Bring the "Alexander Hamilton: Immigrant, Patriot, Visionary" Traveling Exhibition to Your School or Library

Alexander Hamilton: Immigrant, Patriot, Visionary in a school libraryGilder Lehrman Traveling Exhibitions are captivating ways to interact with American history—in the classroom, library, or other public space.

One of our most popular exhibitions is Alexander Hamilton: Immigrant, Patriot, Visionary. It examines Hamilton’s central role during the Revolutionary War and founding period in creating the economic, constitutional, and political templates for modern America.

Using reproductions from the Gilder Lehrman Collection and the Library of the New-York Historical Society, and drawing on recent scholarship about Alexander Hamilton, this traveling exhibition helps students learn about Hamilton as a statesman and visionary whose life shaped the America we live in two hundred years after his death.

Lin-Manuel MirandaThe exhibit makes a perfect companion piece for students working on EduHam Online, the Gilder Lehrman Institute program that helps students in grades 6–12 see the relevance of the founding era by using primary sources to create a performance piece following the model used by Lin-Manuel Miranda to create the musical Hamilton

Find out more here.

All the Gilder Lehrman Traveling Exhibitions

  • Feature primary source documents, many from the Gilder Lehrman Collection, that reveal the public and private words of people living at the time
  • Currently cover five major topics in American history, from leading figures like Alexander Hamilton and Frederick Douglass to important topics like immigration and  World War I
  • Are available to rent or purchase for display in the continental United States
  • Are supplemented by materials and resources that bring the exhibitions to life for students, teachers, librarians, and the general public

Learn more about Traveling Exhibitions here.