Ward, Edward K., 1837-1864 to his sister

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GLC02232.20-View header record
14 August 1863
Ward, Edward K., 1837-1864
to his sister
Place Written
Chattanooga, Tennessee
3 p. : Height: 25.5 cm, Width: 20.5 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Writes that he hasn't heard from his family in a long time. He updates his sister on Marshall's (Ward's brother, also referred to as Sam) whereabouts and condition. Ward writes that he spends most of his time in camp reading Waverly novels and the Bible because he doesn't care for Chattanooga or its residents. He complains that he is broke and needs a new pair of boots, which he hopes his sister will be able to furnish for him. Mentions Ms. Ettie (a former love interest with abolitionist tendencies) and writes that he wishes never to discuss her again. Informs his sister that Clarence (a brother or close family friend) has been reported as a deserter. He feels as if the war is never going to end, but is willing to stick it out. Asks if his sister can come out to visit him. Requests daguerrotypes of his sisters and some handkerchiefs. Closes the letter by stating that he will marry the first rich Dixie girl that will take him. He is concerned that if he doesn't marry soon, he will get too old to marry.

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