Lesson Plan Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address Government and Civics, Literature 11, 12 Unit Objective This lesson on Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address is part of Gilder Lehrman’s series of Common Core–based units. These units were written to enable students to understand, summarize, and analyze original texts...
History Now Essay Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Lewis E. Lehrman Government and Civics Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address was a peerless work of political theology, evoked in the native tongue he had mastered in the same diligent way he had mastered the rebellion. In 703 words, he summarized the moral dilemma of... Appears in: 36 | Great Inaugural Addresses Summer 2013
Lesson Plan Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan Government and Civics 9, 10, 11, 12, 13+ Essential Question To what degree was Abraham Lincoln successful in achieving his goals? Background The Civil War was perhaps the most momentous event that the United States endured in its history. Author and historian Shelby Foote...
Essay Douglass and Lincoln: A Convergence James Oakes In 1880, Osborn Oldroyd invited Frederick Douglass to write something for a collection of tributes to Abraham Lincoln, published two years later as The Lincoln Memorial: Album-Immortelles . Douglass was uncharacteristically brief, but...
History Now Essay Lincoln and Whitman David S. Reynolds Government and Civics, Literature 9, 10, 11, 12, 13+ The relationship between Walt Whitman and Abraham Lincoln has long been the stuff of legend. According to one report, in 1857 Lincoln in his Springfield law office picked up a copy of Whitman’s poetry volume Leaves of Grass , began... Appears in: Lincoln
History Now Essay Lincoln and Abolitionism Douglas L. Wilson Abraham Lincoln immortalized himself in American history by the role that he played in abolishing the institution of slavery, but he arrived at this distinction only after a long career of opposition to abolitionism. This at first... Appears in: 6 | Lincoln Winter 2005 37 | Gettysburg: Insights and Perspectives Fall 2013
Spotlight on: Primary Source President Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address, 1865 Government and Civics 9, 10, 11, 12, 13+ Just 701 words long, Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address took only six or seven minutes to deliver, yet contains many of the most memorable phrases in American political oratory. The speech contained neither gloating nor rejoicing....