maitland, dated 6 and 12 July. Joseph reported that he was near Jackson, Mississippi, where there were ongoing skirmishes (as part of Sherman's...
31 July 1863
Discusses life on the farm. Notes that the draft is not in place in his county, but hopes it will be implemented soon. Discusses Morgan's Raid, writing, "John Morgan with 28 of his Officers are confined in the Ohio Penitentiary. The authorities...
2 August 1863
Writes to his son, informing him of their daily life. Discusses church in great detail, noting their Sabbath School is doing quite well. Also mentions Republican Party nominations for county offices.
5 August 1863
Reports to his brother-in-law, Lieutenant Colonel Mast, that he received word from his son Joseph near in Jackson, Mississippi. Joseph informed him that Confederate General Joseph Johnston evacuated Jackson 17 July. Writes, "I see it stated in the...
9 August 1863
Tells his son that his uncle, Elhanan Mast, is planning on running for "Representative or Clerk of the Court it is not determined which it is the intention of nominating a full Democratic ticket in the County of the War Democrats..." Praises Mast's...
16 August 1863
Asks his son not to "neglect your daily devotions and cast off your Confidence in God: for he is your only shield, and defense in the day of trouble." Continues on to report that he has heard that General Ambrose Burnside's old Corps has returned to...
to Grier Maitland
17 August 1863
Maitland, Joseph M., 1836-1918
Writes to his brother from Camp Bear Creek. Tells him, "I am now seated in the Capt's Tent with no one to disturb me, and as I sit here my mind wanders back to the old Homestead, in my imagination I see you all as you ply your Evening Care, Mother...
19 August 1863
Maitland, Grier, fl. 1837-1920
Writes to his brother from home, possibly Kingston, Ohio, detailing that they recently hosted a "Political meeting" at their house. Tells him that "Old Chaplain Shaffer made a slang and Bullyragging speech denounced every one in bitter terms did not...
21 August 1863
Provides details regarding Captain Warmock's recent good health. Reports that he has not heard positive things about Lieutenant Colwell. Informs his son, "I learned to day of another outbreak on Political Matters. The Union Party so called held a...
23 August 1863
Discusses a church sermon about religion and the war, during which the preacher stated, "any man be he Whig, Democrat, Republican, abolitionist or even Negro that would help to put down the Rebellion he would take them by they hand." States "I think...
25 August 1863
Maitland, William G., 1846-?
Grier writes to his brother informing him that "Normal School" has closed and that they had a Camp Meeting recently, which not many people attended. The last page of letter is written 26 August by James M. Maitland to his son, giving him updates on...
24 August 1863
Writes very short note to his son informing him that he saw Joseph's friend Simeon. Also notes that their family friend, John Petty, is at Camp Chase.
29 August 1863
Criticizes Clement Vallandigham. Predicts that there will not be a draft in Ohio, as the quota of troops Ohio has to meet can be filled with volunteers. Reports that his old chaplain died. Recently heard news of "unnecessary destruction of Property...
30 August 1863
Coleman, George W., fl. 1857-1886
Writes to "cousin," possibly Joseph M. Maitland, based on content. Writes, "I made a Union Speech which was well received by all except Vallandighammers of whom I will notice before I close... I am all over for Brough the union Candidate for Gov. & I...
6 September 1863
Writes to his son, "I have been frequently asked by your old friends whether it is so that you have turned abolitionist: I have upon all occasions told them that I did not think it could be possible. and, it has even been thrown up in a taunting...
8 September 1863
Tells his brother that they received his photograph: "we received your picture enclosed in your letter and I think it looks a goodeal like you used to look with the exception of your Extensive Mustache and Goatee..." The last page of the letter...
10 September 1863
Informs his son that his mother is not well. Comments on the recent Democratic Party meeting, saying "I do not believe that any good results from such gatherings... One thing is very evident that the intolerant spirit manifested by the Republican...
13 September 1863
Informs his son, "We... have noticed by the papers that Rosencrans [sic] is pushing after the [Rebl] army and has possession of Chattanooga and that Burnside with his army has taken Cumberlan [sic] Gap with 2,000 Prisoners and 19 guns, and had also...
21 September 1863
Reports that his brother-in-law, Lieutenant Colonel Elhanan Mast, is part of a Union force closing in on [Braxton] Bragg. Comments on a riot at the house of Mike Murphey. Informs him that there was a meeting at the Courthouse concerning the efforts...
23 September 1863
Moore, S.R., fl. 1863-1864
Discusses daily life and happenings at camp. Mentions [Brigadier General James W.] McMillan inspected their camp last Sunday and "Put several privates under arrest and I think reduced some Corporal to the ranks." Lists several promotions that have...
18 October 1863
Writes to his son informing him that his mother is still sick, and speculates it is because she is worried about him. Mentions that Elhanan (possibly Elhanan Mass who is Jamies Maitland's brother-in-law) and many others were killed on "the Field of...
21 October 1863
Writes to his brother, from "Home," possibly Kingston, Ohio, that their mother is "as well as ever." Tells him that he received Joseph's photographs. Reports that "I see in today's paper that Gen. [William Starke] Rosecrans is removed and Gen....
to Mary (Wright) Kellogg
10 November 1861
Blanchard, Ira, 1835-?
Blanchard writes to Mary Wright from a hospital in Mound City, Illinois. Reports he has been sick with fever for six weeks. Says the hospital is three stories high and capable of treating 6000 patients. Comments that war "...tries men's souls."...
25 December 1861
Blanchard writes to Mary Wright from Camp Lyon in Illinois. Apologizes for using the word "love" in his letters to her. Responds to her inquiry about the hospital in Cairo, Illinois. Expresses doubt that the rumors of poor treatment for the soldiers...
February 5, 1862
Blanchard writes to Mary Wright from Fort Henry, Tennessee. Mentions Union General Halbert E. Paine leaving with the sick soldiers and supplies. Reports on his trip to Cairo, Illinois by steamer on the Ohio River. Says the boat was so crowded they...
circa February 1862
Blanchard writes to Mary Wright from Fort Donelson, Tennessee. Reports his troops are pushing forward to Nashville, Tennessee. Refers to the battle and capture of Fort Henry, the first important Union victory in the Western Theater. Informs that...
April 21, 1862
Blanchard writes to Mary Wright from the General Hospital in Savannah. Reports on the Battle of Shiloh, "...a day never to be forgotten by me." Says the battlefield was littered with dead and wounded. Informs his right arm was wounded on the...
[Photograph of Neta Snook with airplane]
1920 ca.
Image of Neta Snook as a young woman in flight clothing.
[Photographs of Neta Snook and others]
The photographs are mounted on a black photo album page on both sides. The recto has five photographs containing images of Neta Snook with her dog Cam, Snook's Canuck airplane, and possibly employees of Goodyear field in Ames, Iowa. The verso of...
to his sister Martha and family
7 August 1863
Wheeler, Lysander, 1837-1917
He writes that it is his one year anniversary of enlistment and that he is glad he made the decision to enlist. Comments that the soldiers forage for most of their food, living "almost independent from Unkle [Uncle] Sam". Reports that Lieut. Culver...
to Samuel Holden Parsons
3 October 1786
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Writes a brief note to General Parsons regarding the recent end of Shays' Rebellion and also the likelihood that the "Malcontents" might want to raid the stores at Springfield. Hopes that he can rely on the "late officers of the Continental Army"...
to Thomas Hutchins
10 October 1786
Sargent, Winthrop, 1753-1820
Written from "Cox's Fort Ohio River." Marked "copy." Discusses the process of surveying land around the Ohio River. Mentions that some surveyors have said there is imminent danger in conducting the survey beyond the 4th range. He has adopted no...
to John Green
11 October 1786-21 November 1786
Shaw, Samuel, 1754-1794
Written from Canton, present-day Guangzhou, China. Writes a long narrative regarding a dispute with Captain John Green, who helmed the ship Shaw traveled on during his first visit to China in 1784. The first page contains a letter to John Green from...
to Henry Knox and Samuel Ogden
21 November 1786-3 December 1786
Written from Canton, present-day Guangzhou, China. Writes a lengthy letter updating his friends Knox and Ogden on the status of his business in China. Says he is pleased to finally be able to write, but is sad to report on the illness and death of...
to James Bowdoin
22 October 1786
Writes to introduce Governor Bowdoin to Major [William] North, who is currently Inspector of Troops. Says that North wishes to be included in the line of troops being raised. Comments that he is a citizen of Massachusetts by birth and residence and...
[Certificate regarding Dr. Horton's widow]
8 November 1776
Docket reads, "H Knox's copy certificate in the case of Dr Horton's widow." Testifies that Doctor Jonathan Horton died while in the service of his country, in the state of New Jersey, and that for this reason his widow is entitled to an allowance...
[Receipt from Jonathan Burral, Esq.]
23 November 1786
Snelling, Joseph, fl. 1786
Duplicate of GLC02437.03345. Written from Salem, possibly in Massachusetts. Receipt from Jonathan Burral [possibly Burrall], Esq., Commissioner of Accompts [possibly Accounts], for 450 dollars with interest to be given to Henry Knox.
Copy of GLC02437.03344.
to Elbridge Gerry
26 November 1786
Almost identical in content to GLC02437.03352, which is a later copy of this letter. Writes that he and Mr. [Samuel] Osgood are investigating any openings in the public offices in New York, but have found none. Writes, "My brother whose resignation...
[Excerpt from a letter regarding military appointments]
2 December 1786
Freeman, Constant, 1757-1824
The author writes, "That you are not yet appointed need not surprise you when you have read this- I came here fully of opinion that I should have the second [Company] of [Artillery]; that you and all the other officers recommended by General Knox...
to Robert Morris
3 December 1786
Wadsworth, Jeremiah, 1743-1804
Discusses the contract recently sent by the Board of Treasury to him and to Morris regarding a loan they are planning to give to Congress. Will come to New York to finish signing paperwork with Morris. Writes, "I am very far from wishing to engage...
to Jeremiah Wadsworth
December 9, 1786
Humphreys, David, 1752-1818
Asks Wadsworth to deliver to the bearer, Corporal Nichols, equipment such as bowls and kettles that "may be necessary for the Recruits in Town." Asks also for some boards for making bunks and provides some procedures for distributing the materials...
[Supplies given to Colonel David Humphreys's regiment]
Date added later in pencil. Lists supplies provided to Colonel David Humphreys, such as hospital stores, rations, wood and clothing. Addressed to General Henry Knox.
[Henry Knox's account with Jeremiah Wadsworth]
Account between General Henry Knox and Colonel Jeremiah Wadsworth for the year 1786. Docket reveals a balance due to Knox. Additional calculations on verso.
to Henry Knox
7 January 1787
De Jean, fl. 1786
Thanks him for his letter. Writes, "By the contents of Mr. Macomb's, friendly letter, I am convinced, how wrong and presumptuous I was, in my former letter to you, to desire you to write to so many gentlemen, and to take so much trouble for a man...
to James Sullivan [incomplete]
January 28, 1787
Body of the letter and signature in the hand of Robert Pemberton, Knox's aide. Previous research determined the addressee to be James Sullivan, but the document does not indicate that explicitly. Knox discusses the settlement of the estate of Thomas...
to Lieutenant Colonel Platt
January 30, 1787-February 1, 1787
Haskell, Elnathan, 1755-1825
Body of the letter and signatures in the hand of Robert Pemberton, Knox's aide. Document titled, "Extract of a letter from a gentleman of character in General Lincoln's army, to his friend at New York." Addressee may be Richard Platt; identified...
to Benjamin Lincoln
January 31, 1787
Shays, Daniel, 1747-1825
Contains two letters. The first, written from Pelham, Massachusetts on 31 January 1787 to General Benjamin Lincoln, is signed by (though not in the hand of) Daniel Shays, along with Francis Stone and Adam Wheeler. The second is Lincoln's reply...
to Henry Jackson
February 1, 1787
Eustis, William, 1753-1825
Dr. William Eustis writes that it "amounts almost to a presumption in Major [Elnathan] Haskell & myself" to provide information by letter to Jackson, as "Colo. [William] Hull will carry more in his head than we can possibly crowd into his pocket."...
[Letter of address to the town of Granby]
Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810
Honored with their application from the day before. Writes that he sympathizes too much with "the distresses of those unhappy men" who have risen against the government not to try to avoid reclaiming them without bloodshed. Has tried to avoid firing...
[Agreement with James Swan for land sale, with later endorsements]
19 May 1795
Agreement granting 25,000 acres in the Waldo patent from Henry Knox to James Swan, also giving Knox the right to buy the land back at a fixed price. Signed twice by Knox with his initials. Later endorsement at bottom of second page, dated 7...
[Agreement between Henry Knox and George Meade for sale of land]
25 May 1795
Articles of agreement between Henry Knox and George Meade regarding Knox selling Meade one hundred thousand acres in the Waldo patent. Part of the last page has been clipped.
The journal & field book of Jonathan Maynard
13 September 1795 - 22 October 1795
Maynard, Jonathan, 1752-1835
Maynard's journal while surveying the Waldo patent. A day by day accounting of the events that occured while in Knox's employment to survey the Waldo patent.
[Pettition to Massachusetts legislature for right to remain on land with Waldo patent]
May 1796
Petition to the Massachusetts Legislature, stating that the many petitioners have lived on part of the Waldo patent for generations, and that this part of the land belongs to them, even though it has been deeded to Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Moses Boardman]
Wills, E., fl. 1783
Captain [Wills?] recommends Boardman for a leave of absence until 14 April 1783. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox. Written at Constitution Island
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for John Holden]
Carleton, Osgood, 1742-1816
Carleton, commanding a company in the Invalid Regiment, recommends Holden for a fifteen day leave of absence. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox. Also appears to be signed by Captain [E. Wills?]. Written at Constitution Island
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for John Fulford]
6 March 1783
Stearns, E., fl. 1783
Sergeant Major Stearns recommends Sergeant Fulford of the Fifth Company, Invalid Regiment, for a fifteen day leave of absence. Also appears to be signed by Captain [E. Wills?]. Written at Constitution Island
[Recommendation for a hired man to serve in the military in the place of Benjamin Burt]
8 March 1783
Burt hires the man for one year's service. Captain Patten directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox. On verso, Samuel Shaw, Henry Knox's aide-de-camp, authorizes Burt's discharge for one year. Shaw also writes from West Point.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Thurstian Hillard]
11 March 1783
Captain Patten recommends Hillard for a twenty-two day leave of absence. Directs his request to Major General Henry Knox.
[Return for military provision and supplies]
Price, William, ?-1790
Lieutenant Price signs this return for cannon cartridge, ten pounds of twine, and twenty gallons of wine for the laboratory at West Point.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Samuel Mills]
March 12, 1783
Captain Patten recommends Mills for a thirty-four day leave of absence. Directs his request to Major General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Lieutenant Colonel Johnson]
Swift, Heman, 1733-1814
Recommends Johnson, of the Second Connecticut Regiment, for a leave of absence until 9 April 1783. Written from Camp Highlands. Directs his request to Major General Henry Knox.
[Approval for Lieutenant Johnson's furlough]
Major General Knox informs Colonel Heman Swift he has no objection to Colonel Johnson's request for a leave of absence. Marked as a copy.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Private Abel Page]
March 16, 1783
Bushnell, David, 1740-1826
Captain David Bushnell recommends Page for a fifteen day leave of absence. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox. Written at Constitution Island.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Samuel Whitny]
March 17, 1783
Captain Wills recommends Corporal Samuel Whitny for a leave of absence until 15 April 1783. Directs his recommendation to Major John Doughty at West Point.Written at Constitution Island
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Lieutenant Tappen]
Bauman, Sebastian, 1739-1803
Major Bauman recommends Lieutenant Tappen for a leave of absence until 15 April 1783. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Joseph Wheeler]
Also signed by another military officer whose name is illegible. Captain Wills recommends Wheeler, of the Fifth Company, Invalid Regiment, for a leave of absence until 14 April 1783. Written at Constitution Island.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Benjamin Eddy]
March 20, 1783
Captain David Bushnell recommends Eddy for a leave of absence until 15 April 1783. Possibly intended for Major General Henry Knox.Written at Constitution Island
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Tony Neidy]
March 21, 1783
Captain Wills recommends Neidy, of the Invalid Regiment, for a leave of absence until 15 April 1783. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox. Written at Constitution Island.
[Return of 640 dozen coat buttons]
March 24, 1783
Colonel Crane notes that the buttons are needed "to repair the coats of the Massachusetts Artillery."
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Captain Taylor]
March 27, 1783
Smith, David, fl. 1782-1783
Major Smith recommends Taylor for a leave of absence until 15 April 1783. Written at Camp Highlands. Directed to Major General Henry Knox.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Lieutenant Tiffany]
Major Smith recommends Tiffany for a leave of absence until 15 April 1783. Directs his recommendation to Major General Henry Knox. Written at Camp Highlands.
[Recommendation for a leave of absence for Joshua Reynolds]
5 April 1783
Lieutenant Jonathan [illegible] recommends Reynolds for a seventeen day leave of absence.
[Certifies that Joseph Bliss has been unable to return to camp for two months]
12 April 1783
Brown, Ezekiel, fl. 1783
Notes that Lieutenant Bliss serves in the Massachusetts Regiment of Artillery. Written in Concord; state inferred from content. Also signed by John Cummings.
Provision return for one captain lieutenant and police officer for the garrison of West Point
3 May 1783
Lillie, John, 1755-1801
Captain Lillie notes that the return covers three rations a day for fifteen days commencing 1 May. Contains a note on page two written by Charles Fryer, who requests forty-five rations from the contractors for New York and New Jersey.
Provision return for Captain Thomas Patten's Company of artificers
1 May 1783
Signed on both pages by Patten. Contains a note on page two written by Dudley Mercer, who notes the receipt of provisions.
Provision return for Captain Thomas Batten's Company
5 May 1783
Serves as a record of rations issued for three days. Signed on both pages by Batten. Contains a note on page two written by Dudley Mercer, noting receipt of rations. Contains water damage.
[Naval prize money document]
circa 1775-1783
Barry, John, 1745-1803
Printed document for certifying naval prize money with blank spaces to write in names and dates. This document has blank spaces for the date and name, but is signed by Captain Barry. Document dated from Barry's time as a captain in the Continental...
to George Simpson
1 May 1804
Nicholson, James, 1737-1804
From the United States Loan Office. Acknowledges the receipt of Simpson's draft numbered 428 on Jonathan Burall Esqr. for $663.43.
[Letter of recommendation for Dr. Benjamin Kennedy]
2 December 1807
McCormick, Daniel, fl. 1800-1807
McCormick, the surgeon on the USS "Hornet" in Charleston, South Carolina, wrote this letter to certify that Dr. Benjamin Kennedy was very attentive to his duties as surgeon's mate during his three months of service on the "Hornet." Kennedy showed...
25 October 1863
Tells his son "Since the election has subsided to a considerable extent & the only thing that troubles the people is the coming draft tomorrow..." Mentions the defeat of General William Rosecrans (possibly referring to the Battle of Chickamauga...
27 October 1863
Reports from camp to his brother. Speaks of receiving a letter from an unknown woman. Writes he is very thankful that his health is good, as many of his fellow soldiers' health is not well. Remarks, "Our Co is getting very small one by one our...
to his brother
28 October 1863
Writes to his brother, possibly Grier Maitland, reporting that he is still in good health, although he is very tired from picket duty.
4 November 1863
Reports to his brother from "Camp on Cowan's Plantation," telling him "A more beautiful morning never dawned in the state of Miss. than this..." Mentions they received marching orders but they do not know where they are heading. Continues the...
9 November 1863
Writes to his son about the news from home, reporting that all is well. Provides details about the war, mentioning that "General [John] Sedgewick and [possibly Major General William] French made an attack jointly on a part of [General Robert E.] Lee...
15 November 1863
Discusses a meeting that was held at their house concerning conscription, noting that he hoped to "stir up enough people to volunteer to prevent the draft...Our Township's apportionment is 25 if raised by volunteering but if raised by Draft 38 men....
to Joe
February 2, 1864
Signature is illegible. Letter is addressed, "Friend Joe," who is possibly Joseph Maitland. Writes he is sorry to hear of his family sickness, commenting "were it not for sickness we would not know how to appreciate health properly." Remarks that he...
to Bell Wharton
9 March 1864
Possibly written by Joseph Maitland, based on content. Begins letter to Bell with a love poem, "Old Song." Tells her that he was thinking of her and the song came into his mind, especially because of the lines, "'never till life and memory perish...
March 18, 1864
Grier writes to his brother and reports the weather has been snowy and windy. Informs him that the price of corn has dropped and the whiskey tax has risen. Comments he has sold forty bushels of corn at sixty-seven cents each. States he is considering...
20 June 1862
Blanchard writes to Mary Wright from Jackson, Tennessee, " of the most delightful cities I ever saw." Says the aristocracy of the south resides there. Mentions many slaves escaped to their lines and rewards of two-hundred dollars were being...
Showing results 87,301 - 87,400