Myers, William J., 1919-2002 to Mary Rose Myers

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GLC09683.15-View header record
23 May 1943
Myers, William J., 1919-2002
to Mary Rose Myers
Place Written
Columbia, South Carolina
4 p. : envelope Height: 26.5 cm, Width: 17 cm
Primary time period
Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945
World War II

A letter from William J. Myers to Mary Rose Myers dated May 23, 1943. William writes that he went swimming last night in a lake that is only a few hundred yards from base. While he was swimming another guy was fishing and had great luck. He wasn't sure of his flying due to recent fuel shortages, but hopes to go in the afternoon. William also asks Mary Rose for money as he still hasn't been paid, and reminds her to think about coming to visit if she thinks it is a good idea. William signs the letter as "Tex."

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