Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874 No slavery in Nebraska: no slavery in the nation: slavery an outlaw. Speech of Gerrit Smith, on the Nebraska Bill.

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6 April 1854
Smith, Gerrit, 1797-1874
No slavery in Nebraska: no slavery in the nation: slavery an outlaw. Speech of Gerrit Smith, on the Nebraska Bill.
Place Written
Washington, District of Columbia
1 v. : 24 p. : Height: 22.1 cm, Width: 13.6 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

Representative Smith states, "I am opposed to the bill for organizing the Territories of Nebraska and Kansas, which has come to us from the Senate, because, in the first place, it insults colored men, and the Maker of all men, by limiting suffrage to white men... in the second place, it limits suffrage to persons, who have acquired citizenship... in the third place, because, it is so drawn, as to convey the deceptive idea... that the bill recognizes the doctrine of non-intervention."

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