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Copy of the minutes of the New York House of Representatives
New York House of Representatives
The minutes are from sessions from 19 April 1692 to 2 May 1692.
to Henry Knox
24 December 1781
Freeman, James, fl. 1781-1783
Mentions he is aware that Congress has decided to "make good the depreciation of pay, to such officers as have not been under the patronage of any particular State, and have diverted the auditors to Liquidate their accounts, and give them a...
to James Freeman
7 January 1782
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Refers to a letter received from Captain James Freeman asking for information about how Freeman might settle his military salary account with Congress (see GLC02437.01310). Knox encloses the resolve of Congress which describes the requirements for...
8 January 1782
Refers to his last letter from December asking Knox for help in getting a pay settlement (see GLC02437.01310). He has not received an answer, so he supposes the letter has not been delivered to Knox. Believes that Knox would reply with his help if...
to Mrs. Flucker
24 November 1783
Writes to a relative of his wife Lucy (possibly Sarah Lyons Flucker Beaumez) and tells her that Lucy and the children are all well. Discusses some of their plans for the coming year and wishes that Mrs. Flucker will write back.
to Sarah Lyons Flucker
February 12, 1784
Informs Flucker, possibly Sarah Lyons Flucker, of the well-being of Lucy and the Knox children (the Fluckers were Loyalists and left America at the outbreak of the Revolutionary War). Expresses his wish for a reunion between Lucy and her family....
17 July 1784
Flucker, Thomas, 1719-1783
Responds to a letter from Knox (GLC02437.02992) discussing the Waldo Estate, Flucker's inheritance. Instructs Knox to sell the portion that was not seized during the war as soon as possible. Notes that his Uncle Waldo recently died, bequeathing his...
25 September 1784
Flucker, Hannah, 1726-1785
Knox's mother-in-law thanks Knox for his efforts to "secure as much as possible of my late Husband's Estate for the benefit of my family." Discusses details of the estate, land situated in the United States. Reports on her own happiness, living...
to Samuel Freeman
January 15, 1786
Discusses a variety of business matters. Mentions the value of the "lands of Falmouth," possibly referring to lands in Maine in possession of descendants of Samuel Waldo, a relative of his wife Lucy Knox (these lands may be distinct from the well...
4 November 1786
Flucker, Presence, fl. 1786
Docket reads, "from [sic, about] a negro woman formerly belonging to Mr Flucker." Writes that she heard from a Miss Cummings that Knox offered to receive her into his home as a cook or some other kind of servant upon the death of the Fluckers "as an...
to Benjamin Franklin
28 June 1787
Discusses the possibility of a Monsieur de Varonault's admittance into the Society of the Cincinnati. Writes in full, " I have the honor to acknowledge the weight of your Excellencys application respecting Monsieur de Varonault of the French Navy to...
26 July 1787
Freeman, Samuel, 1743-1831
Speaks on behalf of a Mr. Swett and Calley who would like to settle on "a small Tract of your Land, viz about 25 Acres ... " Says the gentlemen were the first to apply for the land and should receive first priority. Written in Portland, Maine...
January 13, 1788
Freeman, Constant, 1757-1824
Asks Knox whether he has the right, based on his military service, to two or three hundred acres of Ohio Company land. Adds that Mrs. [Mary] McNeil[l] thanks Knox for settling her husband's accounts. Knox has noted his answer beneath the docket.
February 3, 1788
Thanks Knox for previous correspondence. Reports that Mary McNeill received Knox's certificate, and has given General Henry Jackson duplicate receipts (Jackson handled some of Knox's business affairs). (See GLC02437.03662, .03670, .03675, .03708,...
to William Foster
20 April 1788
Discusses Foster's predicament, which involves a petition to Congress regarding Foster's debt. Tells Foster "I shall most chearfully render you every service in my power." Refer to GLC02437.03857 for Foster's reply.
25 April 1788
Foster, William, fl. 1788-1789
Thanks Knox for assisting him with a petition to Congress for forgiveness of, or help with, his debt. Hopes Congress will decide in his favor, noting "...but I think- there may be some measure not big with evil consequences recommended whereby...
15 May 1788
Wishes he could give her "a precise idea of the estate, of our late mother in this Country [Hannah Waldo Flucker] one half of which belongs to your children." Notes that the land is not yet divided and its boundaries have to be verified by the state...
3 June 1788
Informs Foster that Congress will decide on propositions concerning a debt due to the United States by De la Lande and Finje [Fynje]. In consequence, thinks Foster may be relieved of his own debt.
24 June 1788
Expresses his disappointment that his debt was sold. Of Congress, writes "... how that honourable Body could exclude my petition & afterwards dispose of the Debt on less advantageous terms than I offered I cannot reconcile- but will not suppose that...
1 July 1788
Beaumez, Sarah Lyons Flucker, fl. 1784-1801
Thanks Knox for previous correspondence, and for being the caretaker of her children while they are in America. Discusses land in American inherited from her parents, Hannah and Thomas Flucker. Remarks that a great part of money from the...
6 July 1788
Discusses Foster's debt (Foster had previously asked Knox for assistance with a petition to Congress related to his debt).
30 April 1789
Freeman, Jeremiah, fl. 1775-1789
Writes that the "honor I have had in serving under your immediate command, in the late war, has emboldened me to trouble you with this. I am in a disagreeable situation, and have no prospect of being in a better, which, is the only apology I can...
1 May 1789
Writes, "The honor I have had in serving under your immediate Command in the late war, has encouraged me to ask a favor, which is, some employment under you." Says that Delaware Senator John Vining will be helping him as well. Very similar, though...
to Jeremiah Freeman
8 May 1789
Docket notes the document is a copy. Declares that he received his 1 May letter (refer to GLC02437.04191). Writes that he is always happy to help a good officer that served with him in the war, but that all positions in his office are full at...
28 May 1789
Writes to ask Knox for help finding a government job, arguing that his current situation limits his ability to subsist on his pay. Specifically requests a military command, but would like a civil appointment until such time as troops need to be...
16 June 1789
Fosdick, Nathaniel F., fl. 1789
Writes to thank Knox for presenting his letter and certificate to the president. "Free" handwritten on address leaf with no signature.
25 June 1789
Writes to explain that he has prepared a wharf for ships to use (apparently in the Boston area) as well as a sizable storage area for goods, which he would like to sell or rent to the government if they think it might be useful to them. Lists...
to Constant Freeman
15 July 1789
Apologizes for not responding sooner to Freeman's most recent letter. Discusses the possibilities of civil employment for Freeman and comments on the amount of time it may take for Congress to make the necessary preparations.
Ford, David, fl. 1789-1791
Writes that enclosed is a release signed by Thomas Compson (not present). Adds that Mr. [Samuel] Ogden did not receive Knox's last letter till Monday, and upon receiving it, rushed to process the paperwork and send it to Knox so that it might arrive...
23 July 1789
Thanks him for his recent letter and for the apology Knox made in it for not writing sooner. Writes that he is unsure what position in the government he would like to apply for, and knows that Congress has not yet created all the positions they plan...
16 May 1790
Discusses the excess amount of officers in the military, which means that many who hope for jobs with the new government will be disappointed. Remarks that he realizes that many men, especially on the frontiers, will be counting on Knox for...
to David Ford
December 31, 1791
Mentions the recent arrival of Mr. [William] Duer, who has returned from a trip. Reports that his injuries are healing and are no longer thought to be dangerous.
March 29, 1792
Flint, Royal, 1754-1797
Has never written to Knox about their land speculation in Maine, as he relied on Mr. [William] Duer to relate his opinions to Knox. Is not sure if Duer and Knox remain close, so he will write to Knox directly. Tells Knox that General [Henry]...
5 April 1792
Writes to acquaint Knox with the measures he is taking respecting the purchase of lands in Maine. Discusses financial arrangements he has made with General [Henry] Jackson to compensate for the insolvency of their business associate Mr. [William]...
11 April 1792
Writes that he cannot answer all the questions Knox has posed to him, but he can assure Knox that he has not taken any measures which are against Knox's interest or wishes. Explains how Mr. [Henry] Jackson told him a purchase fell through right...
7 May 1792
Writes about his concerns over the Eastern Lands in Maine. Writes that he refrained from contacting Knox in the hopes of having more to report regarding the Eastern Lands in Maine, but everything is still unresolved. Has done nothing to interfere...
3 June 1792
Flucker, sister-in-law to Lucy Knox, writes about her children's health and well-being. Discusses the importance of good education and mentions that she plans to take her two sons, along with Mrs. Knox and her son, Henry, to look at a school. Hopes...
10 June 1792
Mentions the surprise of the arrival of her son Francis, and declares that it shocked her nerves and caused her to be unable to write to Knox. Thanks him for his friendship. Explains how Major [Samuel] Shaw helped escort her sons on board a ship...
23 August 1792
Thanks Knox for his friendship and care. States that her finances force her to move to a more inexpensive area, but wishes she could afford to continue living near the Knox family. Discusses her own family finances. Invites Knox and his family to...
to Royal Flint
16 September 1792
Forwards a letter for William Duer, regarding land in Massachusetts. Asks Flint to obtain an answer from Duer and to inform Knox himself of Duer's development. Also mentions the status of Madame de Leval's security and payments.
18 September 1792
Informs Knox that he has another daughter and that his wife Lucy is doing well. Writes that "the little Stranger is truly the largest - and finest Child I ever saw - and is already much endeared to us all and the alarm she occasioned last night -...
26 September 1792
Informs Knox that since Colonel Robert Troup was unable to make the trip to Albany, he made plans to go himself but has been delayed due to Judge [John] Jay's recent illness. Notes Judge Jay was in route to Virginia when he became ill and had to...
4 October 1792
Notes he has received Col. [Robert] Troup's and Mr. Lewis's letters'. Asks that he contacts and obtains an answer from [William] Duer to Knox's letters. Date previously inferred, written in red. State not listed, however, based on another letter...
21 October 1792
Thanks Knox for letting her know that his wife and children arrived in New York safely. Looks forward to hearing "of your arrival at Philadelphia - again in the full enjoyment of Domestick [sic] Bliss." Discusses the weather and her recent travel...
21 November 1792
Mentions the eastern lands and states that he assumes William Duer has written him about the negotiations. Is sorry Knox's agreement with Mr. Green did not go through yet. Believes that Congress should enact a bankruptcy law and attempts to persuade...
March 24, 1793
References receiving three letters from Flint, two since he was confined. Says the promised acres that were Flint's payment for his help in the purchase of the 2 million acres has been secured in the agreements and covenants with William Bingham....
27 April 1793
Has endeavored in vain to get William Bingham to change the bond into a note for Flint. Bingham would have been willing to accede to the request "had it been for your own [Flint's] accommodation but he knows to the contrary." Reports that Bingham...
20 July 1794
Expresses her pleasure over their upcoming meeting. Mentions Thomas [Flucker?] has been in a great deal of pain from his accident (from falling into boiling water). Comments the wound proved far worst than everyone first thought. Notes he can now...
9 September 1794
Ford, Gabriel H., 1765-1849
Discusses a case between the representatives of General [Nathanael] Greene, James Warrington, and Joseph Blackford. Informs Knox he has been sent as a commissioner on the behalf of Warrington and Blackford. Requests Knox for a commissioner's name...
4 January 1795
Encloses a letter (not included) regarding the eastern lands. Says he believes the land could be sold to settlers from half a dollar to a dollar an acre. States Mr. Timothy Green can provide further information on the lands when he is in town...
4 May 1796
Fraser, Thomas, fl. 1796-1798
Writes to let Knox know that upon his arrival in London, he tried to locate Mrs. Urquhart but was unable to. Thinks she might be in Jersey; does not, in fact, think she has left her husband. Comments on her situation, and the difficulty one might...
9 September 1796
Francis, Tench, 1730-1800
Written from "Montpelier," which may refer either to the city in Vermont or to Knox's estate in Maine. Francis, as "Purveyor of the War Department of the United States," discusses acquiring and shipping to Knox a variety of apparently nautical goods...
to Tench Francis
13 September 1796
Discusses acquiring and shipping spars for a frigate, per Francis's previous letter (see GLC02437.06813).
20 September 1796
Writes to Francis regarding the shipment of spars on a schooner called the Columbia, which will sail within for or five days from Thomaston to deliver them to Boston.
3 October 1796
Discusses ordering and transporting spars by boat. "Free" handwritten and stamped on address leaf with no signature.
16 October 1796
Forbes, Eli, fl. 1797-1799
Discusses a business arrangement with Benjamin Joy.
17 October 1796
Unsigned, but content and docket suggest the author is Henry Knox. Written from Montpelier, Knox's home in Thomaston, Maine. Agrees to provide Francis with shipbuilding supplies, "for the interest of the public." Discusses the logistics of this...
5 November 1796
Written from Montpelier, Knox's home in Thomaston, Maine. Unsigned, but content and a portion of the handwriting suggest the author is Henry Knox. Discusses a business deal in which Knox is trying to provide Francis with shipbuilding materials...
December 19, 1796
Discusses the possibility of purchasing articles from Knox to be shipped abroad.
November 1797
Writes to his uncle Henry Knox to ask if it would be alright if he came to Boston for Christmas and spend some days with him. Also asks for a book on geography, his skates, a blanket, a fur cap and some cravats.
19 June 1798
Forwards Knox a bill as he is going away.
to Thomas Fraser
21 June 1798
Discusses a receipt. Noted as a copy.
31 August 1798
Writes to his uncle Knox, telling him that he is studying hard and apologizes for the misbehavior of his brother, who ran away yesterday.
21 November 1798
Sends his uncle Knox the list of bills with receipts (not included).
December 19, 1798
Knox's nephew Thomas asks if Knox will send his weekly allowance to him via "Mr. Pemberton."
13 July 1799
Flucker, Francis, fl. 1796-1801
Francis writes his uncle Henry Knox to tell him the item of clothes he received on the Constitution noting that "we sail on Monday." Signs as "Fluker."
to Francis W. Flucker
16 July 1799
Knox tells his nephew Francis, "It is untrue that I refused to pay Dansforth for any authorized articles. I refused to pay for Ginn and brandy." Knox warns Francis "if you shall adhere to drinking such liquid fire, you will ruin your health, and...
7 November 1799
Thomas Flucker writes his uncle Henry Knox to tell him that he has just learned navigation and is set to learn a few things in his training. Flucker is determined to join the navy and is eager to have Knox help that happen.
29 August 1800
Copy of notes on letter from Francis Flucker to Henry Knox. Full letter is GLC02437.07456. Mentions that Flucker is in the "goal" for debt.
06 September 1800
Flucker says, "the ship Mount Vivian sails from Salem, for Calcutta, fourteen days from this date." Flucker needs to know what arrangements he should make. He has lawsuits pending against him and say "honour" compels him to stay in Boston. "Prison"...
to Thomas Flucker
18 August 1800
Copy of a letter Henry sent to his nephew Thomas Flucker instructing Flucker that he will meet Captain Talbot. Talbot will give Flucker money and clothing. Knox demands that Flucker return to Thomaston "immediately" if Flucker does not get on the...
February 2, 1801
Describes his sea voyage and food rations to his uncle Henry Knox. Says they eat beef and beans one day and pork and beans the other day. Mentions one of the vessels has the fever but believes they will not get it. Sends his regards to his aunt...
4 June 1801
Informs Knox he just arrived at his destination and has received Knox's letter informing him to depart to London immediately. Asks Knox to send his belongings to him. Sends his love to Mrs. [Lucy] Knox and his cousins. Apologizes for his past...
to John Avery
February 27, 1805
Recommends Caleb Graffam for the office of Sheriff. Also mentions that his son, Samuel Deane Freeman, would like to live in Oxford county if he can find employment, so he recommends him for the post of Register of Probate. Provides a biography of...
January 27, 1806
Foote, Erastus, fl. 1778-1856
Writes to recommend Mr. Ephraim Wood, of Camden, to the Governor and Council, for the position of Coroner in Lincoln County. Believes it clear that they need a coroner, as they do not have one. Also, as he understands the ailing Samuel Jacobs will...
to Hannah Flucker
10 April 1784
Writing to his mother-in-law, Knox discusses the lands in the Waldo patent and other business matters.
20 May 1799
Writes to his uncle, Henry Knox, with a list of bills that were not paid from his last school term along with his upcoming expenses for the next school term. Letter is not signed but is likely written from either Francis or Thomas Flucker.
16 August circa 1776-1806
Flucker, Sarah Lyons, fl. 1784-1794
Apologizes profusely to Knox for not writing often enough. Discusses her family and Knox's daughter, Lucy Knox. Also informs him about various other acquaintances. Dated only 16 August, no year. Year range inferred from the life spans of Henry...
14 May 1783
Knox, Commander of West Point, writes to Thomas Flucker, brother of Knox's wife Lucy. Notes that Thomas is still very dear to Lucy, despite the "turbulence of the times" (Lucy's family were Loyalists, and her parents had left America for England at...
4 May 1793
Writes to thank her for her concern during his illness and to let her know he is now recovered. Expresses concern about unrest in Europe. Hopes that the U.S. will remain "undisturbed notwithstanding the concussions of Europe," but states that "when...
Receipt of wheat from James Van Deusen for rent due Walter, Robert, John, & Henry Livingston
DeLameter, Cornelius, fl. 1790-1791
Receipt of wheat from Nicholas Harman for rent due Walter, Robert, John, & Henry Livingston
Receipt of wheat from Peter Miller for rent due Walter, Robert, John, & Henry Livingston
Receipt of wheat from Daniel Erkanbrach for rent due Walter, Robert, John, & Henry Livingston
Receipt of wheat from Peter Harmen for rent due Walter, Robert, John, & Henry Livingston
Receipt of wheat from Nicholas Harmall for rent due Walter, Robert, John, & Henry Livingston
Receipt of wheat as rent due Robert, Walter, John, & Henry Livingston
Receipt of wheat from Nicolas Feler for rent due Walter, Robert, John, & Henry Livingston
Receipt of payment for an account with Philip Livingston
Van Veghten, Dirck, fl. 1794
Order for investigation of John Borland & Thomas Steel
Council of Albany
The document states that Samuel Vetch is indebted to the Queen for a large sum of money, and has run away against her majesty's wishes. It notes that John Borland and Thomas Steel have corresponded with Vetch, and thus orders that they give over to...
Deed of land to Elisha Williams
Pell, John & Ezekiel Ashley, fl. 1734
The document states the terms of John Pell's and Ezekiel Ashley's sale of land to Elisha Williams. The document is marked as a copy.
Bill of sale of a brigantine to Jonathan Clark
Thomas, fl. 1735
Order for a survey of a plot of land
Talcott, J., fl. 1735
The document orders the survey of a plot of land granted to John Bissell.
to [?] re: shipping and mercantile services [fragment]
Storke, Sam, fl. 1739
29 September 1781
Greene, Nathanael, 1742-1786
Writes from Camp High Hills that he hopes Knox is with General George Washington in Virginia, where "the prospect is so bright and the glory so great." Wished the Continental Army had attacked New York, which was planned before the decision to...
to Nathanael Greene
12 December 1781
Since arriving in Philadelphia, has tried to gather a party of about 30 artificers to give to Greene. Discusses Mrs. Greene's trip with their son George Washington Greene to visit Greene at the "high hills of Santee" (the Santee River in South...
14 April 1782
Written by Major General Greene to Major General Knox. References two letters from Knox. Congratulates him on the birth of his son. Asks how his godson is. In reference to the godchild says, "Such a set of responsers I believe never happened before...
4 March 1784
Discusses his family, stating "My feelings are more flattered by domestic duties than public bustle." Comments on credit being given to George Washington (and himself) for service during the Revolutionary War, noting "there are others no less...
to Catharine Littlefield Greene
May 11, 1788
Knox writes to Greene, widow of Nathanael Greene. He discusses arrangements made for her son, George Washington Greene, to sail to France by packet. Notes that Mr [Joel] Barlow will attend to George on the packet and will place him under the care of...
16 June 1788
Greene, Catharine L., 1755-1814
Contemporary copy of GLC02437.03898. Expresses gratitude for recent arrangements Knox made for her son George Washington Greene to travel to France for his education. Writes, "…your goodness particularly to my little boy has filled me with the most...
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