Jones, Thomas Ap Catesby, 1790-1858 to Charles M. Armstrong

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18 April 1849
Jones, Thomas Ap Catesby, 1790-1858
to Charles M. Armstrong
Place Written
Sausalito, California
2 p. : Height: 31 cm, Width: 19.9 cm
Primary time period
National Expansion and Reform, 1815-1860
Age of Jackson

Jones' letter discussing John B. Marchand's "lack of zeal and restiveness" and his "hostility to my lawful authority," written in Marchand's hand. Jones discusses the insubordinate actions of Marchand and two other officers, which he says were caused by "gold mania." Says these officers opposed his orders, and then acted disrespectfully towards their superior officer. Jones' letter attacking these officers has become public, and he assures Lieutenant Armstrong that his censures were only directed towards those three officers, and not intended for other officers under his command. Written on board the "Flag Ship Ohio." Jones, commander of the United States Navy in the Pacific, would later be court martialled for oppressing his junior officers. Written as a wave of "Forty Niners" hit California, follows the discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill.

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