History U | The Global Cold War

The Global Cold War

This History U course examines the origins, strategy, and consequences of the Cold War from a global perspective. 


Course Instructor: Professor Jeremi Suri, University of Texas at Austin
Eligibility: High school students


Image Source: Warren K. Leffler or Thomas J. O'Halloran, a photograph of Anti-Vietnam war protest and demonstration in front of the White House in support of singer Eartha Kitt, January 19, 1968 (US News & World Report Magazine Photograph Collection, Library of Congress)

A photograph of anti-Vietnam War demonstrators carrying signs, "No more...Stop the war!", "Eartha Kitt speaks for the women of America", and "Stop the draft", picketing in front of the White House.
  • History U

  • Free for high school students

Course Description

This History U course examines the origins, strategy, and consequences of the Cold War from a global perspective. Students will discover the conflict’s impact not only in the United States and Russia, but also in sometimes unexpected nations across Eastern Europe, Africa, and Asia. Through narratives that illustrate the Cold War’s many complexities, twists, and turns, we will consider how the events following World War II irrevocably shaped the modern world.

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The views expressed in this course are those of Dr. Jeremi Suri.


  • Twenty-three video sessions led by Professor Jeremi Suri 
  • Links to optional resources
  • Short quizzes to review your knowledge
  • A certificate of completion for 12 hours of course time

How to Access

  1. Click Log In and either log into your account or click the Sign Up link on the login screen to create an account.
  2. Click the Register Now button and complete the order form.
  3. After registering, you may access your course by signing in and visiting your My Courses link under My Account.

Course Introduction


Joe Welch explains what you will learn in this course.

About the Scholar

Jeremi Suri, Mack Brown Distinguished Professor for Global Leadership, History, and Public Policy, University of Texas at Austin

Jeremi Suri is the Mack Brown Distinguished Professor for Global Leadership, History, and Public Policy at the University of Texas at Austin. He specializes in international relations, national security, globalization, and public activism. Some of his critically acclaimed works include Civil War by Other Means: America’s Long and Unfinished Fight for Democracy (2022), The Impossible Presidency: The Rise and Fall of America’s Highest Office (2017), and Henry Kissinger and the American Century (2009). 

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