Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809 to Henry Knox

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GLC02437.05861-View header record
March 31, 1793
Jackson, Henry, 1747-1809
to Henry Knox
Place Written
Boston, Massachusetts
4 p. : Height: 24.9 cm, Width: 19.7 cm
Primary time period
The New Nation, 1783-1815
The Early Republic

Signed twice by Jackson. References Knox's letter of 20 March. Has heard nothing from William Tudor since the last letter he forwarded to Knox. Relates that his note to Tudor was due 17 March. Reports that [Thomas?] Adams the printer informed him that the article in a North Carolina newspaper Knox was asking about "was inclosed to him by a Gentleman from Pensylvania." Adams would not give the gentleman's name, nor confirm it came from Philadelphia. Jackson believes he can find out the name if Knox wishes to know. Refers Knox to William Bingham's letter about their land concern. Wants to go to Maine with Knox, and reminds him they are embarking from Portland now as a packet now runs regularly between there and Boston. Says "I am anxious for your present situation but hope & pray for the best, you will let me know when all danger is over, that my mind may be releived from its present fears & apprehensions." Says he intends to visit "a Public Exhibition of the Students at the Hingham Academy." Will see Henry Jackson Knox there who Henry Jackson refers to as "my boy." Reports that the boy needs steadiness, but that he has improved upon his "language, manners & deportment." Speaks highly of the boy and hopes he will continue where he is until he enters Harvard. Is very much against the boy going home for the summer. Continues letter on 1 April. Encloses correspondence he has had with Judge Sullivan. This will show Knox the situation they are in since they have not made the $30,000 payment as their contract stipulates. Hopes Knox will consult Bingham on the subject. Reminds him the $5,200 note is due 29 April.

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