Sartine, Antoine de, comte d'Alby, 1729-1801 Memoire du Roi pour servir d'instruction particuliere a M. le Cte. de Grasse [in French]


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GLC04322.02-View header record
8 June 1780
Sartine, Antoine de, comte d'Alby, 1729-1801
Memoire du Roi pour servir d'instruction particuliere a M. le Cte. de Grasse [in French]
Place Written
Versailles, France
12 p. : Height: 31.5 cm, Width: 20.5 cm
Primary time period
American Revolution, 1763-1783
The War for Independence

Copy of orders sent to Admiral de Grasse. Orders state that he is to replace Comte de Guichen as the French naval commander. Also state that he is to remain in Newport, Rhode Island and protect the French squadron under Rochambeau. By the time de Grasse had received these orders he had already returned to France with Guichen. He quickly returned to America, and later played a vital role in the American victory at Yorktown. This copy was most likely intended to be distributed to de Grasse's subordinates.

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