Period 2 Question 6

Primary Source

June the 15th, I rode out to Mr. Throop’s a new Society in Norwich, and preach’d one Sermon for him, to a full Assembly. There seem’d to be a great listning to the Word; great Concern appear’d in the Countenances of many; a great Number were in Tears, and several cried out: Some fainted away, and one or two rag’d. After the Sermon was over I took Pains to find out the Spring of that Distress which appeared in many Instances, and I think, they gave Grounds to judge it was from Conviction of Sin; except those Instances that were distress’d with their out-rageous Passions.”

- Jonathan Parsons, “Account of the Revival of Religion at Lyme West Parish in Connecticut,” The Christian History, June 30, 1744 (The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History)