Allen, Joseph H., fl. 1859-1865 to Bill and Mary Mayberry

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GLC02829.02-View header record
24 August 1860
Allen, Joseph H., fl. 1859-1865
to Bill and Mary Mayberry
Place Written
St. Catherine, Brazil
4 p. : Height: 25 cm, Width: 19.5 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

Contains 2 letters, signed twice. Page 1 and half of page 2 is to his brother-in-law Bill and half of page 2 and page 3 is to his sister (he signed the letter on page 4). Allen is aboard the USS "Congress." Is glad to hear Bill is well and has plenty of work. Says he is healthy and has gained 20 pounds. Says he is about 60 miles down river (probably the Rio de la Plata) from Buenos Aires and that his captain came down to drill the crew. Says it is a fine place and that they go over to the "Island" every day to exercise. Says they are eating well and that every man has gained 20-30 pounds. Claims they have a great time singing and dancing at night. Says he is part of a good glee club that all the men and officers come to listen to. Says their songs are getting played out and they need new ones. Wants him to send music for the songs "Live and Let Live," and "The Raged Coat." References Bill's previous letter where he mentioned wanting a baby girl. Allen says "I thought you and Brother Bill had made a whole Regiment by this time but just wait till I come home and I will show you how to make them as I intend getting married myself." Tells his sister that he hopes she is feeling better after being sick. Says he is glad he has not been sick and that "I think if the Lord spares me to get home I will try and lead a different life." Says it is cold and he cannot find things to send to his family. Asks her to send regards to the family and his friends (he sent individual greetings for many people). Written on blue paper. Written while aboard the USS "Congress".

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