Reifsuyder, J. Henry, fl. 1862 to Henry F. McSherry

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GLC03523.21.17-View header record
28 July 1862
Reifsuyder, J. Henry, fl. 1862
to Henry F. McSherry
Place Written
Pottstown, Pennsylvania
2 p. : docket ; Height: 24.4 cm, Width: 19.9 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Signed and initialled by Reifsuyder, who was previously the clerk to Captain Donaldson of the USS "Sciota," the ship where McSherry was the assistant surgeon. Asks for his pardon in not writing sooner, but was "totally unable" to respond until now. Says he was ill when he arrived at home, and was also so excited to go home he forgot to pack Henry's previous letter. Has wondered how he got through his sickness (Henry had malaria previously). Hopes he enjoyed himself at his house in Baltimore. Says he has written to Donaldson to be reassigned as clerk to him when he gets a new commission. Docket says Reifsuyder was "Surgeon's Steward." Letter is faded.

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