Ingersoll, Truman W., 1862-1922 [Collection of stereocards]

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GLC05139.03-View header record
circa 1860-1902
Ingersoll, Truman W., 1862-1922
[Collection of stereocards]
Place Written
Various Places
61 stereocards : b&w : col. Height: 9 cm, Width: 18 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

Collection of 61 stereocards received with Alexander Beckers' stereo viewers, GLC 5139.01 and .02. The subjects of the stereocards vary. There are 11 black and white photographic cards of views of London and England (#1-11), miscellaneous black and white photographic stereocards of various places such as Niagara Falls, Yosemite, Edinburgh, the Nile etc. (#12-28). The remainder of the cards are painted photographs. Many depict domestic scenes meant to teach a lesson (# 29-43) and were most likely all copyrighted by Truman W. Ingersoll as a few are printed with his copyright and all are similar in appearance. The remainder are miscellaneous painted photographs of various domestic, religious, or nature scenes (#44-61).

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