McClure, David, 1748-1820 to Henry Knox

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3 September 1792
McClure, David, 1748-1820
to Henry Knox
Place Written
East Windsor, Connecticut
3 p. : address : docket ; Height: 24.2 cm, Width: 19.4 cm
Primary time period
The New Nation, 1783-1815
The Early Republic

Writes concerning the state of the Indian wars. Though he prefers peaceful ways to settle the conflicts, acknowledges that "[p]acific measures which I wished ardently at first, are now probibly [sic] too late. When I wrote you, I knew not that so many attempts had been made to conciliate the hostile tribes, as I find by your public declaration, had been made." States that "The calamity of the Indian war, is, I think productive of one great good of the negative kind, which is the prevention of a too extensive emigration over the western Territory, Were this embarresment [sic] removed thousands would spread themselves over that boundless region from the Lakes to the Missisipi [sic] & I have no doubt would gradually & speedily lose the habits of subordination in society, the restraints of law & government & the means of education & religion & adopt the habits of savages ... "

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