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An inventory of the stock at Warborne taken by Mr. Cantlo Bestland for Joshua Mauger
13 September 1764
Bestland, Cantlo, fl. 1764
Bill to Richard Budden
Bond of debt
1 November 1766
Mathew Mauger owes £ 130 to Joshua Mauger. [Signature from
circa 6 April 1772
Pertain to period between 12/31/1766-4/6/1772. Money owed to Joshua Mauger by Michael Francklin.
Bill from Edward Hicks
February 1768
Hicks, Edward, fl. 1768
A bill from Edward Hicks, Lawyer, to Joshua Mauger for services rendered 1766-1767.
3 October 1768
Mauger, Joshua, 1725-1788
Richard Gleed owes £ 40 to Joshua Mauger.
Dr. Michael Francklin in account current with Joshua Mauger
December 31, 1769
"Names of People who Pay Tythe to Warborne." "Account of Money Recie[ve]d for Tythe by J: Mauger . . . ."
circa 1771
Receipt for payments
Receipt for payments to Edward Pearse, Damer Horgue, John Row, John Foot, and Edward Elgar for farm produce.
Bond owed by Michael Francklin to Joshua Mauger
6 April 1772
A bond for £ 8,103 owed by Michael Francklin, to Joshua Mauger.
Copy of a deed of sale
7 April 1772
Copy of a deed of sale for "one half of a Moiety of Hell Farm", sold by Michael Francklin to Joshua Mauger.
State of J.M.'s affairs in England and other parts beyond the seas
December 1772
Ledger sheet.
Grant to J. Gildart & Co. Signed by M. Francklin of Lands at Millborough on the River called Pidquidiac.
8 July 1774
Francklin, Michael, fl. 1762-1774
Pertains to annual rent.
Joshua Mauger to William Dean
11 October 1775 - November 1780
Claims on the Corporation of Poole and instructions on the payment of the debt.
August 1776
to Joshua Mauger
2 March 1778
Brookes, fl. 1778
Account sheet
Settlement of will of John Margenum
10 September 1778
Payment of £ 250, half of the sum bequeathed, to his widow, Mary Askenhurst.
Account of John Oliver
March 19, - December 1781
Dean, William, fl. 1771-1785
Kept by Dean for Mauger.
Bill from Hanna Wickenden to Joshua Mauger for Miss Marganam.
28 April-10 May 1783
Wickendom, Hanna, fl. 1783
Distribution of the several Regiments expected from New York to Garrison Nova Scotia
October 18, 1784
Dight, J. B., fl. 1784
Account sheet with William Dean
29 September 1783 - 22 November 1784
to William Dean
For trips to Warborne concerning debts due from persons at Poole.
13 June 1787
Dumaresq, Philip, fl. 1782-1787
Presents his note for payment of a debt. Location given as 'Southton,' but may refer to Southampton.
Summons to a court of Trinity House
January 17, 1788
Wildbore, Charles, fl. 1788
Summon to elect an Elder Brother and to conduct special affairs of the corporation. Partially printed.
Particulars, and conditions of sale of a valuable freehold estate
1 May 1789
"PARTICULARS, AND CONDITIONS OF SALE OF A VALUABLE FREEHOLD ESTATE . . . CONSISTING of a neat and substantial DWELLING-HOUSE and OFFICES, Late the Property of JOSHUA MAUGER, ESQ. deceased." Envelope docket: "Particulars of sale of Warborne, near...
to Adeline Burpee
January 10, 1863
Burpee, Thomas Francis, 1830-1864
He describes the inside of his tent and the food that is available to them. He mentions that a lot of the officers have their wives with them. He is upset that the papers are so inaccurate. Written in camp opposite Fredericksburg
to Thomas Burpee
circa 1861-1864
Burpee, Charles W., 1859-1945
Mostly illegible scribbles. In a different hand, probably his mother, writes Charley loves his father very much.
Circa February 1864
Burpee, Lucien, fl. 1860-1864
Lucien writes he has been to church and Sunday school. There have been two snow storms and he wonders if his father got his valentine.
9 April 1785
Watson, Brook, 1735-1807
A recent death may require Mauger to come to town, but Watson hopes he will wait until the weather improves
15 April 1785
Informs Mauger about the results of a Trinity House election. The Irish proposition in Parliament has met with much opposition.
20 May 1785
He is glad to hear Mauger had a safe trip to Warborne. The House debated the Irish Proposition until 6 am.
16 June 1785
He apologizes for not writing sooner, but he has been busy trying to pass bills in the House of Commons. The new settlements in Canada are doing well. The Irish resolutions now have to pass the House of Lords. Watson may have to serve as Sheriff...
4 July 1785
He has been made Sheriff of Michaelmass.
28 July 1785
He is uncertain when parliament will adjourn. He hopes to see Mauger at Warborne.
9 August 1785
Mauger is ill again. Watson wishes to visit Mauger but is uncertain when he will be able to.
15 August 1785
He would like to meet Mauger in Warborne rather than have Mauger risk a trip into London. [Mauger is still not well.] He is preparing to take over his duties as Sheriff.
8 September 1785
Mr. Tyler wishes to make an offer on Mauger's property at Halifax.
3 October 1785
He will visit the Canadian colonies in the spring. He hopes Mauger's condition improves.
12 October 1785
Comments on Mauger's illness. Encloses a letter from Leslie Groce [Not in collection.]
29 October 1785
Mauger will come to London for the election of a Trinity Brother.
5 November 1785
He will visit General D'Auvergne tomorrow. He comments on the pageantry of the coming week and the executions to follow.
26 November 1785
He has not heard from Mauger and is worried. Families of property from Nantucket are settling at Dartmouth. Watson foretold the minister that this would happen as a result of the Alien Laws of the United States.
December 28, 1785
Discusses a case of theft and the weather.
December 21, 1786
Encloses a letter from Mr. Sharp and hopes that Mauger will be cleared. [See letters # 239 & 240.]
11 May 1776
Butler, John, 1749-1791
[Fragment: 2nd sheet] Continued May 5. Writes regarding the army and plans for the governor to jail someone.
December 9, 1782
Responding to news of Michael Francklin's death. [Third digit of the year is difficult to make out, but Francklin died on 11/8/1782, so that seems likely to be an 8.]
January 11, 1787
John Butler endorsement on a debt owed to Joshua Mauger. The location is written simply as Yeovil; it is not clear which country it originated from.
D'Auvergne, James, fl. 1771-1788
He asks Mauger if his presence is needed in town, however, he would rather lament his loss in private. [Could refer to the death of his wife (and Mauger's daughter) Sarah. Letter # 206 of William Dean dated 10/24/1772 mentions settling the will of...
2 May 1771
He thanks Mauger for news about his nephew. He indicates he will check on deliveries, offers a gift of poultry and hopes that Mrs. Mauger can be persuaded to support his endeavor.
March 24, 1772
He is feeling better and will search for "the late Mr. Durell's book of Orders" when he returns to town.
March 26, 1772
He is sending a package to Picadilly for Nancy. The price of firewood has compelled him to switch to coal, but he must first find the grates to burn it on.
March 28, 1772
Business concerning the execution of Vice-Admiral Philip Durell's will. He says he will send Nancy to a boarding school if she is causing trouble for the Maugers.
March 31, 1772
Discusses adapting fireplaces to burn coal.
2 April 1772
He may have "a touch of the gout." Miss Durell has a disagreeable nature and if she persists in her behavior after "serious advice," she must leave Mauger's house.
24 April 1772
Comments about the weather and gives news of friends.
2 May 1772
Mrs. Mauger wants Miss Durell out of the house.
January 10, 1775
His troops are preparing to move out. He expects the Declaration of War to continue.
3 January 1776
Written regarding a dinner invitation and plans.
February 17, 1776
He cannot get bread or flour to Joshua Mauger before the end of the next month.
February 24, 1776
Discusses news of family and friends.
February 27, 1776
Discusses news of family and friends. Also, says it is strange that they are only informed of American losses.
7 March 1776
Expressing sympathy for Mauger and urging him to remain stoic in the face of his illness.
March 19, 1776
Discusses people who are considering buying one of Mauger's houses.
7 April 1776
Discusses the lease of a house.
April 21, 1776
He has not heard from his nephew and hopes that Mauger can give him information concerning the boy. Location is given as "Southton" - may be Southampton.
5 May 1776
He thinks it was unnecessary for the British to evacuate Boston and wonders how the American troops managed to beat the British army.
6 May 1776
Encloses a letter (GLC03902.091.02) from D'Auvergne's nephew who served in Boston. Location is given as "Southton" - may be Southampton.
to James D'Auvergne
March 6, 1776
D'Auvergne, Phillip, fl. 1779-1786
Enclosed with GLC3902.091.01. Mostly personal news concerning an application for service at home. Briefly mentions the British evacuation of Boston.
"Tuesday." He will write to Mr. Olive to collect the £80 Mauger owes him. News concerning the rental property "Millbrooke."
10 November 1776
He has applied for the governorship of the Isle of Wight ["White"]. Location is given as "Southton" - may be Southampton.
20 November 1776
Mr. Bellie is leaving school at Christmas and is good with accounts.
21 November 1776
He sent money to Miss Bellie.
10 December 1776
Mr. Bellie's master has not released him yet.
December 24, 1776
He is glad to hear that Mr. Bellie is satisfied. He says Lord Spencer has agreed to support him in "the affair I mentioned to you sometime ago."
11 May 1777
A recent trip would have been more pleasant had he been feeling well.
23 July 1777
Regarding Mauger being ill.
30 August 1777
Mr. Bellie has been dismissed due to his extravagance. Mentions news concerning business and that staves are needed in Halifax.
6 September 1777
He is trying to persuade the "young Villain Bellie" to sign onto a Man of War. Bellie's sister continues to do well. Miss Durell will be returning in a week. Mentions that Mrs. Tyson is again quite ill.
13 September 1777
Mr. Bellie has escaped.
December 9, 1777
The recent "unfortunate" news from America may force a change in Ministers and the dissolution of Parliament. "If all that the Publick Print states respecting Burgoun be true things are very bad indeed."
February 17, 1778
Captain Hughes has been offered the Commissionership and Lieutenant Governorship of Halifax.
February 19, 1778
He told Hughes to ask Mauger for advice concerning his new offices in Halifax.
February 21, 1778
Enclosed a bill of exchange [Not in collection]. Hughes will sail for Halifax on the "Vallas" and D'Auvergne hopes Bellie will go with him. He asks: "What be the consequence of Lord N: speech, War or Peace? [. . . . ] [T]he temper of the Americans...
March 16, 1778
Encloses a letter from Mr. Bellie [not in collection] and discusses business.
27 May 1778
Acknowledges receipt of money. Location is given as "Southton" - may be Southampton.
4 June 1778
He asks Mauger to review his accounts and to inform him of any bills paid for either of the Bellies or Miss Durell.
25 July 1778
Newspapers report that Lord Howe has declined to be Peace Commissioner to the United States and has asked to be recalled. The British are adopting a new strategy. Quebec, Halifax, New York and Rhode Island are to be made secure. It is rumored that...
1 August 1778
[First half of letter appears to be missing.] Describes a naval engagement involving the Brest fleet.
8 August 1778
People are upset that Mr. K did not totally destroy the French Fleet. Another attack on the Brest Fleet is planned for the following week. News about D'Auvergne's nephew, Ned [Edward], who has decided to stay in the West Indian trade business...
13 August 1778
He has been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel. He comments: "You see by the Publick Prints what a shabby figure we make in America. Things unfortunately continue to take just the same turn that you had from time to time foretold." He also encloses 150...
29 August 1778
He forwards a letter to Joshua Mauger. Waits to hear news of the Brest Fleet.
10 October 1778
Miss Bellie has caused great trouble by taking a leave of absence, even though she has three more months on her indenture to the Townsends.
16 October 1778
The young girl Bellie has turned out to be worse than her brother. Expresses his concern over the fate of his nephew, Phil, who is in charge of a battery in the colonies. Discusses Miss Bellie's conduct and offers sympathy to Mrs. Tyson, who...
24 October 1778
Worries that Spain may no longer be neutral. Writes of a naval engagement between French and British ships. the British lost and the paroled prisoner are making their way home through Spain. Was written in the Palace Yard.
27 October 1778
The unexpected arrival of Lord Hodre in Westminster. Forwards two letters [not included.]
7 November 1778
The four admirals were at court, which he notes is rather odd. Two of them asked for an audience with the King.
14 November 1778
Discusses a letter he sent to Lord S.[andwich], which has not yet received an answer.
17 November 1778
A man he recommended to Lord Sandwich has received a commission.
January 14, 1779
Sends Mauger a basket. A severe cold has kept him from attending a court Martial in Portsmouth.
January 16, 1779
The ship an associate, Mr. Nicolle, was on has sunk. There is no news of the passengers and crew.
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