Enjoy These Early EduHam Online Student Performances
Posted by Gilder Lehrman Staff on Friday, 08/21/2020
The goal of the free Hamilton Education Program Online, which launched on Friday, August 14, is to help students in grades 6–12 recognize the relevance of the Founding Era today by using primary sources to create a performance piece (e.g., a rap, poem, dramatic piece), following the model used by Lin-Manuel Miranda to create the musical Hamilton. The program consists of classroom activities and digital resources that can be incorporated into a regular curriculum on the Founding Era.
As registration begins for the EduHam Online Program, we highlight student performances from the EduHam Online pilot, conducted with 73 schools in fall 2019.
An eighth grader from Rosa International Middle School, Cherry Hill, NJ, performs his piece “Impact.”
Three eleventh graders from Housatonic Valley Regional High School in Falls Village, CT, perform their piece “Pedestal.”
Two seventh graders from Young Audiences Charter School, Greta, LA, perform their piece “Madison and Henry.”
Learn more about the Hamilton Education Program Online and register here.