South Carolina General Assembly, Senate Report of a special committee of the Senate of South Carolina on the Resolution submitted by Mr. Ramsay on the Subject of State Rights.

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January 11, 1828
South Carolina General Assembly, Senate
Report of a special committee of the Senate of South Carolina on the Resolution submitted by Mr. Ramsay on the Subject of State Rights.
Place Written
Washington, District of Columbia
19 p. : Height: 22 cm, Width: 14 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
The First Age of Reform

Marked 20th Congress, 1st Session. Printed by Duff Green. Report of a committee formed to inquire into the various issues of states' rights, the Constitution, and the power of the federal government within the states. The report supports states' rights and promotes a strict constructivist position opposing tariffs and improvements within particular states that are not for the common defense. First edition.

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