Allen, Joseph H., fl. 1859-1865 to Mary Mayberry

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GLC02829.03-View header record
October 21, 1860
Allen, Joseph H., fl. 1859-1865
to Mary Mayberry
Place Written
Buenos Aires, Argentina
3 p. : Height: 20.6 cm, Width: 13.2 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

Written by Allen on the USS "Congress." Says his health and spirits are well. Reports there is no news other than "the Ball[.] I expect it will be a grand afair [sic] as the men at the head of it are the most respectable in the ship." Sends regards to individual friends and family members. Says I "hope soon to get our orders for home not that I am tired of the ship but I would like to see you all again." Says he would like to hear from his friends and in "particular the young Ladies." Postscript asks her to bundle letters as the Navy charges for each individual letter brought to the ship. Asks that he tell their mother it is his belief that the "Congress" will be home in 10 months. Says one officer has bet 100 dollars on it. Written on blue paper. Written while aboard the USS "Congress".

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