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Daily express. [Vol. 12, no. 69, whole no. 3920 (March 22, 1862)]
March 22, 1862
A.F. Crutchfield & Co., fl. 1861
The late fight in Arkansas (Battle of Pea Ridge), Proclamation by governor of Virginia, General McClellan ditched.
Daily express. [Vol. 13, no. 195, whole no. 4330 (August 15, 1863)]
August 15, 1863
The raid against Weldon, North Carolina, General M.W. Ransom Gallantly & Successfully Repulses the Enemy at Boon's Mill - The Enemy very successful at theft, robbery, arson and rape, report from Morris Island.
Southern literary messenger. [Vol. 33, no. 1 (July)]
July 1861
Bagby, George William, 1828-1883
A magazine devoted to Literature, Science and Art. Exile and Empire The true question: A contest for the supremacy of race Conrad Clifford. Gan-Eden Juggernaut
Weekly express. [Vol. 12, no. 28 (July 29, 1864)]
29 July 1864
Victory in the Valley, Siege of Petersburg, Evacuation of Williamsburg & Yorktown, Death of General McPherson officially announced, Federal troubles in Missouri, Another victory in the Valley.
Weekly express. [Vol. 12, no. 43 (November 18, 1864)]
18 November 1864
Forrest gains another victory, Official report of the affair at Plymouth, $3,000.00 worth of stores destroyed, Lincoln certainly elected, Brilliant victory in E. Tennessee, Sherman's movements, Grant's great reconnaisssance.
Weekly express. [Vol. 12, no. 45 (December 2, 1864)]
2 December 1864
Late movements of the enemy - efforts to check them - the entire state in arms - Sherman's job at stupendous one, Latest from North - All hopes of the evacuation of petersburg, Abandoned by Grant - from Sherman, his orders for the march - from Hood -...
Richmond weekly enquirer. [Vol. 57, no. 97 (April 8, 1861)]
8 April 1861
Virginia State Secession Convention, Speech of George W. Randolph.
The reveille on the line of battle
Forbes, Edwin, 1839-1895
Marked "Plate 1." Contains two images. Top half is titled "The Reveille on the Line of Battle," and the bottom half is titled "Tattoo in Camp." Top half depicts the line of battle at daylight. The regimental bugler stands on the crest of the hill...
Commissary's Quarters in Winter Camp
Marked "Plate 2." The commissary sergeant is in the foreground weighing out rations of meat for the company cook. Structure to the left is an improvised stable built of pine boughs.The camp contains a log cabin and is situated on a lake, which is...
A wagoner's shanty
Marked "Plate 4." Contains 3 separate images. Upper left image is titled "A wagoner's shanty," and shows a winter camp of a wagoner. The wagoner is chopping a log in front of his log cabin, which has an overhang of crossed branches and brush. At the...
The pontoon bridges
Marked "Plate 5." Depicts an army crossing two pontoon bridges over a river and closing up into column on a hill. The advance is pushing through the woods, which have caught fire. Actual size of the image without the margins is 27.7 x 40.4 cm...
A thirsty crowd at the old spring house
Marked "Plate 6." Contains 2 images. Top half is titled "A Thirsty Crowd at the Old Spring House," and shows scene on the line of march on a hot day. Most of the men are in Zouave uniforms. Bottom half is titled "Newspapers for the Army - A Race for...
The leader of the herd
Marked "Plate 7." Depicts cattle for army use being led by a Zouave butcher. Three other men with whips are riding along the line of cattle, which extends out of the view of the picture. Across the road can be seen the graves of two Union soldiers...
A Christmas dinner
Marked "Plate 9." A lonely image of the outer picket line. An off-duty soldier next to a make shift shelter of pine boughs and fence rails cooks a meager meal and is tries to keep his hands warm. Actual size of the image without the margins is 27.8 x...
The newspaper correspondent
Marked "Plate 11." Shows a rider traveling down a road in a forest with dispatches with news of a battle, ahead of a rival correspondent. Actual size of the image without the margins is 27.5 x 40.3 cm. Outline from matting is faintly visible. Titles...
A scene on the roadside near summer camp
Marked "Plate 14." Depicts two calvarymen, who have just returned from scouting, having their horses shod. Actual size of the image without the margins is 27.7 x 40.4 cm. Outline from matting is faintly visible. Title and image information taken from...
The rear of the column
Marked "Plate 18." Depicts stragglers and wagon guards bringing up the rear while the wagon train is seen coming down the distant hill, with flankers thrown out to protect it from the enemy's horseman. Depicts a black man, possibly a freed slave...
Stuck in the mud
Marked "Plate 19." Contains 2 images. Top half titled "Stuck in the Mud," depicts a pontoon wagon with a boat stuck fast in the mud. A regiment of infantry is pulling on a rope attached to the head of the team, trying to drag them to firmer ground...
On picket at the river bank
Marked "Plate 22." Has 3 images. Upper left image is titled "On Picket at the River Bank," and shows several large trees along the edge of a river with a solider standing next to one of them. Upper right image is titled "An Old Saw Mill," and shows...
The "Reliable Contraband"
Marked "Plate 23." A scene at the cavalry outpost. In the foreground a black runaway slave, a contraband of war, is leading an old horse and is seen hesitatingly imparting to anxious officers what little information he posses of the enemy's movements...
A distant battle
Marked "Plate 25." Battle seen from a distance of about 6 miles. In the foreground is an abandoned breastwork; and on the road to the left a column of troops is seen hurrying toward the sound and smoke of distant cannon. Actual size of the image...
A hot day
Marked "Plate 27." Group of five images. Upper left is titled "A Hot Day," and depicts soldiers grouped about a gun in position, and sleeping under a shelter. Upper right is titled "Beef Steak Rare," and shows a grizzled soldier in camp holding a...
Newspapers in camp
Marked "Plate 28." The newsman is sitting on horseback, surrounded by men in camp who are buying and reading the latest news from the front as it comes from the rear. Actual size of the image without the margins is 27.9 x 40.3 cm. Outline from...
Gone off with the Yanks
Marked "Plate 32." Contains 4 images. Upper left image is titled "Gone off with the Yanks," and shows what appears to be an abandoned slave shack. Upper right image is titled "A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey," and shows soldiers appearing to...
to Eunice Lombard Edwards
February 27, 1862
Edwards, Oliver, 1835-1904
Edwards, senior aide-de-camp on the staff of General Darius N. Couch, writes to his mother, from head quarters, Couch's brigade. Remarks that he will take the train to Washington, D.C., on 28 February. Does not know his precise destination, but...
January 13, 1863
Writes to his mother from head quarters, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Location inferred from content. States, "You see I am back at last and that without seeing my mother that was too bad. I had a splendid time in Cleveland but it made...
March 20, 1863
Replies to his mother from head quarters, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Notes that since the Grand Divisions (of the Army of the Potomac) have been disbanded, mail is slower in reaching its destination. Discusses personal business and...
The Sentinel. [Vol. 1, no. (May 3, 1864)]
3 May 1864
Smith, Bailey & Co. (publishers)
The President's message to the Senate and House of Representatives concernign the issue of paper currency, Telegraphic News - Special dispatch that the enemy has fallen back from Big Black, Banks defeated a second time, General Price captures wagons...
Daily Richmond examiner. [Vol. 14, no. 159 (September 2, 1861)]
2 September 1861
William Lloyd and Co. (Richmond, Va.), fl. 1861-1865
General Beauregard's official report of the Battle of Bull Run on the 18th of July, Capture of Fort Hatteras, Important movement about Washington.
Daily Richmond examiner. [Vol. 14, no. 178 (September 24, 1861)]
24 September 1861
Shooting of 400 mutineers in Washington, Arrest of Maryland senators.
14 August 1862
Major Edwards, commanding the 37th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers, informs his mother that he has assumed the command of Camp Briggs, in Pittsfield. Remarks, "I have a splendid set of men- better never were seen- but all green... The most...
10 December 1862
Edwards writes to his mother from headquarters, 37th Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteers. His regiment will soon attempt to cross the Rappahannock River with ammunition and three days supplies. Notes that it was snowing when his regiment arrived...
December 27, 1862
Writes to his mother from head quarters, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers, in camp near White Oak Church. Comments that Colonel Russel expects a commission (possibly David Allen Russell). One of Edwards's men, Charlie [Hurd?], was recommended...
5 January 1863
Writes to his mother from head quarters, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Notes that he was recently on picket duty on the Rappahannock River, one hundred yards from enemy pickets: "they seemed greatly to enjoy the reading of Jeff Davises'...
Writes to his mother from head quarters, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Appears to follow GLC02163.06 (also to his mother). Location inferred from content. Informs her that Lieutenant Colonel Montague (possibly George Montague) will...
Writes to his mother from head quarters, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Appears to have been written the same day as GLC02163.06 and .07. Notes that he received a letter from his mother upon his return (from visiting his wife, Annie). His...
January 16, 1863
Writes to his mother from head quarters, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Reports, "We are to cross the Rappahannock again tomorrow morning, although I am not so foolish as to allow myself to think that in the coming struggle I must die, yet...
January 31, 1863
Writes to his mother from head quarters, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Thanks his mother for a box from home, which he received on his birthday. Notes that Mr. Tiffany and a judge from Chicopee, Massachusetts were present for the opening...
March 13, 1863
Replies to his mother from head quarters, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Relates, "If the young man you wrote of is in Hospital the surg must send for his descriptive lists, if not the surg Gen (Dale) of Boston as we have positive orders...
16 November 1863
Replies to his mother from head quarters, 37th Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers. Written near Culpepper Courthouse. Received correspondence from his mother while at Kelly's Ford, Virginia. Reports that the 2nd Corps (Army of the Potomac) was...
The Reveille on the Line of Battle
Marked "Plate 2." The commissary sergeant is in the foreground weighing out rations of meat for the company cook. Structure to the left is an improvised stable built of pine boughs. The camp contains a log cabin and is situated on a lake, which is...
Through the Wilderness
Marked "Plate 3." Depicts a team of 5 horses being whipped by their riders as they drag a wagon of supplies and a piece of artillery along a muddy lane in the forest. The wagon wheels are caked with mud. The body of a dead horse lies in the lower...
A Wagoner's Shanty
The Pontoon Bridges
A Thirsty Crowd at the Old Spring House
The Leader of the Herd
A Rainy Day on Picket
Marked "Plate 8." Contains 2 images. Left image is titled "A Rainy Day on Picket," and depicts a grizzled soldier leaning against a tree and staring off into the distance. He lets his rifle rest in the crook of his arm while his hands are shoved...
[Petition in favor of Captain John L. Vance]
December 29, 1862
Officers of the 4th Virginia Volunteer Infantry
Petition signed by the officers of the 4th Virginia Infantry in favor of Captain Vance of the same regiment who was arrested by Brigadier General Eliakim P. Scammon for intoxication while on duty as Field Officer of the day. Praises Vance as a...
to Eliakim P. Scammon
27 July 1863
White, Julius, 1816-1890
Brigadier General White writes to Brigadier General Scammon commanding the District of Kanawha to report that the 91st regiment has started for Gallipolis, West Virginia. Thanks him for allowing the regiment to stay for a few days. States that...
11 September 1863
White, Carr Bailey, 1823-1871
Copy of a note or telegram from Colonel White to General Scammon of the 23rd Ohio, most likely in Scammon's hand. Suggests that it would be better to have the lines closed at Gauley because citizens are passing through.
23 July 1863
Telegram to General Scammon from Brigadier General White. Thanks Scammon and says he will relieve the 91st regiment shortly and transport them to wherever Scammon directs.
Bailey & Turnstill, fl. 1863
Asks for payment from General Scammon for their bill of $7.30 for feeding horses last year. Asks where Captain John W. Skiles of the 23rd Ohio can be reached. On light blue paper.
to Martin P. Avery
March 31, 1863
Simmonds, Seth J., 1820-?
Marked copy. Captain Simmonds [possibly Seth J. Simmonds, captain in the Ohio 23rd Light Artillery] commanding the post at Gauley, West Virginia writes to Captain Avery, the Acting Assistant Adjutant General in the 23rd Ohio, about a scouting...
to James L. Botsford
2 March 1863
Paxton, J.C., fl. 1863
Colonel Paxton of the 2nd West Virginia Cavalry writes to Captain Botsford of the 23rd Ohio Infantry stating he has started L. Shurtliff of the 23rd Ohio in care of Captain Hill by orders of the General [Eliakim P. Scammon]. Written in Camp Piatt
[Scammon endorsement on an autograph letter signed to James L. Botsford]
6 March 1863
Scammon, Eliakim Parker, 1816-1894
Colonel Paxton of the 2nd West Virginia Cavalry writes to Captain Botsford of the 23rd Ohio Infantry asking if he can come to Charleston to see General Eliakim P. Scammon about a small expedition. With autograph endorsement of Scammon saying yes...
McCann, T.K., fl. 1863
Tells Brigadier General Scammon that he cannot return before Saturday because he must go to Cincinnati on business.
to Anzolette Pendleton [Fragment]
April 1863 circa
Pendleton, Alexander S., 1840-1864
Describes the destruction of Fredericksburg. Opening pages are missing. Note on top of letter states it was written 3 April 1863 to his mother, but it is a separate letter from GLC03075.01.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 134 (June 6, 1864)]
6 June 1864
J.A. Cowardin & Co., (publishers), fl. 1853-1880
General Lee's Official Dispatch, Affairs in Fredericksburg.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 135 (June 7, 1864)]
7 June 1864
Staunton, Virginia occupied.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 136 (June 8, 1864)]
8 June 1864
Butler's Operations on the Southside, By telegraph from General Lee's Army near Gaine's Mill, An incident of the siege of Charleston.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 137 (June 9, 1864)]
9 June 1864
From General Johnston's Army, Grant's tactics.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 139 (June 11, 1864)]
11 June 1864
The attack on Petersburg - easy repulse of the enemy - list of the killed and wounded.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 142 (June 15, 1864)]
15 June 1864
Advance on Atlanta, Diary of the great campaign in Virginia, Forrest's victory, Battle commenced in North Georgia, General Polk killed.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 143 (June 16, 1864)]
16 June 1864
Fighting near Petersburg, Alexandria partially destroyed by Yankees.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 148 (June 22, 1864)]
22 June 1864
Enemy repulsed at Petersburg.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 150 (June 24, 1864)]
24 June 1864
The fight near Lynchburg, The capture of Petersburg, the poition around petersburg, the cause of Grant's failure.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 152 (June 27, 1864)]
27 June 1864
Defeat of Sheridan's Raiders, The Movements Around Petersburg, Capture of Petersburg.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 26, no. 153 (June 28, 1864)]
28 June 1864
The retreat of Hunter from Lynchburg.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 27, no. 7 (July 8, 1864)]
8 July 1864
The Peace movement at the North, Lynchburg and teh late raids, The Yankee System of Finance.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 27, no. 31 (August 4, 1864)]
4 August 1864
President Lincoln in Fortress Monroe for interview with General Grant.
Daily dispatch. [Vol. 27, no. 130 (November 30, 1864)]
30 November 1864
Forrest's Marine Operations in the West.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 1, no. 48 (May 7, 1863)]
7 May 1863
The Yankee raid in Georgia.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 1, no. 86 (June 22, 1863)]
22 June 1863
The Battle of Winchester, The Fight at Berryville.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 1, no. 238 (December 19, 1863)]
December 19, 1863
General Meade's Excursion Across the Rapidan, Firing on Charleston, The Averill Raid.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 1, no. (March 3, 1864]
3 March 1864
Destruction of U.S. Sloop-of War "Housatonic."
The Sentinel. [Vol. 1, no. (March 4, 1864)]
4 March 1864
Re-Enlistment of Virginia Troops, Re-Enlistment of the 15th Louisiana Regiment.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 1, no. 60 (March 9, 1864)]
9 March 1864
13th Alabama Regiment re-enlisted, Beast Butler at New Orleans..
The Sentinel. [Vol. 1, no. (March 10, 1864)]
10 March 1864
The Fight at Mantapike in which Dahlgren was killed.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 1, no. (March 29, 1864)]
March 29, 1864
Official Dispatch from New Orleans, two regiments captured, Fort DeRussey taken by assault, giving the Yankees control of the richest cotton region in the Southwest, Confederate Victory in Louisiana, Secretary Chase to issue "Gold Notes" under the...
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no.129 (May 30, 1864)]
30 May 1864
Tribute to J.E.B. Stuart, Negotiations for Peace, Battle in North Georgia.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no.131 (June 1, 1864)]
1 June 1864
Letter from General Longstreet to an Uncle telling him that his wound was not severe and improving, Report from General Lee of battle near Mechanicsville.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no. (June 3, 1864)]
3 June 1864
Battle of Mechanicsville, Charleston Under Fire.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no. (June 24, 1864)]
Murder of Captain Matthew White, brother-in-law to General Paxton, Battle of New Hope, cause of defeat, also facts about the engagement, The battle near Lynchburg.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no. (July 7, 1864)]
7 July 1864
Major General Taylor's Address to the Soldiers of the Army of Western Louisiana - account of the campaign to take Texas and Louisiana, general Harker killed, Arrest of General Dix, The Capture of Morgantown.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no. (July 12, 1864)]
12 July 1864
Fight between the CSS Alabama and USS Kearsage.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no.173 (July 20, 1864)]
20 July 1864
General Johnston's Farewell Address to the Army of Tennessee, General Hood on Assuming Command of the Army of Tennessee.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no. (July 22, 1864)]
22 July 1864
General Order issued by the Governor of Massachusetts recruiting volunteers and Negro's in Rebel States, General Johston and his removal from the command of the Army of Tennessee, Hunter's Disastrousretreat, Major Preston killed in action.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no.188 (August 8, 1864)]
8 August 1864
Siege of Charleston - 388th Day, Battle at Atlanta, Engagement on Upper Potomac.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no. (August 12, 1864)]
12 August 1864
Entire Rebel Force evacuate Maryland's side of the Potomac, Enemy crossing at Williamsport 6 to 8 thousand strong, Eighth Virginia Cavalry burn Chambersburg - Jubal Early's Raid, The 4th of August to be a day of Fast, A Proclamation by Lincoln, The...
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no.242 (October 10, 1864)]
10 October 1864
Speech of President Jefferson Davis at Montgomery, Siege of Charleston.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no.277 (November 21, 1864)]
21 November 1864
Sherman's Movements, Vice-President Stephens letter to Senator Semmes of Lousiana concerning peace convention.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no. (November 22, 1864)]
22 November 1864
Beauregard Marching on Memphis, Major General Burnside returned to the command of the Ninth Corps.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no. (November 24, 1863)]
24 November 1863
Repulse of Yankees in the Valley of Virginia.
The Sentinel. [Vol. 2, no. 282 (November 26, 1864)]
26 November 1864
Generals Grant & Sherman.
The Record. [Vol. 1, no. 2 (June 25, 1863)]
25 June 1863
Loss of the Steamer Atlanta in a Fight in Warsaw Sound.
The Record. [Vol. 1, no. 10 (August 20, 1863)]
20 August 1863
The Order for General Morgan's and His Officers Imprisonment in the Ohio Penitentiary.
The Record. [Vol. 1, no. 11 (August 27, 1863)]
27 August 1863
Prices in Northern States and Confederate States in Comparison, Letter from Confederate Senator Henry Triscott to a Union Senator, Resources of the South, Number of Livestock and Slaves and the Value of Each.
The Record. [Vol. 1, no. 18 (October 15, 1863)]
15 October 1863
The Great Battle of Chickamauga - A Connected Account.
The Record. [Vol. 1, no. 19 (October 22, 1863)]
22 October 1863
President Jefferson Davis addresses the Army of Tennessee on their victory at Chickamauga.
Showing results 13,801 - 13,900