Phelps, Diton, fl. 1861-1864 to Don

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GLC03523.49.09-View header record
February 15, 1862
Phelps, Diton, fl. 1861-1864
to Don
Place Written
Langley, Virginia
4 p. : Height: 18.4 cm, Width: 22.3 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Writes from Camp Pierpont. Wants Don to visit and see what camp life is like. Tells of the different kinds of societies that exist in camp. Inside the tents he states that there is usually gambling and card playing, even amongst the officers and with those who are under arrest. Discusses the Lieutenant Forrest trial. Says that some of the charges against him were sustained; however, they [the army?] were not satisfied and have brought more charges against him. The first court-marshal resulted in a reprimand from General George McCall. The Lieutenant was found guilty of using disrespectful language towards a superior. States that the Lieutenant "told Capt in presence of the camp he would have a God dammed good time reducing Sergt Perkins to the ranks." Comments that he does not like Captain Bradley or Lieutenant Forrest. Writes that "this Southern Confederacy is about played out." Reports that they hear good news from General Ambrose Burnside's expedition. Comments that they will never try to take Manassas, Virginia; instead they will surround them and starve them out.

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