Coddaire, James A., 1907-1997 to Olive Coddiare

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GLC09614.14-View header record
March 15, 1945
Coddaire, James A., 1907-1997
to Olive Coddiare
Place Written
1 p. : V-Mail Height: 14.1 cm, Width: 11.8 cm
Primary time period
Great Depression and World War II, 1929-1945
World War II

Coddaire writes that he had a bunch of mail, four V-Mails, and two letters. One letter from Bill Elder, and one from Isobel and Jack which was dated March 9th. The V-Mails were from her and were from the 2-5th of March. He mentions that the name of a town was censored in his letter even though he was told "we could mention any town within twenty-five miles." He mentions that Bill Elder sent him a cut out of the "Transcript" with a picture of Carl and an article about him being wounded and recieving the heart. He was also sent a "house-organ from St. Francis Church with updates of parisioners in the service." He ends the letter saying "Here's the end of the sheet and I haven't begun yet. Oh Well!"

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