Abernathy, Ralph, 1926-1990 On Trial: Angela Davis or America?

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Books & pamphlets
February 2, 1971
Abernathy, Ralph, 1926-1990
On Trial: Angela Davis or America?
Place Written
New York, New York
1 v. : 15 p. : Height: 21.3 cm, Width: 14 cm
Primary time period
1945 to the Present
The Civil Rights Movement

This pamphlet is a collection of two speeches and one essay. The speeches were given by John Abt, and Reverand Ralph Abernathy, on Davis's 27th birthday on February 2nd 1921. The Essay was written to explain the actions of a panel of 12 African American law professors who gave Davis advice on her case. The pamphlet also had an introduction by Ossie Davis the Chairman of the Angela Davis Legal Defense Fund, who asks for donations to the fund.

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