Baltimore Urban League Minority Occupancy and Housing Values

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Books & pamphlets
14 October 1957
Baltimore Urban League
Minority Occupancy and Housing Values
Place Written
Baltimore, Maryland
1 pamphlet 8 p. : Height: 10.2 cm, Width: 22 cm
Primary time period
1945 to the Present
The Fifties

One pamphlet dated October 14, 1957 entitled, "Minority Occupancy and Housing Values," printed by the Baltimore Urban League. Raises issues of housing in non-white neighborhoods; costs of houses rising while analyzing the change of occupancy by race; the socio-economic status of black families living in Baltimore; costs for maintenance and property improvement; family attitudes; housing conditions for black families after moving into areas white families have left; and a case study of families moving to houses located on Longwood Street in Baltimore.

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