Schouler, William, 1814-1872 Annual report of the Adjutant-General, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with reports from the Quartermaster-General, Surgeon-General, Commissary-General, and Master of Ordnance

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December 31, 1861
Schouler, William, 1814-1872
Annual report of the Adjutant-General, of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, with reports from the Quartermaster-General, Surgeon-General, Commissary-General, and Master of Ordnance
Place Written
Boston, Massachusetts
1 v. : 143 p. : Height: 23.7 cm, Width: 14.6 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Adjutant General Schouler submitted his report along with the reports of the Quartermaster General, Surgeon General, Commissary General, and Master of Ordnance to Massachusetts Governor John A. Andrew. All the reports contain an update on the department, sometimes with pertinent correspondence, and various financial statements. Pages 1-91 contains the report of Schouler. Next is the report of Surgeon General William J. Dale, which is paginated 1-15 (with charts and tables on page 8-15). Next is the report of the Master of Ordinance Charles Amory, which is paginated 1-21 (with charts and tables on pages 5-21). Next is the report of the Commissary General E.D. Brigham, which is paginated 1-4. Next is the report of the Military Committee of the Council (which appears to be the Quartermaster's department). The committee consists of Hugh W. Greene, Oakes Ames, and John I. Baker. It is paginated 1-12 (with charts and tables on pages 4-12). Original stab-stitch binding.

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