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Tyler & Allegre, fl. 1862-1865 The daily richmond enquirer. [Vol. 36, no. 201 (November 29, 1862)]

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Gilder Lehrman Collection #: GLC05959.80.05 Author/Creator: Tyler & Allegre, fl. 1862-1865 Place Written: Richmond, Virginia Type: Newspaper Date: 29 November 1862 Pagination: 2 p. ; 68 x 47 cm. Order a Copy

From the "Chicago Times," a report of the Congressional returns from the North. Report from the "Galveston News" on the Bombardment of Port Lavacca. Update on "The Siutation in Tennessee." Report that the Army of the Potomac under General George McCellean was crippled at the battle of Sharpsburg. Advertisement for the hire of 500 negroes to work as laborers for the army in 1863. Editorial on "The People and the War," which says "We are delighted with the displays of patriotism of which our exchanges continue to bring us the evidence from all parts of the Confederacy." Short tidbit claims that the next "battle, whenever it may be fought, between General Lee and General Burnside, if successful to teh Confederate arms, in the opinion of some, will be the final battle of the war." Article titled "Retalliation Called For," expresses anger about the actions of Burnside's "Abolition Army." Report on an incident involving the escape of Confederate partisan John Morgan. Morgan was dressed in a Union uniform and when he was surrounded by Union troops, he told them they should chase the Confederates, and when they went the direction he pointed, he escaped back to rebel lines. Resignation letter of Colonel D. K. McRae.

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