Chandler, Daniel T., fl. 1861-1868 Andersonville Prison archive of A.A.G. of Commandant Wirz [Decimalized .01- .12]

1. Nichols, A.A. ADS: San Antonio, Tex. Special order no. 34 re: instructions for Col. Chandler. 26 February 1861. 2 p.
2. Nichols, A.A. MDS: San Antonio Tex. List of Ordnance and Ordnance Stores [two duplicate copies.] 29 April 1861. 2 p.
3. Garesche, Julius. DS: Washington. Commission of Chandler to the rank of Major. 4 November 1861. 1 p.
4. Thomas, L. MDS: Washington. Special orders no. 34 re: list of officers held prisoner. 15 February 1862. 1 p.
5. Chandler, D.T. ADS: [s.l.] Request for documentation of his resignation. Endorsed by John C. Breckinridge, Sec. of War. 2 April 1865. 1 p. + addr.
6. Wallace, Samuel B. D: Baltimore, Md. General Orders no. 87 re: prisoners of war. 1 p. + dock.
7. Smith, Normand. DS: Richmond, Va. Provost Marshal Certificate No. 1958 re: Chandler swore oath. 1 May 1865. 1 p. + dock.
8. Woolley, John. ALS: Baltimore. re: orders Chandler to report to Provost Marshal's office prepared to go to Washington. 21 August 1865. 1 p. + dock.
9. Chandler, D.T. ALS: Richmond, Va., to E.M. Stanton, Sec. of War. 2 May 1865. 4 p.
10. Scoulle, C.E. DS: Virginia. Provost Marshal Pass re: pass for Chandler to Washington. 27 May 1865. 1 p. + dock.
11. Chandler, D.T. ALS: Baltimore, Md., to Thomas G. Pratt. 12 January 1868. 5 p. + dock.
12. Chandler, D.T. AD: Baltimore, Md. Copies of letters received. 13 January 1868. 4 p.

Header Record
Chandler, Daniel T., fl. 1861-1868
Andersonville Prison archive of A.A.G. of Commandant Wirz [Decimalized .01- .12]
Place Written
Various Places
12 items
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War