United States. Army. Armed Forces in the Middle East Pacific Stars and Stripes [Vol. 19. No. 241 (August 30, 1963)]


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GLC09976.01-View header record
30 August 1963
United States. Army. Armed Forces in the Middle East
Pacific Stars and Stripes [Vol. 19. No. 241 (August 30, 1963)]
Place Written
Tokyo, Japan
23 p. :
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Primary time period
1945 to the Present
The Sixties

One newspaper entitled Pacific Stars and Stripes dated August 30, 1963. Produced for United States Armed Forces deployed in the South Pacific region in 1963. It chronicles news from home as well as events in the area. Includes television schedule, classified ads, and a sports section.
On the front page is a large image of the 1963 March on Washington accompanied by an article that continues on page five with an additional photo. The Article finishes on the back page with a photo of protestors dipping their feet into the reflecting pool.
Some other articles of interest include;
Teacher Controversy Simmers in California p.2: concerning teacher qualifications and education standards.
Mississippi Voters Back Militant Segregationist p.3: regarding the election of Paul Johnson Jr. as Governor of Mississippi in a record turnout.
Huge 'Little Joe' Rocket Test U.S. Plans for Moon p.4: concerning NASA and the space race.
An Obituary for Dr. W.E.B. Dubois p.4.
Birmingham: Political Crossroad p.9: Concerning the events in Birmingham being a trigger for Civil Rights legislation.
Woman Gaining in Voting Rights p.9: Concerning Women's voting rights around the world.
Tracing the Turmoil in Vietnam p. 16: Regarding a clash between Buddhists and the Vietnamese government troops.
Viet Government Takes Issue With U.S. View p.24: concerning the Vietnamese governments dissatisfaction with America's view of the Buddhist situation in Vietnam. There was a declaration by the United States State Department on August 21.

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