Allen, William, fl. 1834-1880 to Mary Mayberry

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GLC02829.15-View header record
13 August 1864
Allen, William, fl. 1834-1880
to Mary Mayberry
Place Written
Aboard USS Resolute at Lookout Point, Maryland
4 p. : Height: 19.5 cm, Width: 12.6 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Says heat is bad, but he feels better than he ever has except for loneliness. Says "I have not the least caus[e] to complain only some times when I am off of duty and get to thinking and studying I will get low spirited when thinking of home and friends and the time will get tedious but I have to throw it off[.] you Know my disposition as well as I do[.] I cant Help it sometimes." Received the photographs of Becky and Winfield. In reference to his family says "the longer I am from them the mor[e] I love them[.] I dont think I will be long from them[.] I dont know weithe[r] al men are alike and I dont think I was happier in my life than when I was home with my wife and little ones." Writes further about his family and his sadness at missing them. Says he received a letter from Joesph, who is on the James River. It seems their family friend Mr. Rocap has a bad assignment in the Navy and he tells his sister to have Rocap write to him because he might be able to assist him.

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