Coddaire, James A., 1907-1997 to Olive Coddiare

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GLC09614.08-View header record
5 November 1944
Coddaire, James A., 1907-1997
to Olive Coddiare
Place Written
1 p. : V-Mail Height: 14.2 cm, Width: 11.8 cm
Primary time period
Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945
World War II

Coddiare complains about getting his first piece of mail in the last 10 days. He says "Our Platoon Sergeant Nominated and Elected me in one Swoop, To Handle the Serving of Chow" He then descibes the process of serving dinner, which was cooked in a main kitchen, then put in a thermos and brought via Jeep to the platoons. He mentions that since it is Sunday, Sundays in the army means chicken and that, "I can expect a headache for supper, for our chicken always seem to have more necks and meatless breasts then any poultry you ever heard of." Coddaire then goes on to say he does most of his daydreaming at night when he tries to picture what she is doing at the same moment. He concludes by saying they got beets, noodles, ground meat, spinich peaches and cocoa for dinner.

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