Damuth, Dolphus, fl. 1839-1913 to Maria Damuth

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GLC03523.14.11-View header record
January 30, 1863
Damuth, Dolphus, fl. 1839-1913
to Maria Damuth
Place Written
Helena, Arkansas
4 p. : envelope Height: 12.5 cm, Width: 20 cm
Primary time period
Civil War and Reconstruction, 1861-1877
The American Civil War

Receives a package, containing socks and a photograph, from Maria. Describes the effectiveness of an officer and friend who is well-liked for his attentiveness towards his men, especially sick soldiers. Mentions that Colonel Gill has promised all the soldiers they will be home by Christmas. Writes that "the South is most ruined now and will be intirely [sic] if this goes on an other year." Thinks that the Southerners are eager for the war to end. Writes that Grant has gone to Vicksburg and predicts that they will not have to go after all, for which he is grateful - "I am not so ambitious as to want to go down thear and get killed or see others die and suffer."

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