Knox, Henry, 1750-1806 to Lucy Knox


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GLC02437.00361-View header record
4 July 1776
Knox, Henry, 1750-1806
to Lucy Knox
Place Written
New York, New York
1 p. : docket Height: 31.5 cm, Width: 18.6 cm
Primary time period
American Revolution, 1763-1783
The War for Independence

Laments that Lucy had to abruptly leave New York, although it was for her safety. They believed the British would attack but they landed on Staten Island instead, where they were "received with a hearty welcome by its rascally Tory inhabitants." Mentions that the people in New Jersey were assembling their militia (see GLC02437.00357). Favorably assesses their artillery preparations for battle. Asks Lucy to send his trunk back, which has his papers and money in it, and asks where to send her clothes. Pressing business prevents him from writing more. Gives love to their baby.

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