Peirce, Joseph, 1745-1828 to Henry Knox

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GLC02437.05069-View header record
17 July 1791
Peirce, Joseph, 1745-1828
to Henry Knox
Place Written
Boston, Massachusetts
1 p. : address : docket Height: 22.8 cm, Width: 18.2 cm
Primary time period
The New Nation, 1783-1815
The Early Republic

Has not received a letter from Knox since 2 July. Received a letter from Samuel Winslow dated 12 July. Winslow's letter noted, "I have the satisfaction to acquaint you that our Cause has succeeded: the Adverse party intend reviewing at the Sup. Court next year - Mr. Bradbury opin'd & Sullivan closed the plea - The Action upon Coxes petition was continued for want of time - Mr Parsons is secd against us - Judge Sullivan thinks there is no danger - It will be adviseable to secure Parsons & Sullivan to defend the Action at Review next year." Reports that the cause first mentioned is the Cooper claim. Says [Tench] Coxes's petition involves "100 acres of Land of Mr. Flucker's right of the 511 Acres at [Stroudwater] which was sold to him by the Collector of Taxes illegally." Reports that the deeds are not yet exchanged. Says Judge [James] Sullivan will is expected in town this week. Knox notes in the docket that he answered the letter on 2 August.

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