Rifenburgh, Peter E., 1843-1863 to sister

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GLC08914.009-View header record
24 November 1862
Rifenburgh, Peter E., 1843-1863
to sister
Place Written
Hampton, Virginia
4 p. : Height: 19.3 cm, Width: 24 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Received her letter today. Cold is getting better; will be fine in a few days. Many on board the ship are still sick. A man in his company took sick, "got crazy," jumped overboard, and drowned last night. Gun boats have gone ahead, and "we expect to leave in a few days." Thinks they are going to either Charleston or Texas. Is currently sitting on top of the wheel house. Sees the large fort and "five or six" steam ships. After the rebels are done fighting with him, they "will [be] so whipped that they will come up to us and shake hands." Sent $10 of his pay with the letter. She should put some of that money towards a tombstone for their mother. Written at Fort Monroe

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