For Current Students

For Current Students

MA in American History students, this page is for you. It attempts to answer all of your programmatic questions from the point of admission to participation in the commencement ceremony in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.


Review the FAQ below. If you are unable to find an answer to your question, contact for assistance. 


Click the LMS button below to access the MA Program learning management system. This is where each of your courses will take place.

Image of an MA graduate accepting their diploma

Frequently Asked Questions

I’ve been accepted to the program! What are my next steps?

Acceptance letter

In your acceptance letter, you will be directed to complete a form acknowledging that you will enroll in the program. You will then receive your Gettysburg account credentials, which will be available in your application portal. It can take up to 10 days for your credentials to be created. If you are not starting in the upcoming term, you will not receive your credentials until closer to your start date. Access your application portal here.

Student dashboard

Once you’ve received your login credentials, you can begin completing tasks on your student dashboard. You must complete the Dashboard at least one week before classes start. It will take approximately five minutes. Here is the link to access the Dashboard.

Can I change my entry term?

Yes. Contact the Office of Admissions at Gettysburg College ( to request a change in your entry term.

I was admitted and never started taking courses. Am I still in the MA program?

If you accepted the offer of admission, were sent Gettysburg College Account Credentials, and have not contacted the Office of the Registrar to officially withdraw from the program, you are still active in the program. This applies even if you did not complete the initial onboarding dashboard or reset your account password.

To regain access to your account, please complete the following steps:

Advising/Courses/Academic Calendars

Who is my advisor?

The MA in American History does not have advisors. Students are free to design their own courses of study based on available elective courses. 

Where is a list of current and upcoming courses?

Go to the Courses page to view current and upcoming courses.

Is there a course catalog for the MA program?

Click here to view a current course catalog.

Are MA in American History courses reoffered?

Most courses are reoffered every few years.

Can I register for multiple courses during a semester?

Yes. You must contact to get permission to register for more than two courses.

What is the workload for a six-week course? How many graduate credits are six-week courses worth?

Six-week courses have the same amount of work as twelve-week courses and are worth three graduate credits each.

2025–2026 Academic Calendar

Click here to view.

2026–2027 Academic Calendar

Click here to view.


Logistics: How do I register for courses?

Log into the Campus Experience platform and follow these instructions to register for courses.

Can I register for three courses during a single semester?

There is a hold on registering for three or more courses. Email the registrar’s office at if you would like to lift the hold.

When can I register for the Capstone in American History?

To register for the Capstone in American History, email the registrar’s office at as they will need to enroll you manually.

How do I know which section professor I am working with this semester?

Section professors will appear in the registration portal with their lab sections once they have been assigned. 

I think I registered but I am not positive. 

You can verify that you are registered for courses by going to Campus Experience, clicking on “Academics” and then viewing your course list.

How much is tuition?

Each 3-credit graduate course is $750.00.

How much is tuition for 3-credit, six-week summer courses?

Each 3-credit, six-week summer course is $750.00.

When is tuition due?

Tuition deadlines can be found above in the Advising/Courses/Academic Calendars section.

How do I pay tuition?

Follow these instructions to pay tuition.


Where can I find course syllabi?

Once syllabi are available, they are posted to the Courses page. 

When will syllabi for the upcoming semester be available?

Draft syllabi are available when registration opens.

Are assigned books provided free to students?

In most courses, students will have to purchase books. Books typically cost around $100 per course. When available, program administrators link books, chapters, articles, and primary sources in the Learning Management System for students to access for free.

Section Professors

When are section professor course assignments available?

Section professors are assigned to courses approximately 4–6 weeks before classes begin.

How do I contact my section professor?

Your section professor’s contact information is available in the course LMS in the Section Professor tab.


Knowledge Base

Click here to view Gettysburg College’s IT Knowledge Base. It contains answers to your tech questions. 

I can’t log in to my Gettysburg email or student account. What should I do?

Review the IT Knowledge Base linked above. If you are unable to find the solution to your issue, contact G-Tech,

How can I avoid getting locked out of my account again?

Set up Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to avoid being locked out of your account again. Click here to view instructions for setting up MFA.

Academic Accommodations

Does Gettysburg College provide accommodations for students with disabilities?

Yes. Gettysburg College provides equal opportunities to students with disabilities admitted through the regular admissions process. 

How do I seek accommodations?

Students seeking accommodation should contact the Center for Student Success,, for additional information specific to the graduate program. The Center for Student Success provides support for students with disabilities who request academic accommodations. Each request for accommodation will be considered individually based on the accommodation(s) requested and the documentation provided. Students eligible for accommodations will receive a Verification of Student Accommodation letter. Students should provide their section professor with their Verification of Student Accommodation letter. Reasonable accommodation for students with learning disabilities may result in some curricular modifications that do not substantially alter course content or involve waiving requirements essential to the graduate program.


Can I get a refund if I drop a course?

When withdrawing from courses during the first week of the semester, students are eligible for a 100 percent refund. There will be no refund for courses dropped after week one.

Can I switch sections of a course?

During week one, students can request course or section changes through the registrar’s office until the add/drop period is concluded.

During weeks two and three of a twelve-week course, students can petition to change sections. Students should send an email to the Gettysburg College registrar,, with the reason for their request. The registrar will evaluate the request, decide if it is urgent, and then, if there is room available in another section, make the change.

Students enrolled in a six-week course may only change sections during the week one add/drop period.

Can I withdraw from a course?

Students can withdraw from a course through the end of week nine of courses.

Can I apply for an Incomplete (Inc)?

Students may request from their section professor a temporary grade of “Incomplete” if extenuating circumstances (e.g., sickness, a recent death in the immediate family, serious personal problems, or other circumstances of equal gravity) prevent completion of course requirements by the end of the semester.

The missing work must be submitted to the adjunct section professor by the end of the add/drop deadline of the semester following the one in which the incomplete was incurred.

If the missing work is not completed by the end of the add/drop deadline, the section professor should assign a final grade that takes into account completed and missing work.

Progress Toward Degree/Transcripts

What are the general requirements to earn a Master of Arts in American History through the Gettysburg College–Gilder Lehrman program?

You will need to pass, with a grade of B- or higher, ten three-credit courses and maintain a GPA of 3.0.

The MA must be completed within five years. If you are unable to complete your degree in five years, you can apply for an extension.

Are there any specific courses I need to take in order to graduate?

Students are required to complete Historiography and Historical Methods and the Capstone in American History courses. Historiography and Historical Methods is a prerequisite to enrollment in the Capstone course. It is recommended, but not required, that you take Historiography and Historical Methods early in the program, as it will help you succeed in other courses.

How long do I have to complete the MA in American History?

Students are expected to complete the MA in American History in five years or less. 

Do I have to take courses every semester?

Students do not have to take courses every semester.

I intend to sit out a semester (or more); do I need to take additional steps beyond not registering for courses?

Students who wish to sit out a semester (or more) do not need to take additional steps to do so. They should, however, sign up for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) before sitting out. Doing so will make it easier to get back into their GBC account if a password reset request is missed. Learn more about MFA here:

Where can I view/download an unofficial copy of my transcript?

Go to Campus Experience: Click on “Academics” in the sidebar –> Then “View unofficial transcript” –> Then click on the “View pdf” button and it will generate an unofficial transcript.

Where can I view/download an official copy of my transcript?

Follow the instructions here:

How soon after completion of the semester will courses show up on my transcript?

Grades are added to student transcripts by the date that grades are due to the registrar from section professors. See the academic calendar for grade due dates.

Capstone in American History

What is the Capstone in American History?

This course lets you apply the knowledge you have acquired throughout the master’s degree program by conducting original research. Its sole focus is the production of either a substantial original research paper or a capstone project of comparable significance as determined by the MA program faculty. Click here to view a past syllabus for the Capstone in American History.

Who is the Capstone lead professor?

Professor Tracey Trenam is the Capstone lead professor. She hosts three Q&A sessions each semester during which Capstone students can ask questions.

When can I sign up for the Capstone course?

Students must complete 24 credits before they can sign up for the Capstone course. To register for the Capstone in American History, email the registrar’s office at as they will need to enroll you manually. In some situations, students are allowed to take the Capstone in American History with fewer than 24 credits. Contact if you think may be eligible. 

Can you tell me more about how to prepare for the Capstone course?

Click here to view a video by Dr. Laura Ping for information about the Capstone course and how to prepare for it. Contact to learn more about the Capstone course.

Can my Capstone in American History paper/project topic be approved in advance of the semester?

No. Capstone projects are approved during the opening weeks of the Capstone in American History. However, if you will enroll in the Capstone within the next three semesters and want to receive early feedback about potential research topics, you can contact Note: This email address is checked weekly on Fridays.

Can I request a specific section professor to work with on my capstone?

Email to determine who is leading sections of the Capstone. Email and to request a specific section professor. Requesting a section professor does not guarantee that you will be in their section.

If I withdraw from the Capstone in American History, can I continue working on the same project or paper when I re-enroll?

Continuing work on a previously started project or paper requires approval from your section professor.


I have almost completed the MA program, what do I need to do in order to graduate and receive my diploma?

If you are registered for your final course(s), you will automatically receive a Graduation Application link from the Office of the Registrar within 2 weeks of the term drop/add deadline.

This Graduation Application allows you to confirm 

  • Your intent to graduate
  • How you would like your name to appear on your diploma and in the Commencement Program
  • Where your diploma should be shipped. Diplomas are shipped to the graduate’s home 6–8 weeks after the term ends.

Note: Applying to graduate and attending Commencement are two different processes. The Office of the Registrar coordinates graduation applications, degree audits, conferral of degrees, mailing of diplomas, and how your name should appear in the Commencement program. In the spring, you will hear from the Gettysburg College Commencement Team and the team at GLI regarding in-person Commencement information. 

When is Commencement for the MA in American History held?

Commencement ceremonies for the MA in American History are held in mid-July. Students who graduated during the prior spring, fall, or summer semesters are eligible to participate in the ceremony. Contact for updates.

Can I bring guests to the commencement ceremony? 

Yes. Graduates are typically allotted two guest seats for the commencement ceremony. Exceptions are sometimes made. Contact if you wish to bring additional guests. 

Where is Commencement for the MA in American History held?

Commencement is held in Gettysburg, PA.

Scholarships/Financial Aid/Fellowships


Students in this program may apply for scholarships from the Gilder Lehrman Institute when they are available. Students in the program are not eligible for Gettysburg College scholarships.

Financial Aid

You may be eligible for Federal Direct Stafford Unsubsidized Loans and private education loans to cover tuition and other education-related costs. Students who apply for federal loans receive their financial aid award letters via mail within two to four weeks of FAFSA submission. Notification times for private education loans vary by lender. Please contact the Gettysburg College Office of Financial Aid at for more information.

You can find student loan information on the US Department of Education Federal Student Aid website. To start the process, you will need to file the free application for federal student aid (known as FAFSA) listing Gettysburg College as the school of choice. This can be done online at The FAFSA school code for Gettysburg College is 003268. Please note that if you do not receive your FAFSA approval before the registration deadline and you are ultimately approved for financial aid, you can apply the aid toward courses for the following term.

Veterans’ Benefits

Eligible students can receive tuition benefits offered by the GI Bill®. For general information about veterans’ benefits, please contact the Gettysburg College Office of Financial Aid at

I am taking courses for my MA+15/30, am I eligible for financial aid? 

No. As a non-degree-seeking student, you are not eligible for financial aid.

What is the James Madison Memorial Fellowship?

Click here to learn more about this $24,000 fellowship for K-12 educators.

Do I need to meet with an advisor to create my plan of study?

No. Go to the Courses page to view upcoming courses and the course catalog to view a full list of courses and their descriptions. Use these to create your plan of study. You may need to make adjustments to your plan of study depending on what courses are offered during your time in the MA program.  

Who can sign my Madison Fellowship plan of study and reimbursement forms?

Email the registrar’s office at to request sign off on your plan of study and payment request form. 

Do you offer courses in fulfillment of the Madison Fellowship’s constitutional coursework requirement?

Madison fellows have received constitutional coursework credit for these courses: The American Enlightenment, The American Revolution, The Declaration of Independence, Democracy in the Early Republic, Women in the American Revolution. Check with the James Madison Fellowship Foundation to confirm that specific courses will count toward your constitutional coursework requirement. 

I have to take a six-credit seminar at Georgetown University as part of my fellowship. Will this count toward my degree requirements?

Yes. Gettysburg College will accept the six graduate credits awarded after completion of the James Madison Memorial Fellowship summer seminar at Georgetown University as fulfillment of two elective courses.