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To: John Q.A. Ward. Re: "Reception of Admiral Dewey, by the City of New York."
Foster, Warren W., fl. 1899
Designates Ward as a member of the "Special Committee" meeting Dewey and escorting him to City Hall.
To: John Q.A. Ward. Re: criticism of Ward for making a female and not a male angel on the Dewey Arch.
Nemetz, Charles, fl. 1899
Purple stamp on p. 2: "J.C. DeHaven, Druggist and News Dealer, Council Bluffs, Iowa."
To: John Q.A. Ward. Re: support for proposition to replicate the Dewey Arch at Madison Square and contempt for "newspaper advertising."
Belmont, August, fl. 1899
Discusses Dewey Arch and Dewey reception; plans for replicating the Arch in Madison Square; details of the progress of the Dewey Arch sculpture; lists military heroes (John Paul Jones, Farragut, etc.) who might merit being represented in sculptural...
To: John Q.A. Ward. Re: congratulations to Ward on his artistic endeavors involved with the creation of the Dewey Arch. [Carbon Copy]
Eaton, D. Cady, fl. 1899
Header reads: "D. CADY EATON, Counselor at Law, New Haven, Conn."
To: John Q.A. Ward. Re: the possibility of reproducing the Dewey Arch into marble, and costs associated with it. [Carbon Copy]
Church, William C., fl. 1899
Church, a representative of The Citizens Committee for Perpetuating the Dewey Arch, writes to Ward about the possibility of reproducing the Dewey Arch into a permanent form [marble].
Cost estimates: "Pieces for Sculpture work on Dewey Arch."
November 1899
Ward, John Quincy Adams, 1830-1910
Includes qualtity and price of each separate item.
Statement proclaiming support for Lamb to be appointed to head the efforts of constructing a permanent version of the Dewey Arch.
Council of the National Sculpture Society
Scrap of Typed Manuscript, with handwritten emendations, concerning Mr. Lamb's role in erecting monuments in NYC.
To: John Q.A. Ward. Re: request by Ward for financial assistance; promises to subscribe $5000 toward the "perpetuation of the Dewey Arch."
Stationary bordered in black trim.
"Memorandum of an Agreement" or work contract. Re: creation of a statue honoring William Shakespeare in Central Park, NY.
Contract establishes commission costs, materials to be used in construction [bronze], etc.
Article: "The Monumental News. American Sculptors.--J.Q.A. Ward and his Work . . . No. 6, Vol. 6"
Article: "The Churchman . . . The Dewey Arch" with picture of "The Dewey Arch and Approach From the South" on reverse side.
Brinton, Christian, fl. 1899
Excerpt from a magazine about the Dewey Arch.
Article: "New-York Tribune . . . For Fulton Monument." Re: elections of officers for the Robert Fulton Memorial Association.
Executive committee includes, among others: W.H. Fletcher, John Jacob Astor, General F.D. Grant, Samuel L. Clemens [Mark Twain], and Colonel H.O.S. Heistand [pictured].
Photograph: Central Park statue of Shakespeare [bronze].
Ward, J.Q.A., fl. 1860-1906
Photo of Central Park Shakespeare Statue.
Photograph: Quadriga, designed by Ward, mounted on the Dewey Arch.
[1899 ca.]
Features angel holding a wreath and palm branch and standing on a smallboat, and five horses surrounded by water and mounted by men.
Photograph: Clay model of the Dewey Arch.
Photographs [3]: "The Freedman", "Indian Hunter", and "Norseman"statues [bronze].
Photograph: General Phillip H. Sheridan monument.
[1906 ca.]
Photo of Gen. Sheridan monument.
Photograph: "J.Q.A. Ward, N.A.", clipped from magazine.
Photograph of J.Q.A. Ward, clipped from magazine.
Photograph: John Q.A. Ward stading in front a statue model in progress.
circa 1900-1910
Photo of Ward in front of a statue in progress.
To: J.Q.A. Ward.
Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883
Stephens writes to Ward while still serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. Re: check for $200 to further Ward's work and reports on other personal matters.
United States Internal Revenue.
Putnam, G.H., fl. 1865
Ward's tax returns for the year, written onto an IRS form.
Memorandum of an agreement or lease between Charles Wilcox and J.Q.A. Ward and Robert Cushing.
Lease for "unbounded priveledge of working a quarry " on Wilcox's farm. Wilcox will receive $3 for each ton of marble taken. 5 cent red stamp below signatures.
"United States Internal Revenue." Ward's tax returns for the year, 1867, totalling to $57.25.
Thayer, N.O., fl. 1867
Written at No. 181 West 14th St.
Work contract. Re: sum of $2000 for work done "on two houses in West 49th St. N.Y. City for Mr. J.Q.A. Ward".
Hunt, Robert M., fl. 1868
2 cent orange stamp on bottom margin.
To: J.Q.A. Ward. Re: research on historical military dress of "the Norse of 1000 A.D." Reference sources given with sketches of arms and armor.
Booth, George, fl. 1874
Re: Chain mail, helmet, swords, shield, axes.
To: J.Q.A. Ward. Re: congratulating Ward on his great work.
Jessup, William K., fl. 1883
"W.J." emblem printed on top left corner.
To: [J.Q.A. Ward]. Re: "making a monument to the Confederate dead."
Rutan, John, fl. 1888
Written on "Hermitage Club"stationary.
"Sculpture Proposed in Connection with Electric Tower Pan-American Exposition of 1901, Buffalo, N.Y." [Carbon Copy]
A detailed proposal with a justification and a cost-breakdown analysis.
"Sculpture Proposed in Connection with Esplanade (right wing) Pan-American Exposition of 1901, Buffalo, N.Y." [Carbon Copy]
"Sculpture Proposed in Connection with Esplanade (left wing) Pan-American Exposition of 1901, Buffalo, N.Y." [Carbon Copy]
A detailed proposal with a justification and a cost-breakdown analysis. Includes strike outs, additions, and corrections.
"Sculpture Proposed in Connection with Court of Fountains Pan-American Exposition of 1901, Buffalo, N.Y." [Carbon Copy]
"Sculpture Proposed in Connection with Bridge Pan-American Exposition of 1901, Buffalo, N.Y." [Carbon Copy]
A detailed proposal with a justification and a cost-breakdown analysis. Includes additions and corrections.
"Sculpture Proposed in Connection with Ethnological Building Pan-American Exposition of 1901, Buffalo, N.Y." [Carbon Copy]
"Sculpture Proposed in Connection with Temple of Music Pan-American Exposition of 1901, Buffalo, N.Y." [Carbon Copy]
"To The Members of The Advisory Board of Sculpture, St. Louis World's Fair."
Chief of Department of Sculpture, fl. 1903
A detailed report on plans for sculptures to be featured at the exhibition, with an alphabetical list of sculptors at the rear of the document. Includes strike outs, additions, and corrections made with pencil.
"For the Pan American-Exposition". Re: Names and addresses of contributors of art, pottery, and other various items to the exposition.
June 1901
"Burnt & Carved Wood"
To: J.Q.A. Ward. Re: request for Ward to serve on a sculpture advisory committee currently in formation. [Carbon Copy]
Francis, David Rowland, 1850-1927
Stationary heading: "Universal Exposition, Commemorating the Acquistion of the Louisana Territory . . . Office of the President".
To: J.Q.A. Ward. Re: enclosing a stipend for his services as a member of the Advisory Committee.
Stationary heading: "World's Fair, at St. Louis, 1904 , Louisiana Purchase Exposition . . . Office of the President".
To: J.Q.A. Ward. Re: appointment to the Advisory Committee of the Department of Art for World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. With rules & regulations.
Ives, Halsey C., 1847-1911
Includes names of those on the Advisory Committees, grouped by city of location. Ives is the Chief of the Department of Art for the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904. "Circular of Information Including the Classification and Rules and Regulations of the...
To: Karl Bitter. Re: Ward's request for statues and enclosing a list of those statues still available at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904.
Zolway, G.J., fl. 1905
Stationary heading: "World's Fair at St. Louis, 1904, Commemorating the Aquisition of The Louisiana Territory . . . Department of Art". List: "Statuary available for Mr. J.Q.A. Ward."
Engraving: Fishing boats along shore. Reverse side, light sketch of person's head and scribbling
"Besquine, Batiment de peche des cotes de Normandie."
Stephens writes to Ward while still serving in the U.S. House of Representatives. Re: sending money, and family health and affairs.
A List of Officers, Massachusetts Line of the Army of the U. States
after 1783
Pages 1 and 2 comprise "A List of Officers, Massachusetts Line of the Army of the U. States Jany. 1. 1781." Dozens of names are listed, broken down by rank. Page 2 also contains a chart of seven "General Officers killed in battle," including names...
to William Knox
3 January 1781
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
Discusses the hiring of a new servant and asks his brother William to look for someone "rather small in stature" among other qualitfications. Makes reference to the "affair of Tarleton & Sumpter."
to George Washington
5 January 1781
Lists ordnance and military stores necessary for the campaign of 1781 according to type and number needed. Also includes a list of artillery necessary for a siege and a note concerning the making and cost of gun carriages. Written in a Park of...
February 13, 1781
Knox's analysis and recommendations to Washington on the military situation for the next campaign, in terms of artillery and ammunitions supply and other military stores. Knox's working draft. Closing and signature are in the hand of Samuel Shaw.
to Archer Anderson
Wilhelm, Daniel, fl. 1860-1867
Wilhelm, a tax collector, writes to Anderson about overdue taxes on a parcel of land owned by Anderson and a ten percent penalty to be levied on sum as of 1867/12/01.
To [Dr. R.W. Jeffery]
September 15, 1867
Farragut, Virginia L., fl. 1860-1865
Discussion of Jeffrey's "lots" in Seattle, including which individuals to forward enquiries to and the possibility of being "redeemed" for the selling of lots done to pay taxes. Mentions requesting information of Lan Mill, and advises Jeffery to...
to Gen. William H. Harrison
Letter signed "An Assistant Surgeon of the Army". Protesting Harrison's disparaging comments made in front of the Senate during the Reorganization of the Medical Department of the Navy regarding the Army Surgical Corps, of which Jeffery was a member...
[Checks from the Union Bank of Richmond]
Archer, Edward R., fl. 1830-1917
All checks are made out to and signed by "E.R. Archer" and differ in amounts. Each check also has either a green or orange cancelled 3 cent stamp on it. The date and amount of each cancelled check is as follows:
a. 26 July 1873. One Hundred and...
to Aaron Jeffery
Jeffery, Richard W., fl. 1855-1899
Reports on the weather in Petersburg (cold with snow) and then goes on to comment on Aaron's studies. He compliments him on his interest in history and philosophy but cautions him not to neglect to also " grammar, dictionary & ciphering."...
Discusses the health of Mrs. Gibbons and others, Mary's upcoming wedding, and other small happenings. Requests that Aaron "...say a lesson or read something every day."
to his uncle Richard
Jeffery, Aaron, fl. 1855-1900
News about his life at school and the formation of an athletic club. Each member of the group put in 50 cents to purchase a trapeze [from which he fell and muddied his clothing] and "rops with iron rings at the end of them" which you would swing from...
Archer, Robert, fl. 1842-1875
Discussion of Aaron's poor penmanship, the growing of tomatoes, cleaning of Aaron's mother's house [white washing], Richard's [Jeffery] potential as a preacher.
Letter from Aaron's grandfather praising young Aaron's style and the fact that "not a word was misspelt." Also, mentions visiting guests, pleasant weather, and that he doesn't "...know what got into [Aaron's] hens. they stopped laying as soons as you...
to Edward R. Archer
City, George W., fl. 1859-1878
Condolences and discussion of the late Robert Archer. City reminisces with Edward Archer about his father, whom he didn't know intimately but considered himself an aquaintance. "This aquaintance was very much increased by the long chats which you and...
[Itemized lists of furniture]
July 15, 1878
Itemized list of furniture with monetary amount for each item. The list contains such items as "One arm chair. Parlour," "1/2 Doz Walnut chairs," "Large Bed," and "Glass Bowl." Overall, all seventeen items are tabulated to fetch $56.50. In a separate...
[Itemized list of furniture]
Jeffery, B.A., fl. 1870-1900
"List no. 4" which itemizes furniture with monetary amount for each item. The list contains such items as "one Parlour armchair," "oil painting - Samson," "one Mahogany Bureau," and "7 beds." Overall, all fourteen items are tabulated to fetch $57.00...
Numbered list 5. Itemized "list of articles drawn at the division of furniture," with monetary amount for each item. The list contains such items as "one small sofa, Parlour," "1 pr. End tables," "one odd washstand," and "one Feather Bed." Overall...
Numbered list 8. Itemized list of furniture with monetary amount for each item. The list contains such items as "3 Parlour chairs," "1 pr curtains in Parlour," and "1 F. Bed." List is incomplete, only listing twelve items. In the upper right corner...
to [Edward R. Archer]
Archer, William M., fl. 1863-1878
Impending Bankruptcy of the Vulcan Iron Works, William's financial woes and his attempts to remedy the situation. Written on "Vulcan Iron Works" stationery: "Manufacturers of Every Variety of Bolts. Nuts and Washers, Iron Railings. Iron Works for...
[Envelope addressed to Edward R. Archer]
Addressed: "Edward R. Archer, Esqr., Care [of] Me[ssrs.] Brown & Shipley, London [illegible]." The envelope has a forwarding slip affixed over this reading: "Care of Lombard, Odier & Co., Geneva." Scrawled in pencil are the Received and Answered...
Dungan, W.W., fl. 1860-1878
Expressing sympathy about the loss of Archer's father [Robert]. Referring to the highly commendable content contained in the eulogy, Dungan writes: " is a legacy which you have every reason to be proud of."
to A.G. Osterbind
Anderson, Joseph Reid, 1813-1892
A printed copy of the correspondence. Thanks for the Christmas gifts [a beautifully engraved silver bowl and a "gold-head cane"] given by the committee [the Osterbinds and Perrini] representing the employees and sons of employees of Anderson. the...
Advice on "...solicit[ing] subscriptions for the mining business..." Jeffery recommends trying around Lynchburg or Norfolk.
Jeffery's decision to withdraw himself from business "operations," as "the prospects of the company" seem to go against his best interest at this time.
Written on U.S. postal card and addressed to "Edward Archer Esqr., Tredegar Works." Requests that Archer ignore previous letter, as Jeffrey's family is opposed to his withdrawal from the business [GLC 1896.109].
[Resolutions of condolence and mourning in honor of Dr. Richard W. Jeffery]
Robinson, C.V., fl. 1870-1880
Resolutions of condolence and mourning in honor of Dr. Richard W. Jeffery, along with a newsclipping fragment of Jeffery's obituary. "Resolved, That, as a Faculty, we testify our sense of loss and acknowledge his worth by attending his funeral in a...
to the students of the Medical College of Virginia
Coleman, R.J., fl. 1874-1884
Thank you letter for the gift of fruits and flowers the class sent to him while he was ill in bed. A pencil inscription at the end of the letter reads: "Died March 4th / [18]84".
[Invitation from the Mozart Academy of Music]
"We respectfully request your attendance at the Grand Inaugural Performance in Honor of the Opening of the New Mozart Academy of Music on Tuesday Evening, January 12th. With the Compliments of Herzog & Co., Proprietors and Managers." The production...
[Program for Mozart Academy of Music performance of "The Mikado"]
"Souvenir Programe of the New Mozart Academy of Music . . . Grand Inaugural Performance January 12, 1886. With Gilbert and Sullivan's charming opera, entitled The Mikado; or, the Town of Titipu. By the National Ideal Opera Co." Inside program pages...
Program for the "First Invitation Concert. Chickering Hall. Saturday Evening, March 6th, 1886, of the Amateur Orchestra of the Amicitia Society." A photograph of the orchestra is on the front cover. Enclosed inside the program is a 3 p. pamphlet re...
to John Hancock
12 November 1780
Pickering, Timothy, 1745-1829
Signed for Knox by Shaw. Henry Knox's retained copy. Congratulates Hancock on becoming the Governor of Massachusetts and brings the suffering of the Massachusetts soldiers to Hancock's attention. The text is in the hand of Henry Knox, but the...
circa 12 November 1780
Shaw, Samuel, 1754-1794
Draft of GLC02437.00853. Congratulates Hancock on becoming the Governor of Massachusetts and brings the suffering of the Massachusetts soldiers to Hancock's attention. Noted that "Instead of the foregoing-the one drafted by Col. Pickering was sent...
To The Honorable The Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in General Court assembled
Draft. States their support for the new Massachusetts Constitution. Offers suggestions and opinions on better governing practices, particularly in regards to military service. Suggests that "the number of men required from each State be...
A draft to the Legislature of the State of Massachusetts
Title from docket, which is in the hand of Samuel Shaw. Requests better treatment of men in the military service and for their families. Content comprises Pickering's redrafting of those that have been struck form GLC02437.00855.
Advises his brother William for supposed improper behavior on his arrival in Boston. Writes that Lucy is unhappy with the news about her family and mentions the dangerous conditions of the roads. Refers to an incident where mail was stolen and then...
13 November 1780
Congratulates William Knox on returning from Europe safely and allaying the fears of Henry and Lucy Knox. Relates the latest military affairs, such as the surrender of Charleston to the British. Mentions that Henry expects William to spend some...
19 November 1780
Welcomes his brother William home and makes plans to have him come for a visit. Also discusses the transportation of goods back home from overseas.
Resolutions of Congress, making provision or allowance to wounded, supernumerary or other officers of the American Army, under various contingencies
26 August 1776 - 28 November 1780
Assorted resolutions providing for the livelihood of wounded soldiers, such as receiving a pension throughout his life upon losing a limb. Noted that this copy was written by Shaw.
Bills of Lading of Sundries Shipped, for Account of the UStates addressed to the Commercial Committee shipped by John Schweighauser, on board the Ship Gov. Livingston - at anchor in the Loire the 6th March 1779.
December 1, 1780
Lists bills of lading for various supplies, mainly weaponry from 2 February to 1 December 1780.
2 December 1780
Discusses setting up military headquarters at New Windsor. Notes which state troops are where, difficult conditions (troops "panicked with hunger") and that the army is forced to rely upon nature to provide material for shelter, clothing and...
Certificate given to Capt. Jer. Freeman
December 31, 1780
In Samuel Shaw's hand, and signed by him for Knox. Certificate verifying Jeremiah Freeman's service in the Continental Army as a Captain Lieutenant and that he has yet to receive "from any state whatever, the provision of pay, clothing, or allowance...
[Pay order]
December 18, 1780
Hopkinson, Francis, 1737-1791
Exchange rate noted as "18 Dollars at Five Livres Tournois Dollar," with an issue number of 2243. "At Thirty Days Sight of this Second Bill, First, Third and Fourth not paid, pay to Philp De Freest or Order, Eighteen Dollars, in Ninety Livres...
No. 3: Ordnance of Stores received during the Year 1780
December 1780
Lists ordnance stores [muskets, bayonets, gunpowder, ect.] by date and indicates the source. Dates start on 7 February and end on 13 December. Date added later in pencil.
[Details on British standards (flags) captured at Yorktown]
[24 October 1781]
Trumbull, Jonathan, Jr., 1740-1809
The "Standards" cited were the 18 German and 6 British regimental flags captured at Yorktown. Date inferred from content.
No. 8: Articles Issued on the Year 1780
circa December 1780
Lists military supplies and stores according to date and to whom the items were sent. Dates start on 7 January and end on 31 December.
A Return of Ordinances & Stores in Garrison at Fort Schuyler Jany. 1st 1781
1 January 1781
Moodie, Andrew, ?-1787
Lists ordnance by caliber and type of shot. Noted as being from the garrison at Fort Schuyler.
to Henry Knox.
January 18, 1781
Stoddert, Benjamin, 1751-1813
Informs Knox that the Board of War has created a new position, the Deputy Field Commissary of Military Stores for the Southern Army. The Board wishes him to let a Mr. Thomas Jones know that they have appointed him to the position and to have Knox...
January 11, 1781
"At Thirty Days Sight of this Second Bill, First, Third and Fourth not paid, pay to Dudley Woodbridge Jun. or Order, Twelve Dollars, in Sixty Livres Tournois, for Interest due on Money borrowed by the United States." Countersigned by the...
Return of Cannon & Carriages Mortars & Beds in different Places belonging to the Continent
January 22, 1781
Barber, Nathaniel, Jr., 1728-1787
Lists artillery by type, and source location. All seem to be from the Boston, Massachusetts area.
Return of Ordnance Stores in the fort at Dorchester Heights belonging to the Continent
Adams, John, 1735-1826
Lists military supplies and stores by fort and type. Written in Dorchester Heights, Boston, Massachusetts.
Return of Ordnance in the forts at Dorchester Heights belonging to the State of Massachusetts
Lists artillery by type.
Return of Ordnance & Stores
Lists miltary stores and ammunition by type and quantity.
to Henry Knox
January 23, 1781
Lincoln, Benjamin, 1733-1810
General Lincoln discusses the issue of paying officers at half-pay for the rest of their lives at the close of the war. Instead, advocates giving them one lump sum at the end of the war.
to Samuel Shaw
January 26, 1781
Lists the accounts of pay for Nathaniel Barber, John Adams, Samuel Lord and John Austin and asks Shaw to send a certificate so that they can "receive from this Common Wealth, the depreciation thereon."
General Return of Ordnance and Stores now on hand in the Rhode Island Department
January 27, 1781
Perkins, William, 1742-1802
A detailed list of military stores and supplies by type and condition.
A Return of Ordinance & Military Stores In Garrison at Fort Schuyler with ye. Alterations Since Last
January 31, 1781
Moore, Andrew, fl. 1781
A detailed list of supplies and stores according to caliber and type. Written at Fort Schuyler, Utica, New York.
February 4, 1781
Discusses the mutinies of Pennsylvania and New Jersey troops, and the quelling of the latter by forces under General Robert Howe. References execution of two of the mutinies' leaders.
February 8, 1781
Certificate verifying the appointment of William Pennington as a Lieutenant of the Second regiment of Artillery. Written at a Park of Artillery.
Showing results 78,401 - 78,500