Carrier Give your shirt or Lose It!

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Broadsides, posters & signs
Give your shirt or Lose It!
Place Written
Syracuse, N.Y.
1 poster Height: 57.3 cm, Width: 44.4 cm
Primary time period
Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945
World War II

One poster entitled, "Give your shirt or Lose It!" printed by Carrier dated 1942-1945. Poster features a civilian holding his jacket and taking off his tie. The poster uses the phrase, "The shirt off your back" as if to motivate Americans to give all they can to the war effort. They say there are three lines to hang your shirt on, "Hang it on the Assembly Line with Sweat! Hang it on the Dotted Line with Bonds! Hang it on the Firing Line with Speed!" The poster also features the Carrier Corporation's slogan, "Let's get it over Quick!" This slogan was suggested by a factory worker who said, "We keep hearing and talking about the war lasting for years. That sort of thinking might keep anyone from hurrying." There is the text' "Carrier Corps," on the back of the poster.

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