Morse, N.S., fl. 1862-1864 Daily chronicle & sentinel. [Vol. 27, no. 309 (November 10, 1863)]

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10 November 1863
Morse, N.S., fl. 1862-1864
Daily chronicle & sentinel. [Vol. 27, no. 309 (November 10, 1863)]
Place Written
Augusta, Georgia
4 p. : Height: 52.5 cm, Width: 33.7 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Subjects include General Expectation of a Battle in the Vicinity of Chattanooga, Forces Now Occupy Knoxville, Tennessee, Sherman to Command in Tennessee, Meade to Advance Again, The Federals Occupying Charleston, Capture of Bragg's Forage Train, From Charleston - Progress of the Bombardment, Taylor's Victory Over Banks. An editorial extolling the virtue of Washington to serve where needed without regard to position or title makes application of the Revolution to the Civil War in the hope of extinguishing jealousy and envy in sacrifice. A long letter by C.P. Culver on currency describes the many different financial schemes at the time, basing value on the 1860 census. This issue contains the inaugural address of Georgia Governor Joseph Brown. An appeal for blankets for needy soldiers appears in Special Notices. A letter "To the Women of Georgia" from Ira R. Foster, Quarter Master General of Georgia, thanks women for contributing socks to soldiers.

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