Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809 to Henry Knox

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17 July 1791
Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809
to Henry Knox
Place Written
Boston, Massachusetts
2 p. : docket ; Height: 22.6 cm, Width: 18.6 cm
Primary time period
The New Nation, 1783-1815
The Early Republic

References Knox's letter of 10 July. Is happy that Knox approves of his negotiations. Is at a loss "where would be the best location." Will know more when Mr. Bruce returns from Penobscot. Wrote to Knox last Sunday about the purchase of the town of Trenton in the District of Maine with half of Mount Desert and a number of other islands in the bay. Believes it will be about 60-70,000 acres at less than ten cents an acre. Says it is advantageously connected with the Lottery Townships and "opens a wide door (bounding on the Sea) to our purchase." Tells him to move quickly on this purchase. If he is confused, says that Knox should look at Royal Flint's maps. Hope he made it to New York on the 16 July and saw Flint. Says Knox's copies of the maps are not ready.

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